Thursday, 20 May 2021

Jeudi Journal - Listening

This week we have the quote from Dyan's rubber stamps which says "I know you were talking - that's why I stopped listening" - not very nice is it?  In fact if you look at my journal page you will see just how sad Patsy looks when her friend says this to her.  But I get ahead of myself and you need to know the story.

"Sarah and Patsy were two friends from primary school.  Even though Sarah had been two years above Patsy in school their friendship had started back then and stayed with them all through the years Sarah was at school.  Now at sixteen she had left and felt that she had rather outgrown Patsy whom she felt was 'still a little girl at heart'.

It was a Saturday when Patsy called around to see Sarah and to show her her new handbag.  She really did think it was lovely, all covered in hearts - and the first faux leather handbag she had ever owned that didn't look like plastic.  It had been her birthday and she had received lots of monetary gifts which she had put together and bought herself the new bag, a new hair band made of lovely big roses and the most adorable little bunny rabbit.  A toy one of course!

She had been experimenting with eye makeup and was particularly pleased how her time in front of the mirror had turned out.  She felt her eyes looked much larger than normal with this eyeshadow and mascara.  So she was all ready for a girly chat and a bit of advice from her older friend, Sarah.  Sarah knew everything about make-up, how to dress and things like that.

Unfortunately Sarah had other things on her mind, since she had left school and started at college she had made new friends, more her own age, and with interests that she felt would fit into her new lifestyle.  They had told her about this fabulous group of young musicians that were all the rage with most of the girls at college and she had streamed their latest hits and was busy listening to them.  So when Patsy started talking about her birthday and what she had bought Sarah could feel that she was no longer interested in the goings on of a fourteen year old.  It was when Patsy mentioned the little pink bunny she had bought that Sarah lost all interest.  

Patsy could see that Sarah was not really listening and she asked her if there was something the matter as she felt she was 'talking to thin air'.  "I was talking to you and telling you all about my birthday presents but you seemed to not be listening" said Patsy, "are you listening to something important?"  

Sarah decided to take the bull by the horns and simply replied "I know you were talking - that's why I stopped listening".  At which point Patsy felt a tear well up in her eye and she said, "sorry, won't bother you again" and went off home to experiment a bit more with her eye makeup and play with her new little bunny rabbit.  Perhaps some of the girls in her class would be interested when she told them about her things on Monday when she was back at school."

Sorry this has been a long story today, I hope you did not lose interest.  I  am entering this into Art Journal Journey where the theme is "Language" as decided upon by Elle.  I hope my story fits the bill for this as there is dialogue between the two girls plus Sarah's rude reply is there on the page for all to see.  Maybe this is an example of how language can be upsetting and hopefully Sarah will learn from this and think before she opens her mouth in the future.