Guess you all want to see what I brought back from the USA? Well, hold on to your hats 'cos here is a photo of my desk as it was when I got in last Wednesday evening after unpacking the cases:
So that looks just a jumble, right? OK, I did think of showing you some of the bits and pieces in more detail - not all of them but some
Still a jumble? OK here is the Andy Skinner stuff
with Andy himself looking on
Stencils were bought over here and waiting for me when I got home but we got his three new sets of stamps - wasn't getting them, or so he pretended, but on the promise of a drink at the bar from me the whole class benefitted and we got them. Behind are the tags we did with him showing various techniques and behind them are the paints we used in his and Tracy's classes.
During one of the workshops I took with Andy and Tracy (Weinzapfell) Craig (de Souza) came in wearing a mask of Andy's face and shouting that he was "the real Andy Skinner". There were only a few masks but I managed to get one on the promise that I would wear it at the show the next day - which I did, on the back of my head!
The Splash Booth?
Some of you may recall seeing photos of me in a "forensic scientist suit" on FB? Well at the back are the results of the splashing about of paint that we did. To the left (the green one) is a canvas I did with Tracy as is the one to the right.
In front are my Inktense pencils, a sticky roller and a book on journalling with some cute ribbons tucked in there that I bought from Hobby Lobby.
Did I buy any rubber stamps? You bet I did, and I got some given by my friend Mary from her selection of SU stamps - including the 'Beautiful You' series which I fell in love with. The butterfly is actually a die from Simon Says.
So there's my desk, both as a dump and then later cleared up and staged to show you some of the things I brought back from the "Good Old US of A". Was I sad to leave - you bet I was. Always difficult to say 'bye' to friends and especially to Mary who has a big place in my heart. I now have to pull myself together and remember that there are only eleven months before I am there again, God willing.
Hope Julia does not mind the desk shots, at the moment it is pretty clear in my craft room, remember my sister is with us from Australia (pictures in another post soon) and she does not craft, besides which we have so much to talk about and sleep is hitting both Karen and me. So I will leave it there and join our
leader of the pack, Julia, and see what she has been up to, throw my cap into the ring and then have a snoop about at friends blogs when Karen leaves tomorrow. Sorry I was so late last week with comments, you do understand don't you - please say 'yes'.