[1981] 砂の十字架~松竹映画「機動戦士ガンダム」主題歌 by やしきたかじん (Takajin Yashiki) [Full Single]

Enjoy '砂の十字架~松竹映画「機動戦士ガンダム」主題歌' by やしきたかじん. The image and the music are owned by King Records and the people involved. I am not making any profit out of this, my intention is to share this project I liked listening to, so, if you liked it and got the money buy it on sites like eBay, Amazon, Discogs and if possible the official site of the singer and/or the label. And if it's available to stream on your country do it as a support for the legacy of the artist and the team behind.

1. 砂の十字架~松竹映画「機動戦士ガンダム」主題歌 - 0:00
Arranged By – 青木望
Lyrics By, Music By – 谷村新司
2. スターチルドレン - 4:51
Arranged By – 飛澤宏元
Lyrics By – 井荻麟
Music By – やしきたかじん

Credits taken from Discogs:

作成元 – King Record Co. Ltd

権利協会: JASRAC

Note: if you are part of the team and want this video to be removed, please, write down a comment and I'll delete as soon as I see your request. But, please, keep in mind that Youtube ID takes the royalties out of the video if it's the case.

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