Another day - another dollar; another week - another WOYWW! Gosh, time moves on so swiftly when you are having fun.
This week saw me meeting up with two of my favourite men - Andy Skinner and Seth Apter. I was booked in to do a workshop with Seth and Andy came as a bonus when I went into the actual trade show.
So my first picture is of my desk as I had unpacked it showing you what I made with Seth -
A Window Box using his new choice of PaperArtsy paints, Buff, Mahogany, Midnight and Terracotta. I had only booked on this one workshop as I wanted to see what the show had on offer and how it differed from cha but I got to see Andy Skinner and watch his demos.
On the other bit of my desk, the bit I work on mostly, you can see a card I am currently pondering over as to how to mount it. This is one of the cards for Vicky Stampers next month as I am doing the workshop. Love these stamps but am only using this one for the workshop but they do have a choice of blue or red as a scheme, or whatever other colour they want.
I don't think I am spoiling it for anyone as none of the members go on my blog. You can see my original idea which is the red lady, reminiscent of the prints you see in the various furnishing shops around that are just black and white with a red figure in the centre. Thought I would do a blue one as well as a sample and think I will mount this differently, probably as a smaller card as I know of at least one member who prefers to send small cards. Of course, if anyone wants to colour the whole image in it is up to them. Other cards are being kept under wraps for the moment but I will no doubt show them to you another week.
That is it from me for now, think I am coming down with a cold which is also attacking my tummy so I am keeping warm and rested for the moment. Please pop along to see Julia and catch up with her and the other WOYWW'ers for this week. See you around!
hope you feel better soon... love the cards for your workshop; and am jealous of the Seth workshop! Helen #?
Oh Neet - I do hope the cold does not attack too hard. Love the look of your cards, and it's good to hear you were able to 'meet the masters' as it were.
It's good to hear you've been out and about doing demos but not so good to hear you're not feeling 100%.... think I'm teetering on the edge of a bug too.
Have a good week.
Annie x #12
Looks like you had a great show. Great cards for Vicky Stampers. Hope you're poorly tum gets better soon. P xx
Morning Neet. I really like the red one - and I love the way you have only coloured the dress - I sometimes do stamps like that, just picking out a feature. It's so effective. Hope you soon get over your cold - certainly keeping warm at the moment seems like a good idea. Don't know about where you are, but it's pouring here, very high winds all night. NOT a day for bothering to go anywhere, just for staying snuggled in the craft room.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6
Hi Neet, hope you cold passes quickly. Sounds like you went to a great workshop. I did Andy Skinners online workshop years ago on creating textures and he was amazing. Pretty card enjoy your workshop.
sandra de @19
It's interesting to see how various trends affects other parts of the crafting world. I like the pop of colour against the monochrome background very much - there seems to be a trend for wedding photography too along the same lines.
You are very much in demand for shows and demos aren't you? You are obviously one very talented lady :-D I really do wish I could get into papercrafting but it just doesn't float my boat although I could admire Julia's stamps and inks.
Keep warm, I hope this cold doesn't develop - I'm fighting one off too, have been so healthy this winter. Fingers crossed it continues!!
Hugs, LLJ 13 xxx
That looks like it was a fun class to do. Getting messy with paints. The lady with the umbrella is a great image and works so well with that background. She'll be making an appearance in my paper piecing class next week and no doubt on my blog too. Thanks for your lovely comments on my cards.
Fiona #4
I must admit I love red, but both colours work well. Feel better soon. Sarah #23
Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the demos and show! The cards look fab. I always find it hard to know when to pack the colouring in on designs like that. That is one reason I am not a card maker per se. Keep up the great work and have a great week - EmbroidRage #2 x
I love the print on the green section of the Window Box project - very effective. The workshop sounds great. Will have to look up Seth Aller. Thanks for sharing, Max #24
HI Neet, look after yourself, and keep warm till this nasty cold passes. The workshop cards look great, and saw a lot on FB about the Trade Show. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz#5 xxx
The workshop sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you don't get hit too hard by the bug. Take care of yourself.
Sharon K #31
Oh dear - so many people I know are sick, hope you feel better soon! I like the red card best, I love the off-set mounting! But doing it without the second card beneath, just makes it look crooked. Good luck with your workshop! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #37
Hello Neet,
The workshop looks like it was fun. I like the colors you chose for the box - very cool! I recently bought some of Tim Holtz's oxide pads and have yet to have a play. Maybe next week!
Your cards look nice; I would probably color in more. The red one definitely catches the eye.
Oh, I'm about a one hour plane flight from Los Angeles.....
Hugs, Kay (35)
Now that is a pretty stamp, maybe a little tiny border of holographic mirri behind it and then on black to really make it pop? Hope the ladies enjoy the workshop with you :)
Oh Neet! I do hope you don't get the cold I had as it was a stinker and I am only just starting to feel better. You lucky thing, Seth Apter workshop! Take care and happy crafty woyww, Angela x
Couldn't join in again today but still like to see what you are up to! A Seth workshop is to be envied - in fact going to CHA and Stitches is to envied too! Hope your cold is one of those get better quick ones! Hugs, Chrisx
Ah, that's not so good. Hope you are feeling better soon Neet. That's a lovely stamp and I like the effect of colouring only the one part, especially the red. The workshop sounds fun. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30
it's all the crowds of strangers - you are practically guaranteed to pick up a virus, I miss Vickies stampers, but its just a bit too far now! you are of course welcome to pop over anytime you want - though you may wish to wait until we actually have a building finished! Fabulous projects you have there, one and all...and I know you will have something to please each of them!love Dxx #42
Be kind to yourself dear lady and be overdoing it.
Lynn xx 25
You're so lucky! Seth AND Andy in the same place! Love the window box - I've always been a fan of that weathered look. Hope your cold clears up quickly. I had one two for a couple of days but it went as quickly as it came. Thanks for visiting yesterday! Happy belated WOYWW! zsuzsa #21
Great workshop and I love how you have made two different cards with the same stamp by just changing the colour. Thanks for the visit yesterday. BJ#10
Oops - I clearly missed you too... I was there on Tuesday and managed to get a last-minute place on one of Andy's class thanks to bumping in to him at just the right moment. Didn't get to work with Seth, but I did have a lovely chat with him, mostly about New York, where I seem, incredibly luckily, to spend lots of my working life now. Glad to hear you had a good time at the show, and that window box looks fabulous.
Alison x
Two for the price of one wow. Love the stamp as it can be coloured in any one colour. Do I spy love hearts on your desk? From your valentine perhaps.
I'm late, and hoping it finds you feeling a little better Neet, so much going on with you as usual! Love what you e planned for Vicky stampers, it is an almost familiar image isn't it! The shadow box is great, what a bonus for you to see both your men!
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