Thursday, 11 April 2024

Jeudi Journal - Not on Track

Hopfully I am back on track but the quote isn't.  "The pity train has just derailed at the corner of Suck It Up and Move On" is, I think, today's quote from Tim Holtz' book of Snarky comments.  Anyway, that is what I have based my journal page on.

I know I have been missing for ages and I still can't sit to craft or stand for too long so I was thrilled to see that Valerie had "Geometric Forms" as her challenge for Art Journal Journey and I knew I had seen a magazine page somewhere that had shapes on it.  Sure enough the page had rectangles and circles on it and with the addition of two figures and a few more punched out circles my page was complete.  I could easily colour in the figures whilst sat in my chair so it was a nice easy page - now to think up a story to go with it.

"Amy was feeling very down, her boyfriend of a full two weeks had dumped her.  She had thought he was 'the one'.  At seventeen she really wanted a permanent boyfriend and Billy had seemed so grown up and perfect for her.  Turned out he was as bad as the others and so poor Amy had spent the night in tears, playing love songs and crying into a pile of tissues whilst she wrote a letter to her favourite teenage agony aunt explaining how she felt.

The next day she felt a little bit brighter but there was still a big ache in her little heart as she got dressed in her prettiest dress and wandered into town.  It was there she saw her big sister, Sophie.  Sophie had left home when she was 20 and got herself a lovely little flat above a hairdressers shop in town and she was just the person Amy needed to talk to.  Surely she would understand.

And so Amy began relating all her troubles and woes about Billy her ex to her big sister.

"Amy, you know I love you and I would do anything at all to help you don't you?" asked Sophie.

"Of course" replied Amy, "You must have been there when you were younger."

Sophie grinned, she was only six years older but then being the baby of the family Amy had always seemed much younger than she actually was, probably because mum and dad gave into her so much, and always had done.  What was she to say?  Yes, she had suffered when boyfriends had come and gone but it was all part of life and you just had to accept it.  She realised that now.  The right man would come along some day.  She smiled to herself - she was still waiting.

"Look Ames" she said, this is all part of growing up and these things happen.  Besides which Billy wasn't right for you.  He hung around with the wrong crowd and I am sure mum and dad would have not been happy if they had seen you with him. Besides which, let's face it, you only knew him a couple or so weeks."

"It doesn't matter how long we had been together, I loved him" shouted Amy.  And there is nothing you can do or say to make me believe he was not the right boy for me.  I thought you would understand, you are my big sister and you should be there for me all the time."

As what Sophie said, Amy came back at her, tears of anger and frustration spilling down her face and half an hour of Amy in one of those moods was enough for anyone.  In the end Sophie had had enough.  Being nice had no effect, maybe it was time to give her little sister a bit of a shock.  And so when Sophie came out with 'the pity train has just derailed at the corner of Suck It Up and Move On' Amy was so surprised that she stopped shouting and the tears disappeared.

"What do you mean?" she asked her big sister.  

"I mean it's about time you pulled yourself together and stopped spoiling that pretty face of yours and listened to me.  There's plenty more fish in the sea and you are only seventeen.  Let's go to mine and put the kettle on and then we can get your face washed and sit and talk like two sensible young women.  How about that Ames?"

Amy agreed, and grabbing her sister by the arm she said 'sorry' and the two of them went on their way.