What a kerfuffle have I had this morning. The scanner would not work for me. First of all it scanned the picture and then it disappeared and would not come back. I reloaded and then turned the scanner off reloaded and still nothing. All of a sudden, (madly pressing buttons) I got a message "this scanner is in use by someone else" or words to that effect. Off it all went and then on again and voila - it appeared ... and stayed!
So here you have my journal page for this morning "Never be too proud to serve frozen peas". I quite often serve frozen peas as getting the pea pods here is only for a short time in the season and I hate popping the pods for all the peas that I might need. Plus I would probably eat too many on the way.
For my background I used the same pinkish colour as last week, but this time it was the left over from that week done in advance. Then I painted a stencil with some white paint and put it face down, tapping it with my fingers and a scrunched up ball of kitchen roll to give some texture (for Jo at Art Journal Journey).
I decided to use the "cat" family today as I haven't used them for a while in this journal so here we have Mother Cat and her three little ones, Tabitha, the baby and the twins, Tommy and Tania. The story?
"Sophia, mother cat, wanted to be a very upmarket kind of cat, so she could stand with the other mother cats at the school gates and pretend her life was similar to that of all of them. (I wonder how many of them were also pretending?). So she has what we know as "airs above her station" and feeding three little ones and a rather large husband, Thomas, who is out at work because it is lunchtime, becomes quite a full time job. She is giving them fish fingers and peas, frozen ones - but wait ... the packet is visible it has not gone entirely into the bin .. oh woe betide her if anyone sees that apart from us.
The twins could not care less whether they get garden peas, marrowfat peas or frozen ones, they just want lunchtime to be over so they can go and play out with the rest of the cats from the neighbourhood. Mother cat, Sophia, is standing, hand on hip because it makes her look sophisticated, whilst tapping with her other paw on her hip just waiting for them all to settle down and for Tania to realise she has not set the table. After all it is her job to do just that, Tommy clears away the dishes but Tania sets the table ready for mealtimes. It looks as if there will be a long wait for lunch to be served as Tania, with her head on one side, is pondering what on earth are they waiting for".

I gave Mother cat a crown on her head to indicate just how much she is thinking she is something she is not and I used masking tape for the crown to give more texture for the challenge over on AJJ as well as the stencil work. Then I decided to make her an apron. Well I drew and cut one out much earlier and now I cannot find it so in a hunt for some lace (more texture) I found a white paper doily and cut another one from that. I left it partly unglued to give the appearance of the lace lifting a little but I guess the scanner has put paid to that one.
All finished I realised I had made a 'chalkboard mistake' - those who are teachers will understand how easy it is to make a mistake when writing something out on a board for the class. Well, it used to be when one used chalk and a board. I had written "too proud too serve" when the second "too" should have been "to". Thankfully it was at the end of a line so, like all crafters at some time, I managed to obliterate the mistake and stuck a picture on the wall.
That is it - all my errors declared and running ever so late. See you next week when there will be a new challenge on Art Journal Journey, guess I will be late with that one too as the new challenge will only be declared that day.
Can I just say a big welcome to my newest follower Linda, hope you find my blog interesting in weeks to follow.