Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Biodiversity, the RHS and a competition!
“It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for - the whole thing - rather than just one or two stars.”
All you have to do is email me a photograph demonstrating biodiversity in your garden, and a short description of how you encourage it.* I will post the photos up on this blog, and will choose a winner shortly after the closing date of Sunday 18th April. The RHS are kindly offering a prize of RHS membership for one year to the winner. Benefits of membership include free entry to RHS gardens (if you’re lucky enough to have one near you!), free access to RHS recommended gardens, 12 issues of The Garden magazine, and expert horticultural advice.
* Please email your photos and fewer than 100 words of explanation as to how you encourage diversity to happymouffetard at gmail dot com. All (appropriate!) photos will be posted here, and the winner's photo may be posted on the RHS website. The judge's decision is final. The winner will receive one year's free membership of the RHS. Open to UK residents only, I'm afraid.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Digging into Alabama Fudge Cake
However, the soil on our plot at the allotment reminds me of it. As SomeBeans* digs into it, it looks like a cake slice going into a rich, chocolatey cake. Good enough to eat.
With the warmth of the sun over the past week or so, it will soon be sowing time. I haven't yet resorted to the old gardener's method of telling whether the soil is warm enough to plant. That method is, allegedly, to drop your trousers and sit on the soil. If the soil is warm enough to remain seated on, then it is warm enough to sow. I think I might worry the plot neighbours if I did this; instead, it's handy to keep an eye on the weed activity.
Our plot is 'blessed' with a wide range of weeds to help us do this. The ephemeral weeds such as hairy bittercress seem to have survived the cold weather very well. They haven't quite started growing yet. It's the perennials which are showing signs of stirring, and we have plenty of those. Although the horsetails haven't quite poked their noses above the ground, you can find evidence of them rising to the surface when you dig. The real early bird is ground elder, the leaves of which are now starting to show.
I don't blog about the allotment very often. Partly because I rarely remember to take a camera down there. The main reason, however, is that there are only so many ways of writing about weeding. Digging up deep-rooted perennials, hoeing annuals, forking out couch grass roots. That's about it, really. If the gods in Tartarus had been keener horticulturalists, Sisyphus would have been damned to eternal weeding instead of the simpler task of rolling a boulder up a hill. Still, I suppose that's the flip side of having soil as rich as an Alabama fudge cake.
*Poor SomeBeans. He does do most of the digging. I think he enjoys it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
The heat is on
The photo below shows several bricks pulled out; soot can still be found in the flues, from the fires that were lit at the back of the wall.
For detailed diagrams on how some of the heating systems used in glasshouses, here's a link to a e-book on The Early Heating of Glasshouses.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Of pineapples and grapes
The weather was rubbish - cold and wet, so photos were generally rather poor. But the rain made it a pleasure to get into the glasshouses. As we're currently studying 'protected environments' for the RHS Level 2 certificate, there was a lot of information on how glasshouses have developed over time. At Tatton, the glasshouses were added one at a time over a period of many years, so you can see the technical improvements over time. From very small glass panes with thick supporting structure, to larger and larger panes, and thinner and thinner structural support. And the engineering that went into opening the vents developed over this time period too, reaching a peak of complexity in the Victorian age.
Of course, the great houses didn't just make do with one glasshouse; with fruit needing to be supplied to the family all year round, a range of glasshouses were used to meet this need, supplemented with extensive fruit storage facilities. Apparently, by using a variety of cultivars, use of glasshouses, and storage of the picked fruits by placing their stems in grape storage bottles, grapes could be supplied to the house nearly all year round.
In one glasshouse, grapes were grown along with pineapples. This glasshouse was known as the "Pinery/Vinery". The pineapples were grown in around 3ft of rotting oak leaves (rotting and therefore heat production was encouraged by the addition of a nitrogen rich source to the leaves - urine). These particular pineapples weren't very happy as the building hadn't been heated over the winter.
This photo (below) shows the depth of the bed. You can't really see it on this small photo, but there are brick arches along the back wall where they meet the floor (back left of bed). Below the arches was kept free of bricks, to allow the vine roots of any vines grown indoors to make their way out into the garden.
But pineapples and grapes are not the only fruits. The peaches were flowering in their glasshouse, and looked absolutely beautiful, fan trained against the wall.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A disappointing day
It will be interesting so see if they produce any exciting flowers in a couple of years.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day March 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
In the shadow of an enigma
VP and Helen (Patient Gardener) have been very busy organising a bloggers' meet up at the Malvern Spring Gardening Show from 6th - 9th May (see this link for more details).
I'm a Malvern girl born and bred, although now living away from the area, so the Three Counties showground has a lot of happy memories for me.
We have photos (though sadly not scanned in) of my brother and I (aged around 2) sat in fire engines, in huge tractors, and all manner of vehicles at the Three Counties Show - a major part of the summer when I was young. We used to be given a day off school to visit. Sadly, as I got older, instead of using this day off to go to an agricultural show, my friends and I would go shopping in Worcester instead. But still I kept the link with the Three Counties showground - I used to go to Pony Club camp there, and riding club shows.
It's the 25th anniversary of the Spring Gardening Show in 2010, and I'm afraid that, at the age of 14 when the show started, shopping trips to Worcester were of more interest to me than gardening shows, but my mum and dad started going from quite early on, and I joined them once the inherited gardening gene kicked in. Sadly, mum is no longer with us to enjoy the floral spectacle of the show, but dad and I go every year.
Last year was the first year I blogged about it, (this link to May 2009 has several posts about last year's show) and looking at the show with an eye to blogging made it even more of an experience. Of course there are the flowers, the gardens, and the celebrities. There are also craft stalls and garden equipment stalls. I'd like to bet that the lady selling pots at the entrance nearest to Malvern has been there since nearly the beginning of the history of the show. It must be the coldest, most windswept site on the showground (and it can get very cold there), so stop off to say hello to her.
If you've ever seen Gardener's World when they report from the Malvern Show, you'll know that it is obligatory for the opening shot to start on the Malvern Hills and gradually pull out to reveal that the showground is beneath the hills. I suppose, being from Malvern, I'm guilty of being rather blasé about the hills, and the great view from the showground. Unless it's raining, in which case it looks like someone has stolen the top off the hills. The title of this post refers to the showground's position beneath the hills. One theory behind the enigmas referred to in Edward Elgar's Enigma Variations is that they relate to the Malvern Hills. Whatever their inspiration, Elgar loved to walk on the Hills. As did my family - the photo below was taken on 1st January 2000.
It's an exciting year, this year, with bloggers coming from all over, including from as far away as Tennessee, which is absolutely amazing. And with Joe, Cleve and James giving us a live Three Men Went to Mow show, this year looks to be the best yet. I'm terrified of meeting all these wonderful people in 'real life', as I'm a shy and retiring type, but what an opportunity to meet a group of people who have such a love of gardening and whose friendliness shines through in their blogs. So, what's your excuse for not going?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
There is neither heaven nor earth only snow, falling incessantly
Friday, March 05, 2010
Once they're gone, they're gone!*
Today's critically endangered organism is the Silky Anteater, but if you click on the link above on another day, it will feature another organism that, without intervention of some kind (such as habitat preservation) could disappear from the Earth for ever. Many of which you and I would not even have heard of. Organisms already featured include the Mountain Tapir (I have a soft spot for tapirs), the Djibouti Francolin, the Sea Marigold, the Boreal Felt Lichen, and the delightfully named Demonic Poison Frog.
*A wonderful phrase my mum used to say to us when we wanted more of something very nice but in limited supply - cake, biscuits, ice creams and so on. Generally, however, there is more cake. There won't be more mountain tapirs :-(