Showing posts with label snowflake beads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowflake beads. Show all posts

December 18, 2015

Woodland Winter Ornaments

Hello friends - it's a quiet Friday night at my house. We have been working our tails off this week getting all your orders out. Just a few left to send out tomorrow and then the rush is done. It's time to relax, to make gifts, to finish decorating, to enjoy a few treats and most importantly to spend time together.

I always feel like my Christmas celebration starts Christmas Eve and goes through the week after Christmas. That's when life slows down enough for me to catch my breath. When I let wonder wash over my weary soul. It's the time when I stop and listen instead of rushing. It's my time to reflect and dream of the year ahead. I let the weight of winter settle in and enjoy the call of ancient times that the winter solstice brings.

The busy, crazy days before Christmas fly by in a buzz and I enjoy the anticipation but the stress of preparing can be draining. So I eagerly look forward to the quiet and rest after the celebration is over.

But for now, I'm a whiz of an elf. Making things from morning until night with lots of fun side projects sneaking into my daily to-do list. One such project were these fun ornaments that I created for our tree.

The painted wooden pendants are from Summer Wind Arts, a little gift to myself last month. I paired them up with my tiny snowflake beads, which have been a favorite of mine this season. 

I brought in a little more color with waxed linen in green, English cut glass and brass electroplated hematite. They remind me of cozy, knitted sweaters for some reason. 

This little guy, in an action shot.

My beloved snowflake beads.

Being a Michigan girl, I've always loved snow and snowflake patterns. This year we are enjoying a green Christmas. After two very rough winters, I'm cool with this. I'm sure it will snow soon enough. A white Christmas does holds it's own kind of magic, but a late snow in the season is just as beautiful and inspiring. 

I'm off to create for the rest of the night, I have some special gifts to make for the girls on my list. How are your gift-making adventures going? Are you done yet? 

Have a great weekend!  

October 10, 2012

BTW - Winter Inspiration

I'm not rushing things here - I'm loving every minute of fall.  But I do know that there are holiday shows and gifts to prepare for and my customers need to get a jump on things.  In fact, holiday things were some of my biggest sellers at the show I did this weekend.  So no time like the present to think about presents!

I have 30 beads in my winter collection.  The latest editions are the shabby chic white-washed snowflakes and pine trees pictured above.  My two favorites from last year are the tiny pinecone charms and my striking cardinal pendant.
I would like to add a few more designs to the series and created a Pinterest board to help inspire me.  I love the muted color palette with just a pop of color here and there.  And snow, glorious, wonderful, magical snow!  But not yet though, I'm in no rush!

(Images from Pinterest, please click here to see more details about each photo)

My top picks to compliment my winter collection:

Jess and I worked up these tiny tree pins and they were our best seller last weekend.  I knew it was a crafty crowd and they were smitten.  Which reminds me, I want to do a mitten pin next!  At first I strugged with the idea of not using art beads on a piece.  But they are so cute and still work in with the rest of our holiday line, which is heavy on the illustrative cuteness with snowman, trees and snowflakes.

And now for the Bead Table Wednesday look at the aftermath of prepping for the show we did last year.  There is a table under there somewhere.  Good thing we have two other tables to work on this week, because I'm not ready to tackle that mess.  Sheesh, why don't I have little bead elves that organize things while I sleep?

Check out the Bead Table Wednesday flickr group and share your beady mess or latest creation with us!