packages icon

Tar Archive: /hpux/Misc/tiff2png-0.92/tiff2png-0.92-hppa_32-11.31.depot.gz
Filename:    tiff2png/tiff2png-RUN/usr/local/doc/tiff2png/HPUX.Install
Package name:     tiff2png
Version number:   0.92
Original author:  Willem van Schaik <(>
Original URL:
License:          GNU General Public License v2
Languages:        C 
Build-time deps:  Mesa gettext jpeg lcms libiconv libpng libunistring make tiff xz zlib
Run-time deps:    Mesa gettext jpeg lcms libiconv libpng libunistring tiff xz zlib
Install tree:     /usr/local
Report bugs to:
Tested on:        HP rp3440 running HP-UX 11.31 and
                  HP rx2660 running HP-UX 11.31
Compilers used:   PA-RISC - B.11.11.24 (HP C)
                  Itanium - A.06.28 (HP C)
LDOPTS setting:   export LDOPTS="+s -L/usr/local/lib/hpux64 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -L/usr/lib"
A program to convert tiff files into png files. This is the first attempt for a
tiff2png program. Reason to develop it was the lack of conversion possibilities
for TIFF files containing alpha channels.
Date archived:    Tue 17 Oct 2017


NOTE: You must install the jpeg, libpng, tiff and zlib packages prior to
      compiling and installing tiff2png.

Files changed:

* Makefile:
  - Compile with cc +O3 -I/usr/local/include.
  - Added /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/lib/hpux64 as link dirs.
  - Strip installed binary.

To compile and install:

[Install the dependencies listed above first!]
gmake install


* Sorry, there is no test suite for tiff2png.