Thursday, 16 July 2020

Jeudi Journal - Thin Ice

Well this week's quote was "If you're already walking on thin ice you may as well dance" and two day's ago I had not a clue what I was going to do for this, but then on Tuesday when I sat down to start inspiration hit.  The trouble was I wanted to do another beach scene - I so enjoyed the colours in the one last week that I wanted to use them again.  

Here we are, not quite the same, not as dramatic a sky, but a hot beach scene again for my journal so that I can fulfill the criteria for Erika in her challenge at Art Journal Journey, "It's Hot".  If you pop along you can see that Erika gives you lots of ideas so that you can use cold things as well as hot - why not give it a go and join in.

My little story this week is about three young girls who have gone on holiday to a lovely hot beach resort.  Having just escaped the reins of homelife they are eager to hit the beach and sample the bar, even though they are all not really old enough to be drinking.  (Well, that is apart from the cool one in the shades who is lying on the beach hoping she looks cool.  She is the oldest one of the three and the others look up to her.) 

The poor girl in the middle of the trio is a bit bewildered as to why they are hitting the beach straight away when their luggage has not yet arrived and they are still dressed more or less as they were when they left home.  She has not even thrown her coat off, and why is she wearing that beret?  Well, the other one is already dancing her way to the bar at the far side of the beach putting the middle girl in a quandary.  "What is happening" you can almost hear her say as she holds her hands out .  Well, as the other one says "If you're already walking on thin ice you may as well dance" .  And dance she does, on her way to the beach bar.

For this once again I used my Distress inks, Tumbled Glass for the little blue patch of sky, Spiced Marmalade for the orangey bits and Wild Honey for the sun.  What else but Salty Ocean could I use for the sea and Tea Dye gave a very light colour for the sand.  

I chose to do the beach bar and the palm tree just in pen and ink as I didn't want them to dominate the picture.  Apart from the girl at the end nearest to the bar I didn't do any alterations of heads or body parts but for her I chose a different head to make her look young and chopped a pair of legs up to try to make them look as if she was dancing in some way.

I think I am getting quite attached to orange as a colour - maybe another beach scene next week, or will I go cool?  I do like blue!  

(the other ideas I had were:  of a girl and her mother with mother reading her daughter's report card from school - she could have been skating on very thin ice there; or a female on a shopping spree who kept charging things to her  card - she'd be skating on thin ice before long if she did that. Finally I was going to have girls using fake id's to get into a bar - but then I wanted a beach so that last one  kind of got changed)


kiwimeskreations said...

Loving all your thoughts as to what you may have done Neet, but I am glad you did the page that you did, it's a really fun one, and beautifully executed too.
Stay safe

Valerie-Jael said...

Another fun and fabulous page. Your imagination really takes you places. But chopping some legs up does sound a bit brutal! Great idea withe the beach and the three girls, and just right for Erika's challenge. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Meggymay said...

An awesome take on the quote you cose with Wendy this week. Its a fantastic beach scene and a super back story. Thank you for linking up with Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey.
Yvonne xx

Words and Pictures said...

I love your trio of beach babes (so inappropriately dressed for the beach) dancing their way (eventually) to the bar... where hopefully there will be lots of ice in the drinks too! Fabulously colourful (and yes, that orange is looking good to me too), and when you say the beach bar is pen and ink... does that mean you drew it? It's fabulous!
Alison x

sirkkis said...

How fun and nicely story boarded 👍and your girls are bold and beautiful 😊

Elkes Lebensglück said...

You would have enough ideas for this topic but I also like that very much and also fits Erika's topic!
Greetings Elke

My name is Erika. said...

Oh I do like this story very much Neet. I like the idea of lost luggage. Makes sense why they are dressed as they are. I bet they checked in and then went right down to the beach as they are so excited to be on holiday! Thanks for sharing Neet at AJJ. It is always fun to see your pages. Hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love this page, Neet. I really like all the alternatives you thought up, too. I'm glad you went with this one, though because it goes nicely with Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for yet another wonderful entry at AJJ. I really love your "dancing" girl.

Let's Art Journal said...

So many fabulous ideas to choose from 😁. Your beach scene looks gorgeous, I like the beach bar and the different attitudes of your figures 😀. How cool and I'd be happy to dance towards the beach bar for a cooling drink too 😉. I hope you've had a good week and wishing you a happy weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

WendyK said...

Great fun page, love the idea, I found this one found me lacking in ideas. Love the background as well.
Hugs Wendy xx

Cath Wilson said...

Lots of fun. I have to say I do wonder about what goes through your mind at times, lol. What an imagination!

Great page, great characters and another lovely sky to dream about if you live in the UK ;-)

Lovely work, Neet.
Cath x