Thursday, 8 October 2020

Jeudi Journal - Sparkle

First of all may I welcome Avril and Sheila my new followers, hope you enjoy my blog.

Wondering how to incorporate "Lines" for Chris's challenge over on Art Journal Journey I remembered I had a super stencil by Tim Holtz which was composed of nothing but lines.   Eventually I found it, it now resides with my other favourite most used stencils, and got out the texture paste and had a lovely time putting it at the top - well just over half, of the page.  Whilst trying to work out a seamless continuation down the remainder of the page I realised I would not be able to do the writing if I carried on with the lines so I abandoned it and left the bottom bit empty.  That solved a problem!

Next was the painting and I decided to use just a Buff shade of paint which went on next.  Background finished, now to the characters, and so the story begins:

"Henora and Hermione, two very close friends, were off to a party and Hermione had made herself a new dress of which she was very proud.  Big sister Henora was not that taken with it and felt that her younger sister looked a bit "over the top" and rather like a Christmas Tree and so she told her how she was feeling.  Hermione was not at all put off because, as she said, "when going to a party you should NEVER FORGET YOUR SPARKLE".

That made Henora think and so she went and put on her new sparkly blue shoes which she was actually saving for a big date later in the year.  And so the two girls set off for the party, both wondering how the night would go.  Hermione thinking about her 'grand entrance' and how everyone would admire the new dress she had made and Henora just wondering what on earth her friends would think of younger sisters idea of a party outfit."

The outfit Hermione is wearing was made up from one of Dyan's Christmas Tree images and was something I tried out ages ago - at last I got to use the figure.  All the red berries (lights) have sparkle on them as do both pairs of shoes the girls are wearing.  Thank goodness for 'Wink of Stella'.

And so the page was finished and ready for scanning.  Oh dear, the lines did not really show and that was the whole point of entering into the challenge at AJJ.  Thinking cap on I decided to go with a bit of wax rubbing over the lines.  They look fine and are quite prominent when you see it in real life but on a scan?

A bit of pink and a bit of purple wax - back to the scanner - does it look any different - no, not really.  Ah well, I am sure the ladies will take my word for it.  Off to join in AJJ now.


sirkkis said...

What the super elegant ladies πŸ‘’I see faint lines when largend the page of my phone πŸ™‚

Well doneπŸ‘

Words and Pictures said...

Fabulous sparkle, and Hermione was quite right. I may not be much of a one for external bling but I’m big on staying sparkly from the inside if at all possible! Love the page and the Christmas tree dress and the story too. Just finished sorting stuff at storage and now awaiting a lift from my brother, so I’m taking the chance of a quick catch up. Trouble is, typing on my little phone really isn’t that quick!!
Alison x

Valerie-Jael said...

Gorgeous piece, Neet. Love the colours, too. Here the day got off to a bad start - no electricity, no heating, no internet, no phone. And it's cold. And no electricity meant no coffee. And the trams and buses are on strike again, hell's bells, what a friggin' day!Electricity is back on, and internet, but no heating, and it's cold! Hope your day is better, hugs, Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

The lines for AJJ look amazing on your very cool page Neet. Thanks for joining us. Going with that stencil was a good idea. nd I love your page. The story really makes me understand why Hermoine went with dress. She will the life of the party with that avant-garde piece. I like it. Hope your week is going well Neet. Hugs-Erika

Let's Art Journal said...

Beautiful page! The line stencil looks amazing and I love the texture from the paste and wax - gorgeous 😁. Your ladies are looking fabulous too, love the sparkly shoes. Enjoy the rest of the week and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hermione looks confused. She is dressed for Christmas, but her face looks more like Halloween with the spider web. Or maybe SHE isn't confused, but I am!! Yes, Neet, I can see the lines and the sparkle, too. Nicely colored, lovely interpretation, and a joy that you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey. Bleubeard sends his sparkle, too.

nwilliams6 said...

Love the Christmas tree dress! These are two girls who have not forgotten their sparkle for sure. Wonderful page, outfits, hair, and use of texture paste! Hugz

Meggymay said...

That musty be a very usedul stencil and i managed to enlarge your photo so I could see the fantastic outfits you gave the ladies. Thank you for linking to Chris's theme at AJJ.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

I see the lines Neet!!
Totally distracted by these two though - you certainly did have fun with them and I loved your little tale! I could do with some sparkle!
Thanks so much for this FABulous entry at AJJ and my theme!
Hope you are managing to keep safe.
In answer to your question, yes, Dunham Massey are still taking bookings. Quarry Bank no longer do and neither does Tatton Park but carpark fees are steep there! I have a local authority free pass fortunately! Hugs, Chrisx

craftytrog said...

A super page Neet, I love those stylish ladies!
Have a lovely weekend,
Alison xx

kiwimeskreations said...

What a fun page Neet, and an even better back story - I think your stories are sometimes as entertaining as the pages
Stay safe

sheila 77 said...

Thanks for the welcome, Neet, I'm glad I found your blog.
I can see the lines just fine and I think it looks good with the lower half left blank.
These two look wonderful in their party frocks and shoes. What a great story and it fits perfectly with the picture and vice versa.
I love all the colourful patterning on their headgear and clothes, all so intricate. The green dress with the red lights is fantastic.

WendyK said...

I commented while I was on Holiday, but if it didn't work I'll do it again. Great page, just love her Xmas tree dress. I like that background stencil. looks very useful.
Hugs Wendy

Cath Wilson said...

I like the lines. One of my fave sets of stamps is all lines and I love it. Great idea to use the Christmas tree for a dress, too. Super creative.
Hope your back is a little better now :-)
Cath x