Showing posts with label bento. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bento. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lunchbox Awesome

Lunch. More specifically bentos. It's the last thing on my mind at night as I ponder what I have in my fridge and sketch the following days design. It's the first thing on my mind when my alarm goes off at 5:45...  and a groggy "Time to make the bento" plays in my head like the old Dunkin Donuts commercial.

I decided during this past summer that I wanted to make a fun bento every day for my kiddo's lunches this school year. I dug around online for a bit to see ideas and found some very fun sites that have recipes and tutorials for how to manipulate food into shapes and patterns that you don't envision initially when you think about it.

Day one I put together a cute, generic style, bento. I knew immediately that I wanted to do Disney characters and other fun imagery. But little did I know, that crazy idea I had during the summer, would be received so warmly with my Facebook friends. I started posting them daily there and got so many requests for a place to see them all at once. A book, a blog... a tumblelog.

One day a book may be in order. But for now they can all bee seen in one place at

Goofy, I know. But this morning ritual has become an important part of my day. I love trying to figure out how I can use different food to make a fun piece of edible art. I am creative every day, I'm a designer by day and all around artsy-crafty gal at night but now I get to start every day being creative right off the bat... it's invigorating.

I'd love for you to visit Lunchbox Awesome and try a few yourself! Come back and link your creations in the comments if you do! Bon appetite!