Showing posts with label tropical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tropical. Show all posts

July 30, 2014

Bead Table Wednesday: Trendy Pineapples

I'm taking a workshop on pattern design and every two weeks we get a trend report. This week's report included tropical inspirations and I have to say pineapples struck my fancy! At first I was like, pineapples? Really? But then I did a little pinning and I was like, heck yeah - what else BUT pineapples? So I will get to the watercolors this weekend but the clay was begging to be transformed into pineapples. So of course, I listened to my crazy, sometimes off-her rocker muse and made some pineapple beads. And then I made this bracelet for myself because I seriously am in love with pineapples now! 

Pineapple Express

See, you were scared weren't you? Pineapples. Yep, pineapples. Love the artsy hand-drawn on on the t-shirt. And pineapples paired up with stripes - yeah, that's the ticket for me! I love it. (Click on the little icons above for links to each item.)

You can find the instructions for the bracelet here. For the accent beads I used one of my wobbles, bead caps from Gardanne, Green Girl Studios and Vintaj along with Czech glass. 

I only made two extras of these, so if the pineapples grabbed your attention too head on over to my Etsy shop and start singing, 
"If you love pina coladas and gettin' caught in the rain..."

I made a few tiny charms for earrings, thinking I need to a pendant now too. These would be so stinkin' cute with my beach house bead. Am I right? In case you are wondering that's my pineapple sketch in the background.

And of course, I had to make matching disk beads! These can all be found in my Etsy shop.

So what's on your bead table? Leave a link in the comments below to your blog or use #BeadTableWednesday on Instagram.  Follow me on Instagram @humblebeads.