Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Another Day at CHA

Hi - so glad so many of you are leaving me comments. It makes it so worthwhile and even though I am shattered and it is 11.20 at night I want to share a little bit more with those of you who are popping in.
Sit back and enjoy

Kicked off the day with Dreamweaver Stencils and saw some great things using them with metal.

What visit to CHA would be complete if I did not include a photo of the delightful Claudine Helmuth. Not seen her demo yet. Here she was filming

Here's a quick peek at Diane on the Ranger stand.

Now who is demoing in the midst of this crowd? Tim?

... And contrary to what this guy might tell you I was not at Tim's stand all day

Leaving the paper crafting I wandered down to the jewellery and saw this dress - pretty spectacular what?

Going over to Viva in the hopes Lisa Pavelka might be there I met this incredible artist -Brenda Abdoyan

I just loved her work ... And she was wonderful to talk to.

This was the doll she made, painting all the fabric, especially for the show.

Then I spotted these cute stamps

Check out the "Nursey" quilt.

Will leave you now with some shots of a familiar stand - fab papers that I know you all love. Always a fabulous stand. Graphic 45!

I'll upload lots more when I get back to Mary's.


Monday, 30 January 2012

OK So Prepare For Picture Overload from CHA

Can I remind you there is blog candy at the top of the page and i am collecting bits from CHA to put in the little bag. Don't miss out!

DAY ONE and it was a mad rush through the doors for most folks but Carol and I took it a little easier this year. Proof? We were 7 th inline at two of the four queues at the Ideology booth! Made it in time though for my one and only class of the day with SUZI BLU - yeah!

Suzi could not take her beloved pets with her but she did pose for a photo with Spencer for me - but she had little toys to remind her of her beloved babies back at home.

Here is a picture of the journal pages she did as a sample for us - and here is the gorgeous one the lady next to me did ( mine is still in progress).

In true Suzi style we had a blast, even to someone wearing Suzi's hat for half of the class. We had music playing and it really did help the creativity flow.

All too soon the classroom was emptying and Carol was wandering in for me and we were due to " walk the floor"

Now Jayne, I hope you are reading my blog because there is someone I told all about you and how much you love her work. So here I am with Laura Dennison

And here is her latest piece of work on show at the Ranger booth ( I actually saw her bring it in)

Now I guess you all want some eye candy? Prepare for DCWV and their stand ( remember the dresses last year). Well this year it seemed to be birds

There's a lot more but i will save some for another day. A bit further on we saw ... Wait for it ... Are you ladies ready?

Tim Holtz
... And almost Marion too!

And Spencer got to meet him too

Now for one or two things on the Ranger stand to delight you all - not too much, it is only Day one.

Sadly I was too late to the book signing by Traci Batista but I did get to talk to her and look at her book. Hey, who is that with her?

Why it's Bernie Berlin. check the top of my blog list to see what good work she does.

Also check out this amazing work of Ruth Rae, author of Layeredm Tattered and Stitched.

And the one my friend bought from her

Then it was off to Spellbinders where I met up with Stacey. It was so good to see her and we are hoping to hook up in April when she comes to the UK.

But a visit to Spellbinders would not be anything without my seeing my dear friend Cathy

Fab Make and Take and I love those new double folders and I did not get to see the new releases so I have to go back tomorrow. Besides which I need a photo with dear dear Kim.

This one is for Carol, Wendy sends her love.

Now I think Chas needs a few minutes on the iPad and I need to wash my hair so toodle pip for now - hope you are all enjoying my CHA blogging. More tomorrow.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Pre CHA Leftovers

Well, last night we went out for something to eat but sad to say Chas deleted the photos from my camera so there is nothing to show you. I won't go into the expletives that were uttered as he stamped his feet. Yep, he was mad at himself! I have not told him how annoyed I am as I have lost photos of a party we went to the other night - think he would commit hari Kari if I did LOL.

Anyway, just before I leave for the big SHOW here are a couple of the cards from yesterday's class

This is the Mammoth I told you about. The border is his feet.

This is the same stamp done with Distress Inks.

This is the Toucan tag ( will turn it the right way round when I find out how to on my iPad ( sorry)

off now to the show TTYL

CHA Anaheim

Well, we are here. The show is not open yet - we have to wait until 10 am tomorrow for that little treat but I have taken three classes today.

The first was with Animal Spirit Stamps. I did not learn any new techniques but I did come away with knowing that had I been fortunate enough to get The Mammoth stamp I could have had a lovely border on my cards. We will have to wait and see what I can do with "The Tree of Life" which is a lovely stamp and the one I got.

The second was with Aileene's Tacky Glue and boy did I enjoy that class. Mary had laughed when I said I was making roses from bread - she hasn't seen it yet but it is great. Then there is my eggshell pendant and my burnt brown bag butterfly. Three real cool projects.

My third class was Body Art - not that I will be setting myself up for doing this for a while, but I met the nicest guy - Richard (RT Ceramic Art) and I did a real cool dragon on his arm. Pity I did not take a photo! Now I have butterflies going up my arm, a shamrock on the back of my hand and the faint impression of love hearts on each finger. Faint because I tried to wash them off.

This is the view of outside the Conference Centre

This is inside

And where we registered

I only have photos of the Aileene's samples to show you but I am sure you will be satisfied when you see them
Look at these roses - made from bread! Minute too!

Burnt paper bag jewellery - am I serious? Oh Yes!

A box decorated with egg shells

And another

Will take a photo of my cards when the light is better - and my arm so watch out for tomorrow.

Be sure to watch for the next instalment and pictures from the show.