Friday, 17 September 2010

Lots to Do Challenge - Distressed Tags

You know the saying "Sod'sLaw" well that is very apt for me at the moment.  When I was away just over a week ago I had blogged and done a "post option" for most of the days before setting off.  Then I come back, am full of a cold, which is more like flu, and I take to my bed - no blogging since Monday.

I had done some tags in readiness for "ELEMENTS" which is this weekend and as I had used Distress Inks I thought I would put them in for the Lots to Do Challenge this week.  LTD is my favourite Challenge and I hate to miss out with it.  These are not the ones I am using for this weekend so I guess it does not matter my uploading them today.

Just plain simple tags using various colours with Archival black stamped images over the top.  Some of them are highlighted with Glossy Accents in various places but it doesn't show up in the photograph.  The tags don't fit in with the theme of my Project so that makes me feel that I am not giving anything away about "ELEMENTS".

I will be uploading pictures from the weekend (you have no idea what a great Project you have missed if you are not attending) early next week.  All I can say is that I was overcome when I put the finishing touches to my Project - I love it and am sure you will.