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Tar Archive: /hpux/Misc/libidn-1.28/libidn-1.28-hppa_32-11.23.depot.gz
Filename:    libidn/libidn-MAN/usr/local/share/man/man3/tld_check_8z.3
.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by gdoc.
.TH "tld_check_8z" 3 "1.28" "libidn" "libidn"
tld_check_8z \- API function
.B #include 
.BI "int tld_check_8z(const char * " in ", size_t * " errpos ", const Tld_table ** " overrides ");"
.IP "const char * in" 12
Zero\-terminated UTF8 string to process.
.IP "size_t * errpos" 12
Position of offending character is returned here.
.IP "const Tld_table ** overrides" 12
A \fBTld_table\fP array of additional domain restriction
structures that complement and supersede the built\-in information.
Test each of the characters in \fIin\fP for whether or not they are
allowed by the information in \fIoverrides\fP or by the built\-in TLD
restriction data. When data for the same TLD is available both
internally and in \fIoverrides\fP, the information in \fIoverrides\fP takes
precedence. If several entries for a specific TLD are found, the
first one is used.  If \fIoverrides\fP is \fBNULL\fP, only the built\-in
information is used.  The position of the first offending character
is returned in \fIerrpos\fP.  Note that the error position refers to the
decoded character offset rather than the byte position in the
Returns the \fBTld_rc\fP value \fBTLD_SUCCESS\fP if all
characters are valid or when \fItld\fP is null, \fBTLD_INVALID\fP if a
character is not allowed, or additional error codes on general
failure conditions.
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.B libidn
is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the
.B info
.B libidn
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.B info libidn
should give you access to the complete manual.