Well, my desk is completely bare. Looks tidy but it isn't, there is stuff all over the place and I have lost my Sunflowers and my mats to do my flowers on. Not a clue where to look but they are in a smallish black box somewhere. Anyway - here are the cards I was making last week
and todays desk?
Went for a stroll around the lake at a local park on Sunday to see the local bird life. Not as many geese and swans as usual but the seagulls - they took over. They would soar and swoop and then all come back and sit on these posts, starting with the one furthest on the left and working up to the right of the photo.
This handsome swan would not turn for a photograph but stood on the small lake edge having a a preening session.
and I wore my flat cap in true Northern style
What a lovely day, and early February.
Now to hop over to
Julia's blog and see what she has been up to - loved the magpie picture she showed yesterday. See you there!