Wednesday, 7 August 2019


Wednesday, my other half's birthday and Tracy Easson's too, a great Wednesday as it is also WOYWW for some of us and even more special because we share our desks on WOYWW here.  Join in with us if you want - you have the chance to make lots of friends as well as having a good snoop.

So what's on my desk today?

My new lap tray.  I have liked this and admired it for a few weeks so when I couldn't make it to the workshop Chas had to go to the local garden centre for our eggs and he came back with this.  A kind of consolation present.  Nice one eh!

In front you can see a card which is for my niece's little boy's birthday which is next week.  It shows Morty Bottoms one of Tracy's little characters from her latest collection.  On the back of the stamps it tells you a little bit about Morty - "What is Morty's favourite thing to do in the whole wide world?  Why to scramble up to the highest peak in Scotland when the night sky is full to bursting with treasure.  Forever looking upwards at the magic and mystery through his trusty telescope always dreaming, shooting for the stars of course."  Each one of her little characters has something written about them on the back of the plate of stamps.

I might show you more of the characters next week, maybe even a page or two from my cloth/rag book but I doubt I will have got around to sewing it as I find it hard to sit upright at the sewing machine.

The next card is for my dear other half whose birthday it is today.  Pity I could not think of him enjoying one of the mouse family as I could easily have stamped that one but instead I chose to do some embossing but kept it monochromatic.  I used the stamps that came free from a magazine (the same one that I got the beach scene ones from - see 1st July blogpost) depicting things to do with a 'gentleman'.

Well, that's it from me for this week.  Next Wednesday I have an appointment with the Pain Relief Clinic so hopefully will get somewhere at long last.  The week after it is the chiropractor and I am banking on some relief coming from somewhere in the not too distant future.  See you then, then!