Wednesday, February 24
We've moved. Please find us at www.imag-designs.com/blog. Formal sign coming soon!

 Thursday, December 24
My two favorite cards out of the bunch. You can see the second card had better lighting. I think I'm getting better. Don't you agree? =)

I'm beginning to love our camera. I've been using it for everything. As you can see, it has the potential to take really good shots. I just have to take my time with the pictures. Something I need to work on, patience. You would think with two kids I would have some. Negative. But I'm working on it =)
 Wednesday, December 23
Two more days! Two more days, I tell ya! What I love most about the holidays is being able to spend time with the family. This year has been so great. I've been able to take a two week vacation. Although the snow storm has left us homebound, it still feels great not having to worry about running around. Dropping off the baby to the sitter, dropping off Isaiah to the neighbor's house, getting to the train station on time, all that good stuff and that's all before 8am! I wonder sometimes how I stay sane!

Hope you enjoy today's cards.
 Tuesday, December 22
I've decided that next year I would like to participate in at least 1 or 2 craft fairs. That means starting now to stock up! I'm not sure how well one can sell at spring craft fairs so I'm shooting for fall craft fairs. I figure it'll be easier to sell the smaller things I have since people are looking for unique and fairly priced gifts for teachers and co-workers. At least I will feel alot more prepared if I start early in the year. I like to have everything lined up instead of jumping right in. I just hope I can keep my motivation. I am still having trouble trying to balance everything in my life right now but it is getting alot better. I've got two simple cards to show you today. Nothing fancy.

 Monday, December 21
We have literally 4 days before Christmas! I think I'm more excited than my kids are. We have been snowed in our apartment for the last 3 days. I believe Woodbridge, VA received about 20-22 inches of snow. Hopefully our neighborhood will be clear by the time Friday comes. Knowing how VDOT is around here, we can only hope. Anyway I've got two cards to show you today. I made this a while back but of course procrasination has gotten the best of me.

I will be posting two cards a day until Christmas. I hope you enjoy!
 Sunday, November 15
Christmas has definitely snuck up on me this year. I'm sure everyone is already getting their Christmas projects in order. My apartment complex is having a little craft fair, so I've challenged myself to get involved. Hopefully I'll have enough items to be able to sell a few things. Here is Mojo112:  These layouts are great and the designers are awesome. I can't help but to get inspired.
 Monday, October 12
My brother in law asked me to make his girlfriend a birthday card. I was a little tired from the weekend so I was surprised I had energy left to make a beautiful card. Mojo Monday has become a favorite inspiration of mine. Mojo108 is as follows:  I couldn't seem to get the focus right on the camera but will try again with the next card. The card looks so much better in person. I will take my time with focusing the next time around.  Hope you all enjoy!
 Sunday, August 9
We have two birthdays this week at my office, so I decided to organize my craft space and get to work. I started off with a sketch from Mojo Monday:  I also headed over to The Pink Elephant and realized they were having a recipe challenge! How perfect! The recipe was to use three brads, one flower, and designer paper. It was a little hard to implement the three brads with the design since I didn't have the coordinating color but it looks good to me!  Don't forget to enter yours in while there's still time!
 Friday, March 13
 I couldn't help but to jump in on the bandwagon. This stationery set from Jackie Topa is awesome. Although her instructions were pretty clear, I opted for Dannie's video instructions instead. This was made for Ada's birthday, which was yesterday. I substituted the tags for embellishments for the cards. I thought it would be nice for her to be able to put what sentiment she wanted and where. I used 2 1/4" ovals from the Tags, Bags, Boxes & More cartridge and stamped a few sentiments on them. I adhered a piece of dimensional and left the backing on. I also included some flowers from Got flowers.  Here are the rest of the goodies inside. Yummm! I love the colors!  On to the card. I wanted something simple and something that coordinated with the stationery set. It was quick and easy, yet still elegant. She loved it! There you have it! Her fabulous stationery set! Have you made a stationery set? Leave your link in a comment and give me some inspiration! If you need more inspiration yourself check out the gallery at SCS. There are tons of great ideas. Enjoy! Labels: birthday, boxes, stationery
 Sunday, March 8
Update: This card has been entered in KWernerDesign's color inspiration challenge. The following is the swatch board:
 My sister in law asked me to make a last minute wedding card Friday night. I decided I would use Kazan's sketch on 2sketches4you.  Unfortunately, I forgot to upload the card before their deadline entry. That's alright, it still came out beautifully! I got the designer paper at Walmart. It was part of a scrapbook paper pad and had beautifully designed papers in silver, white and black. I love how simple and elegant it turned out to be! I also made this monogram:  I love weddings! I hope to be able to plan mine soon (hint hint to the love of my life!). Pictures from the wedding will be featured at xoxoChelly as soon as I upload them. Hope you all had a great weekend! Labels: 2sketches4you, challenges, color inspiration challenge, wedding
 Friday, March 6
An update on the baby shower! This is probably long over due but I've finally been able to post the pictures. Here is what I came up with: 

 The last photo is of a cupcake topper, I didn't have any on hand so I figured I would just lay it down. I love these colors. Unfortunately, when I went to visit Michael's the other day, they didn't seem to have the cardstock I needed to make the rest of them =(. I will check back this weekend and will see if I need to order supplies online. Keeping my fingers crossed! Labels: baby shower, favor, invitation
 Thursday, March 5
Remember the wedding that I'm going to in just two days? Well Michael's had a sale on frames and I bought an awesome 10x20 frame for $10! I've been seeing these awesome name frames on Split Coast Stampers. My favorite was inspired by Julesiana. So here is what I came up with! Please excuse the glare, I was in a rush this morning and couldn't get the picture any better.
Here's a closer view of the tag on the bottom right corner.  If you didn't already know it matches the card I made =). The green is slightly off but it still came out great on the first try! I hope this inspires someone and if it did send me the link to your name frame in a comment! Enjoy!Labels: name frame, wedding
 Wednesday, February 25
I needed to make a card for a wedding I'm going to next weekend. So I figured I would enter one of the challenges on The Pink Elephant. The sketch is as follows:  And here is my take on it =) My first acetate card and I feel proud! 
This card took me a couple tries but this is exactly how I imagined it. Hope you all enjoy! Labels: challenges, The Pink Elephant, wedding

I have a passion for paper-crafting, I believe that creativity is one of the most unique ways of expressing yourself. I am inspired by everything around me and I try to take on an optimistic view on things. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as my creative journey continues to challenge me. Thanks for stopping by =)
P.S. Don't forget to visit my personal blog at xoxoChelly!

•January 2009
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•February 2010

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