Wednesday, 14 June 2017


Very short and sweet today as my back pain has returned.  My own fault as I had a cleaning up session of the kitchen cupboards last Thursday and have been suffering ever since.  Crafting has fallen by the wayside, and yes, it only takes a bit of polishing to send me into nightmare mode again.

My craft room (temporary one) was beginning to take shape since we had moved from the spare room and I had been enjoying doing my Dyary.  I did manage to do a bit of colouring of figures the other day but when I went to take a photo it was open at this page so here is my desk for the week:

Recognise the scruffy green mat?

OK, that is it folks, off now to see what Julia and her Band of Merry Crafters have been up to.  See you next week on here if I don't see you at your blog but I will try to visit those who visit me at the very least.