Another week has flown by, to be exact another month has gone, and we are into flaming July (with the central heating on here) and we are back with Ms Julia and the WOYWW Gang. Want to know more about it? Click
here and all will be revealed.
What a day I had yesterday. The world and his wife decided to ring me and for a time I had phone calls queuing up - and one from my little Sis in Oz. I sent a message to her to say I would ring in 40 minutes but she said it would be midnight there and she would be asleep. I will have to ring her when I get back from my Pacemaker check tomorrow, well actually we will probably have a Facetime. The others, except one, I did ring back but the missing one will now be on Friday. Life has suddenly got so busy and the scare of hospital visits has been taken out of my hands, as most of you know from Facebook.
Well, this is my desk as it stands at the moment. I got some new stamps yesterday - Stampers Grove had an offer on a bundle similar to Hochanda, following Tracy Evans' weekend Wow, so I could not resist. But it has to stop now, I have spent so much money recently I cannot really justify buying any more. Well, maybe some paint colours I want!!! (Shhh!)
During lockdown I was not spending on podiatry, chiropractic or haircuts so I convinced myself I could spend the money saved on crafting - and I did! With a vengeance! Now I have to start paying for these services I will have no excuse so will have to stop.
You can see I bought one of the big A4 stamps with the feather, the camera and a suitcase on, then there was the Beetle stamp which I honestly thought I would never buy but I fell in love with the way Tracy used it so it had to be bought. I also said I would not buy the bee stamp as it was too much like the Pink Ink set I had, plus I have four others and two dies of bees but then I liked Tracy's bee so that fell into the shopping basket too.
I could not wait to use the bee stamp and so you see the result of my efforts on my desk with the book I made the other week standing just behind it. I still have not finished the book off as I wanted it to be all Tracy's stamps in it so was waiting for the beetle and the bee. It can now be completed - hurrah! I have some circles on my desk with paint on them - they are things that went wrong and so are just waiting to be chopped up and used somewhere in the future. The craft mat bits underneath are for covering journal pages up when I am painting on them - ie to protect past and future pages from paint spots. This is the card in close-up:

Behind my new stamps is a box with bits of card that might also come in useful like the circles you see, and next to it is my spritzer and some glues I use. That's a new inkpad (Wendy Vecchi Forget Me Not) next to the book then it is paint water, brushes, scissors etc. The roll, from a Kitchen Roll ,houses some lovely mop up sheets that I intended to use but haven't - might end up throwing them out as they have been there for months.
That is it for this week - see you next week with a bit of luck.
Health update:
Most of you will have seen my leg is bandaged from knee to toes via Facebook. Spent Saturday morning in A&E having taken a chunk out of my leg. It's a skin tear but quite a deep one and it got down to a vein which was bubbling out. I now have the beautiful bandage off but still bandaged from knee to toe and having to sit with it up as much as I can. This time it is a tubi-grip type thing and not half as nice as the proper bandage was. Now I cannot get my clog on so am walking about on a bedsock and today, Wednesday, it will have a poly bag around it later so I can go to cardiology for the pacemaker check. Not scared any more of going - I had my christening on Saturday. What will be will be.
You probably want to know how I did it so:
because of my bad back and the new mattress being a bit softish we put a board underneath the mattress on my side. (Well it slowly slides out.) It was sticking out - one corner of it, and I walked past and the corner dug in and ripped my skin/flesh off. Well, not really off as it was still attached and the nurse managed to unfold most of it and drag it over the open wound, now it should heal better.
When I went to the clinic on Monday for them to look at it I was surprised at the number of people not wearing a mask. Two girls got out of the lift not wearing them and I thought "they have most likely been talking to one another, so spittle may have come from their mouths and be in that lift". In my book it is NOT ON. There is a pharmacy attached to the clinic and people in there did not seem to have masks on either. Why do people not think of others?
Apart from the leg as I said I am at Cardiology for a pacemaker check this morning, I know the battery is running low so will have to see, fingers crossed I get another three months out of it, or six?
Thursday is back to leg dressing clinic and Friday it is the chiropractor - cannot wait for that one. I have so missed her, Just about coping. Think that is it - so long folks!