Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday Tip: Scrapbooking with Stampin' Up!

Today's tip is one on scrapbooking.
Ever find that a 12 x 12 layout is a little intimidating?
Here's a page that I demonstrated at a Stampin' Up! party this past weekend.
I find that if I begin with a 8 1/2 x 11 page and build from there; it is much easier. This went together quickly using the Bells and Boughs set from the Holiday Mini Catalog with some ribbon and Big Designer Buttons as accents.
Try using this scrap method next time that 12 x 12 looks a little too'll have it put together before you know it! Leave a comment here if you have a question...Happy Stamping! ---Lisa

Digital scrapbooker? Sign up for my Digital Scrapbooking mailing list to receive some tips and freebies!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Tip: My Favorite Summer Set

When asked the question..."what is your favorite summer set?"--- I had to answer "Sentimental Journey" from Stampin' Up! This set is not only great for cards but is also perfect for scrapbooking those travel memories as seen HERE. Fun stuff!

These cards started off as one but it was going no-where fast when I decided to split it in two---one side to use as a card; the other opens to reveal a journaling block for a scrapbook page.
The card features the coordinating designer paper, Travel Journal, which is a must have with this set! I used the blue distressing ink from the Distressing Essentials Kit to add some interest along with some hardware and the journey definition from Define Your Life.

This Sentimental Journey stamp set and Travel Journal Designer Series Paper WILL NOT be available after today, August 31st! If you would like to order either of these or any Stampin' Up! products, click HERE!
Have a creative day!---Lisa

Stamps: Sentimental Journey-wood:118513, clear: 120075, Define Your Life-114950
Paper: Travel Journal Designer Series Paper-117156, Whisper White-100730 and Night of Navy-100867 card stock
Ink: Night of Navy Classic-102977, VersaMark- 102283
Accessories: Clear-109130 and Silver-109131 Embossing Powder, Heat Tool-100005, Styled Silver Hodgepodge Hardware-111325, Metallic Eyelets-105319, Distressing Essentials Kit-118762, Cutter Kit-106958

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Tip: Quick Mini Album

Align Center

oh yeah! That's right... This went together so easily... excited---yes! It's for my daughter, Kristen, and all she has to do is add journaling aka "the story". :)

Stamps: Sentimental Journey-118513(wood); 120075(clear)
Define Your Life-114950
Paper: Travel Journal Designer Series Paper-117156, Night of Navy-100867, Garden Green- 102854, Pumpkin Pie-105117
Ink: Night of Navy-102977, Garden Green-102272
Accessories:Briefcase On Board-118766, Bigz Alphabet Simple Letters-115960

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Tip: Taking Scrap-Worthy Photos

It's that time of year when families travel and take photos of their vacations to preserve the memory.
Today, I'd like to share a few tips that I have found helpful and also make great photos to add to scrapbook pages. I am no expert...these are just some tips that have worked for me.

1) Try to catch those candid moments...the kids interacting with others, a reunion embrace of a friends or family members, facial expressions of those experiencing the beauty of nature...

2) When taking shots of scenic views with others in the photo, have the subjects either to the right or left in your view finder rather than standing in front of the view.

3) It's fun to photograph your meals in a special restaurant. I remember taking shots of our fabulous desserts from Serendipity 3 in NYC (we ordered THREE so we could share and sample all of them). I then took another shot of the empty dishes as we finished. The time stamp was active on my camera and I kid you not...we devoured those desserts in a little over three minutes!!! Fun and delicious memory!

4) I find that I take way too many shots of the same scene! Be mindful of that.

5) If the locals are willing, take photos of and/or with them. I took photos of my daughters posing with one of New York City's finest, the hot dog vendor on Wall Street, the makeover artist in Macy's, the street vendors in Chinatown, and the bakers in the Buttercup Bake Shop.

I hope these tips give you a few ideas for your next vacation. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

ink and inspirations Super Saturday: Super Sensational My Digital Studio from Stampin' Up!

Tomorrow will be our 35th wedding anniversary! I wanted to share this layout I created with My Digital Studio(118108) from Stampin' Up! It's an awesome digital crafting solution and you can read more about it HERE and also sign up for my Digital Crafting Mailing List and receive some FREEBIES! Check it out!

(As you read this on the date posted, my husband will be in the hospital after undergoing surgery yesterday. I ask that you please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you!---Lisa)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thoughts on Scrapbooking Simply

With summer time approaching and lots of memories being made, there is opportunity to preserve these special moments through scrapbooking.   Scrapbooking should be enjoyable and stress - free. I found this article at and thought it was well worth sharing:

Myths about Simple Scrapbooks

If you’ve convinced yourself that every scrapbook page you create needs to be a work of art, it’s time to debunk some of common myths about simple scrapbooking. For example:

  * Simple equals boring. A simple scrapbook offers a clean, sophisticated, and elegant way to put the focus on your family’s memories. What’s boring about that?
  * Simple is for beginners. Implementing a philosophy of simple scrapbooking lets you get more pages done in a shorter amount of time. Simplicity isn’t for beginners, but it is a smart move for anyone interested in efficiency.
  * Simple doesn’t leave room for fun. If you love to shop for new scrapbook supplies, you may find yourself wondering how simple scrapbooks leave room for creative exploration. However, it’s still possible to experiment with trends on your layouts. You’ll just need to present them in a streamlined way. 

Streamline Your Scrapbooking

What makes a simple scrapbook? Generally, a simple layout is one that can be completed in less than one hour using little or no advanced crafting techniques. In fact, many simple scrapbookers describe their philosophy of scrapbooking with the phrase, “It’s just pictures, paper, and glue.”

To make scrapbooking seem like less of a chore, try implementing the following ideas on your layouts:

  * Cardstock or simple patterned paper backgrounds
  * Designs inspired by layout sketches
  or photo grids
  * Pages that use only your best photos from an event – even if that means creating a single photo layout
  * Black and white photos to allow for maximum flexibility in choosing color schemes
  * No matting on photos
  * Minimal embellishments, with a preference for stickers, rub-ons, brads, and other easy-to-use accents
  * Journaling typed in an easy-to-read font and given prominent placement on the page 

Another key component of simple scrapbooking is the non-chronological approach to creating an album. Instead of spending your time putting all of your photos in order, try working on whatever happens to inspire you at a particular moment. Don’t worry about remembering when a particular event took place, simply focus on the feelings and emotions behind the photo. Aim to create a family storybook, not a timeline of events. When you create a simple scrapbook, you magnify the moments of everyday life. 

Try your hand at preserving memories through scrapbooking.  Stampin' Up! offers some great coordiated kits to make this super easy!  Visit my Online Store and enter  Simply Scrappin' Kits in the search box.


Sign up for my Digital Scrapbooking Mailing List and receive FREE scrapbooking tips weekly via email!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stampin' Up! My Digital Studio: Using a Quote for Inspiration

Today is the birthday of George Lucas, Academy Award nominated American director, screenwriter, and producer.  He is best known as creator of the epic science fiction franchise, Star Wars.

In celebration of his birthday, I have created a digital layout with My Digital Studio using one of my favorite quotes from Yoda, the Jedi Master: "Do, or do not.  There is no try".  Enjoy!

Interested in the "digital" side? Sign up for my mailing list to receive tips delivered to your inbox weekly. Click HERE to sign up and receive a free gift...and,

"May the Force be with you."---Lisa :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stampin' Up! Celebrates National Scrapbooking Month

That's right!  Throughout the month of May, Stampin' Up ! is celebrating National Scrapbooking Month with a great promotion!  Purchase any one of the stamp sets listed HERE or My Digital Studio and receive some awesome Designer Brads for FREE! 

And, how about some scrapbooking inspiration straight from home office of Stampin' Up!  Take a look at these projects using the sets in this promotion.  I'll be happy to answer any questions or you can purchase any of the products from your demonstrator.  If you don't have a demonstrator, you may purchase any Stampin' Up! products in my online store HERE

Enjoy!---Lisa :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all moms everywhere! 

Here is a page I created with My Digital Studio to honor my lovely mom!  

Have a wonderful day!---Lisa

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Photography Tips: Sharing an Article

People & Portrait Photography Quick Tips
  • If you use objects other than your main subject in the foreground, be careful of placement. You don't want to obscure or detract from your subject.
  • Every time you hold your camera to your eye, look for leading lines, foreground elements, frames—anything you can use to lend dynamism to your image. Photographs are two dimensional but it helps if they look and feel three dimensional.
  • Don't just stand there—sit, squat, lie down. The angle from which you make a photograph can make a dramatic difference.
  • When using an electronic flash indoors, move your subject away from walls to prevent harsh shadows.
  • A piece of very light orange gel over the face of your electronic flash can warm up the light and give it a more pleasing cast.
  • When you first arrive at a new location, make note of any features that strike you. Try to find ways to incorporate them into your composition.
  • Be careful if you are using a wide-angle lens to photograph a group. The people at the edges may get distorted.
  • If kids want to look through the camera, let them. They will be more relaxed and cooperative. Just watch out for dirty fingers on the lens.
  • Anticipate kids' behavior. If they are playing tag, set up near the base, compose your image, and wait for them to come running in.

Friday, April 2, 2010

LOVE to Scrapbook?

...and need some tips and ideas to make preserving those memories easy and fun?

Sign up for my NEW Mailing List!

I'll share some ideas and inspiration to help you with the process and provide information on digital scrapbooking!

Sign up today!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Scrapbooking Sketches - 8 Ways to Be More Productive

I thought the following was a great article on scrapbooking tips and I wanted to share it with you.

Scrapbooking Sketches - 8 Ways to Be More Productive

by Monna Ellithorpe

Your scrapbooking layouts can make all the difference in how your pages look. The key is to have many scrapbook sketches available already there for you to choose from and to help you get over those times when your own creative ideas are at a standstill.

Your pages do not have to be perfect by any means and sometimes you will produce a page that no matter what you do, you are just not happy with it. Don't stress over it, just put it in your scrapbook and move on.
Remember scrapbooking is supposed to be fun, so don't make it into a chore just to get it done.

When you do find a sketch or layout that you like, experiment with it. Make your page about just one picture; add more pictures or less pictures; move them around; put the pictures on an angle; line them up and down or across. Walk away from it for a while and come back later with a fresh outlook and then just make the page and start another one.

I have discovered in my own scrapbooking sessions that if I have a sketch to go by, the hard part is already done. All you need to do is embellish with ribbons, buttons, lettering, stickers, glitter or what ever kind of embellishments you like the most. Cutting your mats and pictures with decorative scissors or if you have cutters with different cutting edges always adds a nice touch to your pages; experiment with different cutting edges.

A very important part of scrapbooking is "do not forget the journal box on your pages." In the future when family and friends look at your creative scrapbooking efforts they will want to know what was happening at the time, who is in the picture and where they were. This will keep the interest of any one viewing your scrapbook pages. It is such a disappointment when looking at a scrapbook full of pictures and you have no idea of who the people are in the pictures; no dates; no notes; nothing. Journal on every page even if you cannot remember the details, put as much information in your journal block as you can.

If you have quite a few pictures of one outing, a birthday party or some other event, it is always a plus and if you have the room to lay out many sheets of cardstock and just start laying your pictures out on each piece of cardstock as you go along. I have used this technique quite a few times and have been able to produce up to 10 pages in one session in my scrapbooking room. Believe me it is a great feeling to get so much accomplished at one time.

Below are some suggestions to help make better use of your time with your hobby:

1. Gather all of your pictures together from a single event.

2. If you have the room, lay out many sheets of cardstock and lay the
pictures on the cardstock at random.

3. Have sketches available to use as a guide.

4. Gather your embellishments that you plan to use; maybe you have a theme or just plan to use whatever appeals to you at the time.

5. Decide if you are going to cut your mats and photos with a straight edge or with a decorative edge.

6. Do not forget to make a journal box for each of your pages.

7. Don't worry if you are not able to finish your pages at one time. At least you have a start and the next time you have a few minutes a good portion of the decision making has already been done.

8. Last and most important, have fun and remember the event as you work on your pages.

Always remember enjoy your hobby and don't feel as if it is another job.

For more ideas, inspiration, learning to use your limited scrapbooking time more wisely and making great looking scrapbook pages, I would like to invite you to visit which also includes free bonuses for cardmaking ideas and Christmas quotes.

"Copyright (c) Monna Ellithorpe. All Rights Reserved."

Stampin' Up! has some great kits to add to the ease of your traditional scrapbooking. Access my Online Store and type Simply Scrappin' Kits in the search box to view these great products!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Stampin' Up! My Digital Studio: Mieko and Me

My Digital Studio(118108) is a fabulous program from Stampin' Up! that allowed me to put this page together is 15 minutes! I started with a ready- made page from a designer kit that came with the program, made a few adjustments, added my photo and text ...Done! I can print this at home or have it professionally printed through Stampin' Up! or save it to create a totally digital album! Love the options and the ease of this is awesome!

You can get your own My Digital Studio(118108) in my online store.
Thanks for stopping by!---Lisa

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stampin' Up! Razzle Dazzle: Zumba!

Hi everyone!
Here's one of the pages from my 2009 scrapbooking project, Project 52. Yes, I AM still working on the last 8 weeks of this project and it feels great to be just about done!

This page features my youngest daughter on the evening after a full day of Zumba training. She teaches classes at the local fitness center. It is an awesome workout and so much fun!

The page is in Rich Razzleberry with an accent strip of Raspberry Lemonade Designer Series Paper. I used stamps from the Razzle Dazzle stamp set for the background a flower elements. The title was stamped in Basic Black Craft Ink and embossed on Melon Mambo card stock with the Jumbo Outline Alphabet. Love using this alpha for titles! The Scallop Trim Border Punch from the Sale-A-Bration brochure was used on the designer paper strip.

Check the online store for products to create pages to preserve your memories!

Thanks for stopping by!~--Lisa

Monday, June 15, 2009

Project 52: Week 19

I'm away on vacation this week, but I wanted to share a few projects with you while I'm gone. This is one of my pages from my Project 52. My daughter and her husband celebrated their first anniversary during this week (Week 19) and I decided to scrap a photo of their wedding in Maui last year.
Colors used here are retiring In Colors, Tangerine Tango and Kiwi Kiss, and the retired DSP, Haiku. The bloom from Fifth Avenue Floral is watercolored with ink pads and aqua painter on watercolor paper.

Thanks for stopping by...have a great day! I have a few more posts scheduled while I'm away so be sure to check back! ---Lisa :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do You Believe In Magic?

Hi everyone! ---I've been really busy this week with four SU! events (one this afternoon) so I haven't had much time to play in my stamp room. I wanted to share this layout I created for Project 52. I think I had mentioned in an earlier post that I had surprised my hubby with tickets to see David Copperfield for his birthday so I decided to scrap that event for Week Nine.

He loves to show his card tricks to everyone he meets...and, believe me, he would amaze I decided to use the four Aces from a deck that has survived numerous showings of his magic on this page along with tickets from the Copperfield event to preserve the memory. Stampin' Up!'s Jackpot Designer Series Paper was perfect for this layout.

Thanks for checking in and for all your encouraging comments! I really appreciate you!---Lisa :)

All supplies: Stampin' Up!

Stamps: Simple Serif Mini Alpha and Numbers
Paper: Basic Black, Jackpot DSP,
Ink: Basic Black, Real Red Marker
Accessories: On Board Timeless Type, Rope Twine(sorry--no longer available), Crop A Dile, Chunky Red Glitter, Uniball Signo Gel Pen

Sunday, January 11, 2009

project fifty two: week one

This is my 8 1/2" layout for week one of project 52. It conveys so much of what we felt and experienced with my husband's two surgeries and recovery these past 4 weeks.

I started with a Basic Black base and painted an area with white acrylic paint. The flowers are cut from white felt with my Big Shot and Bigz Pennant Die. The beads from my Silver Bead Duo are attached to the flower centers with a small piece of Sticky Strip. "faith" is stamped with Jumbo Outline Alpha and Black Stazon. I used Stampin' Write Journaler in Black and my white gel pen for journaling. Narrow white grosgrain is attached with SNAIL and Black Gingham ribbon is stapled. "January" was stamped in VersaMark and embossed in silver. All supplies from Stampin' Up! except for felt, staple, and acrylic paint.

Thanks for visiting today... Lisa :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Project 52

I wanted to share a creative project idea that I have planned for this year that I found over at Balzer Designs. Project 52, as described by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, embraces the idea of getting a year of your life recorded in some way. I have decided to create an 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 journal/scrapbook to represent an event, experience, emotion, or thought for each week of 2009.

I have an On Board Journal of this size from Stampin' Up! that I plan to cover with Designer Paper. I am not planning on limiting myself to any certain color scheme or format other than size. I am excited about the freedom this lack of "rules" allows me. Really looking forward to beginning. I already have the idea for my first week' s page!

I'd love to have you join in on this journey. I hope my resolve to post the layouts here will keep me on track. Let me know when you've created your first layout and post a link to it in the comment section. I hope to get mine done some time this week.

Thanks for checking in... Lisa :)

Update on my hubby...Much better today! X-rays looked good...back on full liquid diet tomorrow! Hopefully, we'll be home in a few days. Thanks for your prayers!