Why You Need Change Management in Your Project Management Toolsetって動画が話題らしいぞ
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MUST CHANGE PROJECTで検索したら結構ぉおお上の方出てきた
投稿日:12/08 05:15
ちな12/08 05:15時点での情報ねwww
This is description
Change Management is often regarded as a separate discipline. But I want to argue that it is, in fact, part of the job we do as Project Managers.
Change Management – the management of change. It's the task of leading the process of cultural, behavioral, and psychological change.
Some view it as the soft side of Project Management – not a job for proper Project Managers.
Others view it as a distinct discipline.But the fact is…
There is a spectrum of skills, methods, and approaches that runs from Project management to Change Management.As Project Manager, you need to be able to play across the whole spectrum.
You will have a part of the spectrum where you are most comfortable. But we must view projects as an integrated whole. That means seeing Change Management as part of our practice.Just as the PMI sets itself up to marginalize its Knowledge Areas, I want to put in a plea for this as a core part of your skillset.
Get over 40% of my full course on Change Management: Managing and Leading Change.
https://school.onlinepmcourses.com/p/managing-and-leading-changeUse the coupon code YTCHANGE20 at checkout, or access the course with this link:
https://school.onlinepmcourses.com/p/managing-and-leading-change/?product_id=465612&coupon_code=YTCHANGE20This is the introductory video:
Managing and Leading Change: A Practical Introduction
https://youtu.be/07pMrLvxjmkRecommended Videos
Carefully curated video recommendations for you:
- What is Change Management?
... https://youtu.be/RkLkCFoczW0
- The Cycle of Change (from the course)
... https://youtu.be/X2ymgMoflMs
- What is the Change Curve?
... https://youtu.be/n-YjLq4ufMk
- What is The Grief Cycle | DABDA?
... https://youtu.be/98kEVBv5CQwA while back, I asked Project Managers in a couple of forums what material things you need to have, to do your job as a Project Manager. They responded magnificently. I compiled their answers into a Kit list.
Note that the links are affiliated.For more great Project Management videos, please subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMZfp1_wquyegVY9SoER0Nw?sub_confirmation=1
For all our great Project Management articles and resources, please check out the OnlinePMCourses website: https://onlinepmcourses.com/
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#Project #ProjectManagement #ChangeManagement
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