Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Another quickie from me and a staged desk taken by my other half just to show you what he bought me last week.

We both sat watching Hochanda on the tv in the bedroom when this little purple number came on.  Well, I went a bundle on the papers (Roaring 20's and me?) and he was rather blown away by the envelopes he saw them making.  Knowing how I struggle to find an envelope for the different sizes of cards I make (do I make cards these days?) he thought it was a wise investment.  I did chip in saying that with all the paper I have there would never be a shortage of what to make them with.

And so to cheer me up he sent off for it for me.  Haven't looked at it as yet but no doubt when I do I will have a ball.

You will have noticed my posts have been rather short recently and may have wondered why, well, my back went again.  I have been going back to the Chinese doctor for the past month but as up to now it has not made much difference.  Still it took 5 sessions last year so I am optimistic.  The only reason why I am telling you all of this is that I missed out on visiting Sarah in her Craft Shed on Sunday because of my back and other things.  Not just that but I have anemia again and then i developed peripheral oedema.  That has a funny story though.

Last week when I went for my acupuncture he put a needle in my leg, as usual, and I noticed my foot was feeling sticky as I made my way home.  Chas had a look and I had a little fountain on the side of my leg - I was leaking!!  Dressings were soaked in no time so I went to bed with a rather large pad strapped over the fountain.  Very resourceful if you get my meaning.

My list of woes does not finish there - I changed from Warfarin to Apaxaban just over a week ago and have come up with one of the side effects. I feel as if I have millions of little spiders crawling all over my skin, I am itching like crazy - the only person in the whole of our town who has got this side effect according to the clinic.

Whinges over - at least I have got it out in the open so you now know why I have been quiet these past few weeks.

Now lets all hop over to see Julia and her deskers.