Over the past year I have had the good fortune to participate in the research Nguyen Phong Hoang from Stony Brook University has been doing regarding I2P censorship. The infrastructure used for this research provided numerous and geographically diverse vantage points, and also the ability to conduct in-depth measurements across all levels of the network stack. I2P services which were measured for availability included official homepage, mirror site, reseed servers and active relays.
The presentation on Tuesday went very well, and Phong was very busy afterwards answering questions about his work. I was busy too answering questions about I2P and what it does. The new stickers featuring the updated logo by Ura Design got rave reviews! It was a very positive experience and I will be looking forward to continuing to work with Phong and monitoring I2P censorship. I would encourage anyone who has encountered blocking, or has had success using I2P to communicate in restricted environments to reach out if you can. I2P is currently working on new solutions to circumvent internet blocking. Having met people this year who have given me first hand accounts of the effects of censorship and the need to stay connected, makes the need for I2P to be more resilient where it needs to be and for the team to be creating guides for using I2P in these situations.
I will be putting together better resources for researchers interested in I2P, as well.
I also had the good fortune to spend time with Mhatta, who is an I2P contributor, and to make connections for future funding. A huge thank you to the community builders I met in Tunis who I met again and who are offering so much support to the project. This has been an exciting year so far, and I2P has so much work to do. Please consider donating your time or funding the project as it needs to scale quickly to new challenges.
If you have an opportunity to, you can read the full report Measuring I2P Censorship at a Global Scale here https://www.usenix.org/conference/foci19/presentation/hoang
Another great workshop in the measurements workshop was On the Importance of Encrypted-SNI (ESNI) to Censorship Circumvention https://www.usenix.org/conference/foci19/presentation/chai
There are so many great workshops that I attended - anyone who would like too can access the program and related materials here: https://www.usenix.org/conference/foci19/workshop-program
I will be attending Our Networks in Toronto next month https://ournetworks.ca/ - and so should you! The program can be viewed here https://ournetworks.ca/program/