Saturday, 17 December 2016

Annie's Smiles 199

At last I am back joining in with Annie and her Smiles which I see is nearing 200 weeks of smiles that she has hosted.

Well, yesterday we went to the Manchester Christmas Market with my friend Paul.  I don't see him as much as I used to when he was a member of Vicky Stampers but we always have our Annual Christmas meet up.

At the beginning I did not get my phone out to take photos but eventually I felt I had to commemorate another year of Gluhwein and Bratwurst.  

I'd love to fill my window sill with these beauties

I just love those Troll faces - evocative!

Only Chas had a bratwurst, well, actually an alternative, as this time it was a red sausage with a cheese centre - I had a taste but was not keen and Paul had a taste and burnt his fingers as it was too hot to hold.  It was funny seeing him dance about with the sausage between his teeth and then in his fingers and then in his teeth (you get the picture), wish I had thought of taking a photo then.

Paul & Chas with the Mulled Wine
A non-alcoholic and an alcoholic version

I was amazed at the size of these bulbs
(Compare with the guy's feet)

Later we all had a Hog Roast Muffin before retiring to a lovely Arts & Crafts Cafe that Paul took us to a couple of years ago.  I won't tell you what Paul had but Chas had a coffee and a Rocky Road and I had a hot Mulled Vimto.  again I missed out on a photo opportunity - must remember next time!

We have already planned to meet up when the weather is a bit kinder and Paul is going to show us all the artwork of the Northern Quarter - and I have requested the same little Arts & Crafts cafe despite the steps that I struggle with.  Hopefully Paul will come over for a crafting session early in the year and my only New Year Resolution will be to see more of my lovely friend, Paul.  He really makes me feel happy and I do miss him.

This was taken right before a big white van pulled up bang in front of ME!  Paul could not stop laughing.  Pity about the rubbish bags.


Helen said...

oh I can just picture Paul juggling the sausage... I do wish you'd caught a picture! the market looks great fun.

Sandy said...

Wonderful post - just wonderful! Yes I definitely want some hot Gluhwein with alcohol! And German sausages - I will take three!
What in the world is a Hog Roast Muffin. I must admit, it sounds good!!
Merry Christmas!
Sandy xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Neet, the market looks good and not too busy. We stopped going to the Lincoln one as it gets so busy that you can't get near enough to see anything. The food sounds good. I had to smile when I saw the Trolls, I had quite a few of them before I went to college and when I asked my mum where they went to she said " They left home" now I wonder how that happened Lol! Have a great Christmas, Angela x

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely post and not a bad stand in for Germany for you.
I haven't sent any cards but Dave has and you will get one (that I DIDN'T make) but I don't know what he wrote on it!!! German family does arrive on Thursday so you are correct but I took an extra cheapo solo flight over for the markets. Thanks for your message, good to hear from you.
Jo x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah memories Neet, I remember that cafe, we had a lovely time there. Smiled my way through your post thanks so much for sharing. Don't think will see it again as family are moving to Europe next year I think... but loved to walk around it with you, you really did have fun.
Praying for your op, you still haven't said what day it is.
Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

kiwimeskreations said...

What a fabulous expedition you have had Neet, and with good friends too (Chas included)

Paul B said...

It was a brilliant day and those are fantastic photos!!! You are much better than I am at capturing the day. And definitely we will do it again in a warmer season & meet up for another crafty sesh xx