Have I got the number right at last? Sorry I did not get to all the people who visited me until yesterday. My shoulder blade pain has been really bad and I spent most of the week in bed flat on my back. Went to a Chinese Doctor on Friday and had acupuncture. I am back again this afternoon and hoping that a few sessions will put me right, cannot stand being like this.
Anyway, I know most of you have waited wanting to see some photos of my newly decorated craft room. It was lovely when she had finished although I had to halt her and stop her spending a further £200 on things to put in for storage etc. I did only want it painting but I think she wanted to do a makeover and no doubt she would have made it look lovely but .... a craft room without a ton of money being thrown at it doesn't necessarily look lovely. It can look nice but it has to be functional, easy if you are starting from scratch but when you already have lots of storage in the wrong colourway you cannot just go and buy new - well I cannot. Plus some things come in different colours ie my super duper cutting machine is lime green and is not made in any other colour.
Here are the photos I took when she had finished:
wall to right as you walk in
pink wall with pegboard and stag
I love the stag and the pegboard, and I was going to paint pink edges to the huge cupboards so it was good to see that she had done the same on the little boxes. The painting of this wall was covered in the bathroom costs because of the doorway being blocked off.
Close-up of stag and pegboard
So you have to admit, even if you are not into pink as I am not (gave her freedom to choose) it is lovely and she made a super job of it. Now I have to move back in and already it is not looking quite as beautiful as it was originally. I just have so much stuff. It will probably take me a week or two to get everything back - poor Chas is busy painting more boxes for me and I am hastily trying to work out where to put them and what to put in them. Think a trip to a Swedish shop is on the cards as I need some bits and pieces yet.
This is part way through my moving things in - note all the extra boxes Chas has painted for me (the paint gets on my chest and affects my breathing plus I cannot do too much lifting and carrying if I want my back to have chance to heal). Gotta get right for The Crop!!
The pinky-lilac cupboard on top and the lilac and pink cupboard underneath will have to be repainted eventually but at the moment I want my house back to normal - ie the spare room and study empty of craft things. Oh and the porch/sun room which I keep forgetting about. The only place that is back to normal is the hallway.
Won't be buying a new chair so that will have to remain blue and the filing cabinet which is a dark grey will have to stay like that. I might get around to painting the black cabinet ... but when??
Adirondack pads, envelopes and tall canisters
The stag has come in useful
The yellow tub will be going and the container on the left is going to be redone all in pinks. Took no time at all to fill the shelves on the pegboard but I am not sure the tub is big enough for my palette knives - did I really always have so many? Now I can display the jewellery I have made, mainly in make and takes at CHA, or Creativation as it is now called, although you might think I have spoiled the whole effect of the stag - have I?
Boxes, boxes, boxes
Poor Chas has been kept busy these last few days painting boxes for all he was worth. Now I have a whole row of them on the worktop and a couple on that filing cabinet too.
I do need a new floor but the one I want is the same as the one in the kitchen and hallway. We live in a bungalow and I want the flooring to flow through, besides which, I love my kitchen flooring. Sadly I cannot track any down anywhere in the country. Even had the UK distributor looking for supplies. So I have some on order with the company who did the kitchen and when the manufacturer does a run (in Belgium in OCTOBER!!!) my order will go through and I will have to undo my craftroom all over again to have the floor laid One day it will be worth it. I might be straight for Christmas!
Well, you have seen my work desk at last so now I am off to see
Julia and to get the lowdown on what she and others have done. Next week I will have finished off my canvas that I did the other weekend and will be able to show it to you along with the other two projects.
Have a good week!