Thursday, 29 December 2016

Jeudi Journal - Blue Is The Colour

Well, my past track record has not been good.  First I did a scheduled pst but forgot to put a picture and then after that I forgot to post. So in order to make sure with all the Christmas festivities going on around us (yes, it is over but I guess I will still feel Christmassy) do not detract from my posting here it is mega early, scheduled of course.

My choice this time which makes me wonder if we did right in choosing topics so far ahead of time as I was a bit at a loss and now it is not in keeping with the rest of the book but then there are a couple more pages that aren't.  Call it an experimental book.

This was done on an already blue page but an unsuitable one.  I had this gorgeous paper, I think from Margaret, and I wanted to use it but hesitated each time I took it out.  This way it stays with me always. What to do now?

A friend had reused a Christmas card to make one for me and so I took it down from the shelf, photocopied it twice and cut out the three Kings so they could be decoupaged.  These were then mounted on sticky buddies, one set under the first King, doubled up (on top of one another) under the second King and with three depths for the third King.

I printed the words on the computer and cut and embossed a large silver star from a favourite die and it was all done.  I really liked it.

Wonder what Wendy has done - knowing Wendy she will have thought outside the box - as for me I am off to do one for the week after. Nothing like getting ahead.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Nearly 400 but not quite, but it won't be long into the New Year before we are there - what an achievement for Julia who first began this marathon with crafters all over the world 395 weeks ago.

Hope you all had a Lovely Christmas and are ready and looking forward to the New Year.  Whilst writing this I am remembering friends old and new but mainly old friends who I met on here who no longer take part for whatever reason.  One of them got in touch with me the other week and it was so nice to hear from her.  

Well, my desk is looking a bit sparse and in need of an injection to bring it all back to life but I have succumbed to an eat-a-thon which included chocolates and things that I should not have had.  But ooh, it was nice!  Now is the time to get back into the swing of things ready for 2017, get crafting and eating a bit more sensibly.

Here I am pondering over what to do in my journal for a Thursday theme which will be coming up. Can you see my Polychromos?  That tin was bought for me by my BFF for Christmas so I decided to stamp some flowers and try them out instead of getting on with my journalling.  I need to do something using those pages but the witch has bled through from the other side so whatever I do I need to cover that up.

The knitting is something Annie (Wipso) knows all about but the trouble is each time I begin knitting for Spencer and his new girlfriend my fingers seize up with cramp.  Terribly painful.  The two of them got new bob caps, minus pom poms, for Christmas but hopefully she will have a skirt and cape and he will have a gilet before too long.

At the side of the knitting is the index page for a Brett Weldele set of stamps, love his gents.  So much so in fact that I bought two sets of this one.  I am now in the process of trying to get rid of this one, brand new and unused, and have advertised it on my craft group but so far no takers.

On the other side of my desk, the bit that you usually see is

A Suitcase!

Well, don't you all have one on your desk?  I have Gessoe'd a piece of corrugated card but it is all warped so I am attempting to flatten it. Not sure it will work as I let it dry out first.  There is also a pink cutting mat under there that has been flattening for weeks, but not with the suitcase so fingers crossed.

Well, that is all.  I cannot sleep, another story, so I am playing with my new crayons - you never know there might be another picture soon.

May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a wonderful 2017 and once again I am praying for Peace in the World.  Happy New Year!

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Jeudi Journal - Dictionary Page

Another one of Wendy' but this time one I didn't mind at all as I sat with my new(ish) stamp of feathers from Tracy Scott (she was the designer - PaperArtsy are the stockists) and played around with two colours of Promarkers.

When it was finished I decided it was too sparse so I sat and wondered what else I could do.  If only I had those cat stamps!  Well luckily my bff had and she brought them over yesterday for me to stamp. Then this morning I rang the doctor's surgery and had to go in for the nurse to see my injured leg.  It's not much of a thing but obviously despite bathing it and putting clean dressings on it is infected. Four pharmacies later I still had not got the dressings on my prescription.  Luckily my own little pharmacy have ordered them and they should be here this afternoon.

So that is my excuse for being so late - sorry again.  I did think I would make it this time. Here it is - two pages that join together

sneaked in later - cats coloured now

Am hoping this will do for the challenge.  Now I must check the challenges for next week, surely it is one of mine that I might be able to do because I chose it.   Off to see what Wendy has done.........

Wednesday, 21 December 2016


Sending Loving Wishes and Thoughts to you all this Christmas Season.

I have been making two special projects (instead of cards - one for my dear GP and one for a friend who has saved all my cards since the year dot) and here they are (ok there are three - one is for Chas as I didn't get time to make him a special card - as yet.)

Here is my desk, as left, no time to tidy it up or do anything due to my having my procedure in hospital yesterday.  It went well but I am in quite a bit of pain.  They weren't for letting me out due to the pain but how does one measure pain?  What one person finds as intolerable may be moderate to another.  Go figure.  I convinced them it was not as bad as I had first intimated and to be honest it was better once I got home with my hottie and fizzy drinks.

and the tidy bit

see, some things have been put away

I think I tidied most things like the poinsettia dies and stamps. Shame I did not get around to making boxes for the lanterns but time just went and I have sent them out in "Lancashire Yoghurt Tubs" which are like buckets and even they would not take the lid.

Not got around to photographing the tree yet.  If I am ok and get time later, or in the morning, I will do it before this post goes out, otherwise it will be next week.

Have a lovely Christmas and my thoughts are with those of you who are feeling a little sad this Christmas for one reason or another (I went to see my cousin who lost his wife a few weeks ago and it broke my heart to see how lonely he was despite having his daughter and grand-daughter and their families around him over Christmas. Guess you can't live with someone for 66 years and not feel so very bereft).

Take care and hop over to Julia's without whom we would not be doing this - when you read this and join in the fun of WOYWW.

Made it!

note the curtains Annie & Jan
Swags & Tails by Me

Tree courtesy of my lovely other half this year

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Not a Christmas Market But ...

The Lowry Centre was somewhere we needed to go and what better time than when Media City had a little "Lights" display.

It was a wet Tuesday when we went but it didn't deter us from crossing the road from the shopping centre once I had my reed diffusers and refills which is what we had gone for and what a lovely tree greeted us as we exited the centre

I should have said treeS as there was one either side but I preferred this shot as the other had people walking up the steps in the middle.

To see these trees in reality is so much more pleasing to the eye and the wet walkway worked with its reflection of the colours.  It truly was magical.

Part way along you got these little characters, from Blackpool Illuminations apparently

As you walked into Media City you had the river and there on the embankment by the Metro Station were the daleks and the astronauts.

Looking at them from the other side you can see the telephone box in the centre

It's never successful when I take a photo of something behind glass but I just wanted to show you the size of this Christmas tree so Chas, bless him, went and stood in front for me.  Isn't it huge?

Then it was time to make our way back across to the car but we had to stop and see the origami boats that changed colour all the time.  I loved them.  Here they are, all lilac and just going blue


and now multicoloured

I hope you enjoyed this little trip to Media City in Manchester.  It really is a lovely place in summer and you can sit on huge bean bags on the grass, or curved undulating structures whilst sipping a wine or drinking a beer - or even coffee and a bun!  Great place for star spotting too and then there is always the shopping centre across the road.  If you live within a reasonable distance give it a try - next summer!

Sunday, 18 December 2016

More on Christmas Markets

All close to home this year.  On Friday I posted the Manchester Christmas Market which is high up on the lists of best Christmas markets around.  I have got that right haven't I?

Anyway, missing out on our German Markets we also visited York the other weekend.  

Never again. It was Ice Sculpture time and it was mad busy.  With the cobbled streets, crowds and my rollator it was a bit of an arduous task to get around.  Anyway we did do a little of it, mainly the ice sculpture trail:

Aladdin is playing at the Grand Opera House

This little boy was so excited - I think you are supposed to have two of you and stand behind the sculpture so that your head is in the visor.

Not sure what this is (above)

Some of them had prizes attached like this dog

Fluge - outside where we had a Roast Hog Muffin

The Man in the Moon

Olaf (Chas had no idea who or what this was)

A diamond ring
Can you see the ring encased in ice below?

A watering can, complete with flower

and lastly 'wings'

Oh to be lithe enough to crouch in front of them and look like an angel with the tree in the background.  Not many, even young ones, did.

Away from Ice Sculptures and looking in a shop window I saw these lovely Gingerbread Houses - could not resist taking a photo.

Well, that is all that we saw, it was lovely to escape into Marks & Spencer's to avoid the crowds but it did mean it was a costly escape. I bought a jacket and Chas bought a new dressing gown.  Then we had tastings of Prosecco and chocolate biscuits.  In fact I had a few tastings of the Prosecco so I could collect enough of those teeny plastic glasses to give my son the ability to taste my flavoured gins which I bought at the Bolton Christmas Market (no pictures, too cold that day) without being over the limit for driving home.  We went into Bolton the next day to buy the booze and biscuits as we were to laden with the clothing to bother in York.

Off to MacArthur Glenn to collect the car and have my favourite salad at Pizza Express.  Too tired to wander and look at what was on offer or at their Christmas market but the entrance was rather nice

Christmas would not be Christmas without the Nussknackers.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Annie's Smiles 199

At last I am back joining in with Annie and her Smiles which I see is nearing 200 weeks of smiles that she has hosted.

Well, yesterday we went to the Manchester Christmas Market with my friend Paul.  I don't see him as much as I used to when he was a member of Vicky Stampers but we always have our Annual Christmas meet up.

At the beginning I did not get my phone out to take photos but eventually I felt I had to commemorate another year of Gluhwein and Bratwurst.  

I'd love to fill my window sill with these beauties

I just love those Troll faces - evocative!

Only Chas had a bratwurst, well, actually an alternative, as this time it was a red sausage with a cheese centre - I had a taste but was not keen and Paul had a taste and burnt his fingers as it was too hot to hold.  It was funny seeing him dance about with the sausage between his teeth and then in his fingers and then in his teeth (you get the picture), wish I had thought of taking a photo then.

Paul & Chas with the Mulled Wine
A non-alcoholic and an alcoholic version

I was amazed at the size of these bulbs
(Compare with the guy's feet)

Later we all had a Hog Roast Muffin before retiring to a lovely Arts & Crafts Cafe that Paul took us to a couple of years ago.  I won't tell you what Paul had but Chas had a coffee and a Rocky Road and I had a hot Mulled Vimto.  again I missed out on a photo opportunity - must remember next time!

We have already planned to meet up when the weather is a bit kinder and Paul is going to show us all the artwork of the Northern Quarter - and I have requested the same little Arts & Crafts cafe despite the steps that I struggle with.  Hopefully Paul will come over for a crafting session early in the year and my only New Year Resolution will be to see more of my lovely friend, Paul.  He really makes me feel happy and I do miss him.

This was taken right before a big white van pulled up bang in front of ME!  Paul could not stop laughing.  Pity about the rubbish bags.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Jeudi Journal - Include a Moon

Again Wendy's choice - and one which I got stuck at yesterday.  Why do I leave everything until the last minute?  I do know that somewhere I have a rubber stamp of a crescent moon with someone sitting on it - sort of 1920's style or somewhere around there - but try as I might I could not locate it. It is probably in my bag of "I am giving these stamps away" and I don't know where that is.

Well, a further search and I found a Stampscapes scene which had a moon on it.  So it was "muck or nettles" as they say in the north and I stamped the image on a piece of card.  Now which prepainted page should I use?  Chose the blue one and how I wished I hadn't when I came to try to cover some of it in white paint.  Took lots of coats but eventually it was reasonable and I left it and began stamping some of Tracy Scott's circle stamps all over the white section with a Berry Blue ink pad.  Didn't like the starkness that I obtained so I used my new Zig Cldean Color Real Brush Pens that Mary had sent me over from America. Boy oh Boy, do I like them!!!

On You Tube someone had said they worked best on watercolour paper, well, if that is the case I cannot wait to use them on it as I loved the coverage I got on the acrylic paint.  I chose to use the two palest blues - 31 Cobalt Blue and 36 Light Blue in the main with touches of 37 Cornflower Blue and 32 Persian Blue as highlights, or should that be low lights?

Anyway, here is my page.  Not really me but the best I could do and it did give me a chance to use Tracy's fabulous PaperArtsy stamps and those gorgeous pens.  Here it is but I notice that the scan has missed the  border off the top - ah well, not to worry.

The circles are to represent planets just in case you were all wondering.  I was going to include some die cut stars but decided to leave it as it was - maybe I will see what they look like another day. Off now to see what Wendy has done.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

WOYWW 393 and a Happy Christmas

First of all let me wish you all a Lovely Christmas - here is your Christmas Card from me

Why is it that try as I might I always get a central image cock-eyed? Now here is my desk in all its glory - the aftermath of the last minute scrabble to finish off Christmas Cards.  And I wonder why my back hurts!!!

to the left

to the right

Hopefully all of my Christmas Cards have now been sent, too many commercial ones this year - may prompt me to begin handmade cards sooner in 2017 (do I hear a mocking bird?).

Hope you all have the Christmas that you are hoping for and that none of you are lonely.  We must remember those that have lost a loved one or who have no-one to spend time with.  Spare them a thought and, if possible, send them a little Christmas cheer.

I might not have chance to post next week as I have my polyp removed on Tuesday so it will depend on how it goes which is why you have your Christmas Card early.  Have a wonderful Christmas folks - see you over at Julia's later.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Jeudi Journal - Include a Tag

Wendy's choice this week and I am expecting great things from her as she has some gorgeous work done over the years with tags.  I would go so far as to stick my neck out and say she loves making tags more than anything.  So as soon as my eyes are open (yes, I am scheduling this) I will be over to see what she has done.

Here is my tag page - not very inspired and I lost my zentangling book so I couldn't fill in my last section of the tag.  (Top left, the others are through stencils)  My memory and those patterns do not go together and each time I do that pattern I have to look it up.  Saying that it is one of the few patterns I can do, I just don't seem to have the patience and am not neat enough to do the others but I do love them. Found it late last night and abandoned it.  Anyhow, here is my tag, hastily finished this morning.

Again using Dyan's stamps and stencils.  Gosh I do like those Dylusion images, especially for journalling. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


Christmas cards - tick.

Well, all that is going to be done this year.  Luckily I had done the red ones early on, like a good few months ago - die cut them I mean. It just needed a stick it on session and they were finished. Count up revealed 16.  Ooer!  Not many there, especially when you consider I used to do about a hundred.  So into operation last Friday night as I had to do one for the card club (Vicky Stampers) and there are some dedicated 'stampers' there so die cutting might not do.  I so enjoyed myself colouring in that I decided to stamp some more images and then colour them up whilst sitting in bed with my feet up.

As you can see I have gone down the road with Snowmen.  Ten of them to be exact and how I enjoyed my colouring session - now I wish I had done more.  In fact I enjoyed them so much that I might just have to start on next year's now.

This is my desk last night as I began to write inside the cards, you can see a red die-cut one on the right and that is my journal peeking in bottom left as I have to do a page for tomorrow's challenge with Wendy.  Did you see my weird "eyes" one last week?  It was mega weird but I did think it was clever of me to think of using eyes like that.

Will leave it there for now, a bit shorter than most times.  Chas put the tree up at weekend so I might just take a photo of that for next week.  Doubt there will be any crafting on my desk but you never know.

See you over at Julia's place in a bit - just have an errand to do as I am feeling much better and providing I take the tablets the ActiPatch is working.  TTYL!