The Challenge over on
Lots to Do this week was to use tissue paper. Straight away my mind went to the Caught in Crystal technique - I really could not think of what else to do and I was determined not to look at what others had done. Since making these two cards (yeah - two Christmas Cards done) I have had a look and there is some great stuff on there. Be sure to check them out. I really must try what Hilda has done as it looks intriguing and is so effective.

This blue based one uses reinkers - Brilliance ones. It turned out quite delicate because I put some Klear on the top to "smoosh" the colours about a bit but I rather liked it for a different look. The scan does not show it up but I also put some of Suzi's "Putting on the Glitz" in the centre of the flowers and for the berries. That's why it could not be uploaded last night - it was drying.

This second one uses drawing inks. I have some Winsor & Newton inks from (you won't believe it, when I was a teenager - how old are they?) and is much stronger in colour. Again I smooshed with another coat of Klear.
Well, the sun is shining so we are off out for the day, my crafting is on hold again.