Showing posts with label Scrapbooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrapbooking. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2012

Darcy's Postcard Challenge

 Hello art friends! I hope 2011 treated you well, and that you were able to make plenty of art! I myself have been engrossed in growing as an artist myself and having a ball! I've met some fantastic artists and friends on ustream and joined in several challenges. The most recent is hosted by Darcy! Check out her link to read all about the deets:) Here is my postcard book and first card. 

I hope to update more regularly, (ya, I've said that before), and list more of last years projects soon!!! Santa brought me an iPad, so I'm learning to post to blogger from it. I'm crossing my fingers this post works and that this process will make it easier for me to stay current:):) 

Hugs and inky paint stained fingers:)


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Art Journal Play

Whew, hi all,  how's it going??? I've been soo bad at blogging, it's so hard to find time to create and blog about it as well! But alas, I'm here now, I can feel guilt free for at least a little while:) Lately, I've been in Art Journaling heaven!!! As a scrapper, I've always played with mixed media, but never in an Entire little journal
just for me and my ramblings! I've been hanging out on ustream, and have found a wonderful little art community full of inspiration and encouragement! As a matter of fact, I've even streamed a few videos;):)
Here are some pics of my pages, there's still plenty of room for the journaling, that will come.... either with my wine or my coffee:):)

I hope you are all able to make time for creative play in your days! Thanks for stopping by:)
Hugs xx