I've got my days muddled up and had it in my head this was the last day for Vicki's theme of Music on Art Journal Journey, thank goodness I have another one to do as I still have some musical items I want to use up. In fact yesterday I started my blog saying it was the end of the month almost (had to change it in a hurry after publishing) ooer!
I just took my square journal page and used a Lavinia stencil all over (Elegance) usingWorn Lipstick Distress oxide. I then stamped randomly over the top with Versafine Claire Morning Mist which is a grey, not as harsh as a black ink. Characters are coloured in with Promarkers.
Today we have the quote "I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast". Rather depends doesn't it - if I am reading Erika's blog post and she has had a lobster roll my mouth waters and I long to taste one. I can assure you if I got one of those I would savour every. last mouthful and take my time eating it.
"Marnie and her friend Lily had gone to see a musical at the local theatre. Both girls were fond of music and this week there was a well known harpist in the orchestra. Both girls were eager to see her and listen to the beautiful sounds that came as she plucked, strummed and bowed the strings on her harp. They had saved really hard to get tickets for this show as it was a little more expensive than the normal ones on account of the celebrity harpist.
"Should we get some popcorn?" asked Lily as they walked through the foyer.
"Ooh, yes, get me one of the Jumbo buckets, I'm feeling a bit peckish" replied Marnie who was always ready to eat at any time of the day, but much more than normal these last few weeks.
"Do you really think you should be eating such a lot of popcorn?" asked Lily, "I noticed how you have been putting weight on lately if you don't mind me saying so."
"I haven't" said Marnie a bit defensively, "It's you, you are too skinny, just look at your little thin legs."
"Well, I was talking to Bob whilst you were getting your coat and he made a comment about you having put some weight on these last few weeks."
"My husband needs to keep his mouth closed and his thoughts to himself. Come on, are we getting popcorn or what? I want to get settled before the programme starts." said Marnie with a little bit of a huff and a shrug of her shoulders.
Lily went off and bought herself a normal tub of popcorn and a ginormous one for her friend. "Well," she said to herself, "if she wants to get fat so be it but she doesn't need to come moaning to me when she can't fit in anything decent for the works party."
The girls went in and sat down, Marnie straight away eating her popcorn as they waited for the lights to dim. What a wonderful musical it was. The singing and the dancing was superb and the addition of the harpist just put the cherry on top of the icing for the girls.
Linking arms on the way out Lily could not help herself. Marnie had eaten all that giant tub of popcorn and gone out in the interval for a hot dog whilst she herself had just had a drink.
"Why don't you try to lose a bit of weight?" she casually dropped into the conversation. "You know we have the annual Dinner Dance coming up with the office and you will want something nice to wear. I'll even go on a bit of a diet with you if it will help."
"Oh dear, I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast." said Marnie laughingly. "I know you are only thinking of me but I promise you I am ok and it's not really fat that you need to be worrying about. Honestly."
"I don't want us to fall out" said Lily, "but I am concerned about you. You kept your coat on all night and it was quite warm in there, you obviously know you've got a bit of a tummy lately and that's why you are like you are. Your legs are a bit swollen too. In denial. Unless you are ill or something. I hope not."
Marnie started laughing, "You know you are my best friend, my very best friend in the whole wide world and I love you so much. If I tell you what is wrong with me you have to promise not to breathe a word to anyone. Promise?"
Lily looked quite alarmed at this, "Promise." she said.
"Well, Bob and I are having a baby, and so yes, you are right I have put a bit of weight on and yes, I am eating more but now you know the reason why will you please not say a word to anyone. We haven't told our parents yet and Bob will go mad if he knows I've told you first."
"Promise" said Lily, a bit breathlessly, "On one condition, can I be godmother to the little one when it comes along?"
"Yes, yes, yes" was the answer, "I am relying on you to plan the baby shower, knit lots of bootees for the baby and, most importantly be the best aunt to our baby that ever there was. Oh, and do the occasional session of babysitting."