Click here to see what WOYWW stands for if you don't know (you mean there are some out there do not know!!??!!). Then join in and come along to our crop (see top of Julia's page).
So what is on my workdesk today (or should it be yesterday - had to post early as I was going out. Excited because my new purchases had arrived! At last I had got myself some Distress Oxides. They are awaiting labelling in the window storage area along with all the Distress Inks I own. But, wait what is on my actual desk? Yes, Alice stuff!
Laid out just for you!
My bff had alerted me to these wonderful little dies. Well, not so little. The largest is about 4.5" high I now have ideas running around in my head as to what I am going to do with them. Anyone got a birthday coming up?
I have been busy buying boxes - more of the lovely white ones that I fell in love with from that Swedish store.
Don't you love my Harry Potter box?
I have also got some pots to store all manner of things in. These will keep changing as time goes on until I settle on something permanent to go in them. At the moment there are scissors (I have lots), those hand punches, inc. Cropadile, sponges and palette knives (who needs so many?).
The last thing I bought and which I am going to show you are these hooks - such fun
hanging my HUGE dies on
and the tool to open the hatch in the ceiling
Now you might all be thinking how organised I am and how nice (look back at last week's WOYWW) and organised I am. Well, today we heard that the flooring they were not making until October is now ready for delivery to US!!!! Help!!! I never thought I would have to undo my room quite so quickly. I had just got the house more or less back to normal. Still, we might find that missing plug next time.
See you over at Julia's in a short while.
Yikes! you just got it sorted... still new flooring will be fabulous and then you can settle back and just enjoy your craft room... love the dies, (no, birthday was last month) and your Hogwarts box is the best! Helen #??
You are always so organized, and I love the Alice in Wonderland dies!
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire, no. 7
You're right, your space does look incredibly organised. I've been trying to duo a bit more organising and decluttering myself on my space. It's a big job! No wonder you don't want to undo your efforts for the flooring haha. :)
I'm whizzing round my fav desks before I hit the sewing room this morning so of course you're included in those.
Your room really is taking shape and I feel really at home now youve bought those hooks....we have several of them here ๐
Annie x #12
Oh Neet what a gorgeous room, and after the flooring is in it will be even more gorgeous us you will have had time to think through any little adjustment s you may want to make...
Hi Neet, thanks for sharing your photos! Those dies are gorgeous! I keep seeing these oxides being mentioned, I will have to investigate more into these, I am getting a severe case of FOMO. Love the dog tail hook! Lyns xx #20
Well i suppose if the room is completely finished sooner than you thought you won't have to redo it later. Love how you're getting organised. Those white boxes against the white walls look very chic. Sarah #23
Oh no! On one hand, it's marvellous that the floor is ready early but on t'other, you're going to have a crazy few weeks! I do love all your fab storage but my favourite so far are those hooks for the dies - they look great but don't they get tangled up? Or would that just be my problem?!
It's getting closer, looking forward to seeing you so much :-D
HUgs LLJ 6 xxx
Hi Neet, how typical you just get straight, then they deliver early! Just commented to someone else August is crazy for us as far as birthdays go- 11 family( including me & Doug) & 8 friends! All in the first three weeks. There is a huge pride of Leos in our family, lol. Love the Alice dies, how unusual. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX
Fun hooks and very useful! It's a bummer that you have to dismantle your craft room yet again for the flooring - still it's better to get it over and done with sooner rather than later! Have a good week! zsuzsa #26
Yippee for buying new boxes - someone after my own heart. Love your work area - jealous of the oxides ... must get some. Thanks for sharing - Hazel, #25 x
Ahh, organisation! Don't we just love it? I've been doing the same with my new pantry this week! (About my studio and my desk, well, we won't go there at the moment!!). Love the fun hooks!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #30
I LOVE your pretty white boxes! The Swedes have a history of knowing how to use white for household design. this includes such items as storage boxes, etc.I've seen this in any number of paintings. I suppose long winters have made them want cheerfully light interior style in their homes.
Does that company have a website? i'd like to see it if there is one.
Happy WOYWW!
Rose #35
Great space and thanks for sharing xx Jan (36)
I was only organised about the forthcoming workshop because we were chatting about it on B messenger... decided to get ahead while the ideas were fresh.... kew last weekend, not sure if you saw, not sure if I'll have time to go this...! Helen #1
Isn't that always the way, just when you think you can breathe, you have to take everything apart again! Those dies are awfully cute! You are getting very organized! Thanks, for sharing, Lindart #33 (PS-the link takes you a page that says post does not exist - just click on "home", and it will go to the post)
What wonderful organisation. Love those boxes, they are beautiful. And I love the Alice dies, shame you didn't get to do the Alice trail with Margaret.
thanks for visiting my page and nice comments.
Chris #5
Very organised! Now you've space to buy more crafty stuff ๐
Hel-llp indeed Neet, more shifting and shuffling and reorganising.. ah well, when it's all done it will be grand to be settled.
Love all your organising ideas but not sure I'd have sucess storing dues that way, I'd be worried I'd put them out of shape. Tangled and topsy turvy.
Happy belated WOYWW.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
Shaz in Oz.x 39
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
I'm having to take my time getting round this week due to a bad head cold but I'll get there. Love those Alice dies! Happy belated woyww, Angela x19x
Just a late flying visit. You are getting all sorted out so nicely - love the boxes! xx Jo
Thank you for your return visit, Neet. So glad you like my pantry and the labelled jars. I wanted to store them so they were the first thing you saw when you opened the door.
Hope you've had a good week. We got our new kittens yesterday!
Oh my..upheaval again so soon. Still, look at it this way - it'll be done and dusted before ou have to settle in for the BIG season! I love the boxes, and the hooks for the big dies are a great idea for accessibility I must say. AM so late that I can safely hope you had a nice time on Weds!
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