Wednesday, 18 August 2021


It's actually Tuesday evening and I am writing this because I'm sleeping quite late in a morning whilst up here on the edge of The Lakes.  Must be the sea air, outdoor life or something.  At least I can link as soon as I waken.

As you can see from my posts below this one I have been busy posting for my GD spot on Art Journal Journey.  It was dear Elizabeth, of Altered Book Lover fame, who first asked me to do the GD spot, whom such a lot of you know from way back.  She and Bleubeard have been on woyww from the old days and that is where I first met up with them.

Well, I've been pinged!  My neighbour up here, Sue, has contracted Covid-19.  She messaged me yesterday to let me know she had tested positive on a home test and had gone for a PCR at the Covid Centre.  It has come back positive.  Luckily she only has headache up to now.  My home test showed negative and I am doing another later today - fingers crossed.  As I fell into the 'extremely vulnerable' category I am keeping everything crossed at the moment.

I can't afford to be ill as I have this month to finish with my Journal pages.  Luckily I have several ready so I think I had better get on and do the write ups so that all I have to do is link them on the appointed days.

My bags are packed ready to go home and this is the coffee table in the lounge tonight with my stuff ready for the car.  I don't really want to go home as I love it up here but I guess I had better until I know what is happening.

Hopefully see you next week on here with my desk at home, and me bright and cheerful and Covid free.

The brown bag at the top stays here, underneath is my large journal which is what I mainly work in, my box of stamps (not used any of them), a Vogue magazine and then a box with my Janet Klein images in (not used them either).  Just peeking out behind is y green folder with all my stencils in and y smaller square journal on top.  You can see a copy of the TV magazine just peeking out to the right of my pile of stuff.

Just remembered I have a card that I made for my niece's eldest boy (7) last weekend - using Janet Klein stamps again.

I didn't intend to stand it on this pan stand of mine but it was so appropriate with the fish on wasn't it.  He was the great grandson of my cousin whose funeral we went to.   That is Jackson doing the fishing whilst his younger brother, Theo looks on with the dog, Harry (who does not look like that at all being a Shitzu).

Toodle pip!