It's that time that we need to to welcome our new Guests and say goodbye to our last guests.
But, this time, we have decided to keep our last round of guests and make them Full Time Divas!! Gosh, I hope this doesn't go to their head and they demand their families to wait on them hand and foot!! LOL
Therefore we are so glad to announce that Kristine, Andrea, and Tanya will be staying on the Design Team!! Yay!!
We also have 3 new guests to welcome for March thru May.
Guest #1:
You probably know her if you've been a fan for a long time. She was one of the original Divas and recently returned for our 100th Challenge.

GRIN!* I am so excited to be a guest stamper for High Hopes! As a former High Hopes designer, I carry a warm place in my heart for the High Hopes family. It's WONDERFUL to re-join the team as a guest! ...A little about me... I was born and raised in northeastern Washington where my family still lives. Growing up I had a love for horses, nature, and EVERYthing artsy…especially coloring! I remember being a very young girl lying on the living room floor at my Grandma’s house (that horrible bumpy brown carpet numbing my elbows) coloring with Mom. All these years later, I continue to find joy in coloring, as well as paper crafting, rubber stamping, illustration, and photography. Now I live in Texas on a small farm with my fiance and our menagerie of farm animals! I invite you to visit my blog; I enjoy sharing a variety of crafty goodness as well as life on the farm, and frequently introduce readers to the adorable cows, goats, and chickens we raise! Now, let's get stamping!
Guest #2
Our next guest is one of our very active Challenge participants! Her work is always fun and amazing - with some being simple and sweet and others complex and full of detail.

HI! I'm Alie de Vrij-Venema from The Netherlands.
I'm married to Dirk for almost 6 years now and we have two children: Thijs (5 years) and Maayke (2 years). A month ago I started working at De Hobbykamer for about 24 hours a week (our local crafts store). And that is a dream come true!!!!!! My hubby and I created a workspace at our attic for me, but we don't have any heating at our attic, so.. you can guess it: yes, I use the kitchen table now! Luckely nobody seems to bother, so I keep crafting downstairs *LOL*. I really can't remember when I started crafting, but I can say that I turned my hobby into work!
I've been blogging since march last year and that really gave me a crafting boost! I've been asked to be a DT member for 2 challenge blogs and the people who know my work, also know that I am addicted to High Hopes stamps!! So to be asked to join the High Hopes blog as a guest designer is my second dream come true!! I really can't wait to get started!!
And Guest #3
We are so happy to welcome back one of our fabulous recent guests!
Cathy is back!!