• Geplaatst op: 2004-07-20
  • Auteur: I2P devs
Hash: SHA1

1), 0.3.3, and the roadmap
2) s/reliability/capacity/g
3) website updates
4) attacks and defenses
5) ???

* 1), 0.3.3, and the roadmap

After the release of last week, y'all have done a
great job of upgrading - we only have two holdouts now (one
at and one way back at :).  Over the last
few days the network has been more reliable than usual -
people are staying on irc.duck.i2p for hours at a time,
larger file downloads are succeeding from eepsites(I2P Sites), and
general eepsite(I2P Site) reachability is fairly good.  Since its
going well and I want to keep you on your toes, I decided
to change a few fundamental concepts and we'll have them
deployed in a 0.3.3 release in a day or two.

As a few people have commented about our schedule,
wondering whether we are going to hit the dates we had
up, I decided I should probably update the website to
reflect the roadmap I have in my palmpilot, so I did [1].
The dates have slipped and some items have been moved
around, but the plan is still the same as was discussed
last month [2].

0.4 will meet the four release criteria mentioned
(functional, secure, anonymous, and scalable), though
prior to 0.4.2, few people behind NATs and firewalls
will be able to participate, and prior to 0.4.3 there
will be an effective upper limit to the size of the
network due to the overhead of maintaining a large
number of TCP connections to other routers.

[1] http://www.i2p.net/redesign/roadmap
[2] http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-June/000286.html

* 2) s/reliability/capacity/g

Over the last week or so, people on #i2p have heard me
occationally rant about how our reliability rankings are
completely arbitrary (and the pain that has caused in
the last few releases).  So we've gotten rid of the
concept of reliability completely, replacing it with a
measurement of capacity - "how much can a peer do for
us?"  This has had ripple effects throughout the peer
selection and peer profiling code (and obviously on the
router console), but beyond that, there wasn't much

More info on this change can be seen on the revised
peer selection page [3], and when 0.3.3 is released,
y'all will be able to see the impact first hand (I've
been playing with it for the last few days, tweaking
some settings, etc).

[3] http://www.i2p.net/redesign/how_peerselection

* 3) website updates

Over the last week, we've been making a lot of progress
on the website redesign [4] - simplifying the nav, cleaning
up some key pages, importing old content, and writing up
some new entries [5].  We're almost ready to move the site
live, but there are still a few things that need to be

Earlier today, duck went through the site and made an
inventory of pages we're missing, and after this
afternoon's updates, there are a few outstanding issues
that I hope we can either address or get some volunteers
to jump on -

* documentation:
  hmm, do we need any content for this?  or can we
  have it just sit as a header with no page behind it?
* development:
  I think this is in the same boat as "documentation" above
* news:
  perhaps we can remove the 'announcements' page and put
  that content here?  or should we do as above and let
  news be a simple heading, with an announcements page
* i2ptunnel_services, i2ptunnel_tuning, i2ptunnel_lan:
  We need someone to rewrite the 'how to set up an eepsite(I2P Site)'
  page, as well as include answers to the two most
  frequently asked I2PTunnel questions (how to access it
  through a LAN and how to configure its tunnels - answers
  being: -e "listen_on" and
  -e 'clientoptions tunnels.numInbound=1
      tunnels.depthInbound=1', respectively)
  Perhaps we can come up with some more comprehensive user
  level I2PTunnel documentation?
* jvm:
  er, I'm not sure about this page - is it 'how to tweak
  the JVM for optimal performance'?  do we *know*?
* config_tweaks:
  other config parameters for the router (bandwidth limiting,
  etc).  could someone go through the router.config and
  take a stab at what everything means?  if anyone has any
  questions, please let me know.
* more meeting logs:
  mihi posted up an archive of some logs, perhaps a
  volunteer  can sift through those and post them up?
* perhaps we can update the meetings.html to be date
  based and include a link to that week's status update
  along with any release announcements preceding it?

Beyond that, I think the site is pretty close to being
ready to be moved live.  Does anyone have any suggestions
or concerns along those lines?

[4] http://www.i2p.net/redesign/
[5] http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2pwww/2004-July/thread.html

* 4) attacks and defenses

Connelly has been coming up with a few new angles to try
to poke holes in the network's security and anonymity,
and in doing so he has come across some ways we can
improve things.  While some aspects of the techniques
he described don't really match up with I2P, perhaps
y'all can see ways they can be expanded upon to attack
the network further?  C'mon, give 'er a shot :)

* 5) ???

Thats about all I can remember before tonights meeting -
please feel free to bring up anything else I've
overlooked.  Anyway, see y'all in #i2p in a few minutes.


Version: PGP 8.1
