Showing posts with label Stallion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stallion. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Goytre Napoleon AKA "Neo"

We've had Neo since he was a yearling and we've run him on, with every intention of using him as one of our Stallions.
Unfortunately, when we put Neo through his Stallion assessment, Neo measured in at 90Cm's or 35 and a half inches and is now too big for us to use on our Miniature Mares.
So I've come to a heart breaking decision that my beautiful boy needs to find a new loving home, where he can have some Ladies of his own. It's not fair just to keep him here as a pet, where he will be totally wasted. So today I've put him up for sale on Shetland Pony Classifieds.
For Neo's full Pedigree please click here:- Pedigree

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Tivy Side Show 2009

We went to Tivy Side Agricultural Show today. But unfortunately no photographs as I forgot the camera.
Harry was showing Min again today, but was in a big class and didn't come home with any Rosettes.
I took Warrior in the Stallion Class and he got a second. He was then awarded a S.P.S.B.S Rosette for the Best Miniature.
So all in all a good day.
I'm really mad at myself because when we came home, I rang my friend with the results and we were talking about Cardigan Show. I've just double checked and I've realised I forgot to send my entries in and the entries have now closed. Oh well there's always next year.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Goytre Napoleon Aka Neo

I took these photograph's a couple of days ago of our beautiful boy Neo.
We've had Neo since he was a yearling and ran him on, with every intention of using him as one of our Stallions. He has fantastic breeding.
Last year I put him through his Voluntary Vet Assessment for his Stallion License. He passed with flying colours.
Unfortunately, Neo measured in at 90Cm's or 35 and a half inches and is now too big for us to use on our Miniature Mares.
So I've come to a heart breaking discussion that my beautiful boy needs to find a new loving home, where he can have some Ladies of his own. It's not fair just to keep him here as a pet, where he will be totally wasted, so I'll shortly be putting him up for sale..
For Neo's full Pedigree please click here:- Pedigree

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Viscount With His Ladies..

I took these photograph's yesterday of Vikey with his ladies. From left to right in the top photograph is Vikey, Katie and BB.
In the second photograph is Vikey, doesn't he look like he's got a big smile on his face.
In the last photograph is Vikey with all his girls again including Lemoney on the far right..
He is such a gentleman, when we take food down to them, he backs away and lets the girls eat first.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Our Stud..

After speaking to Sandra Seward, who is the Secretary of The South & West Wales Shetland Pony Group, and my telephone call to Jane who runs the website. Our Stud Hericus has now been added to the Studs on the web site.
The site is really informative and if you click on the Stud button, it takes you over to a map of Wales, with Yellow dots on. If you hoover over the dots, it brings up the name of the Stud and then if you click on it, it takes you to our web site, which then has a link to this blog.
This picture was taken of Warrior at the Lampeter Show last year, when he won 1st Place, we'd just come out of the ring and my friend Karen was giving him a congratulate scratch on the nose.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Just For Kate...

Kate asked very nicely on the last post, if I could pull Viscounts Forelock aside so that she could see his face..
Well just for you Kate, your wish is my command. Just taken these pictures of my handsome boy for you..

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Birchwood Viscount...

Took these photo's of Viscount this afternoon.
I'm totally in Love with him. He has such a wonderful temperament.
I'll be using him this year with a couple of the Mares....

Monday, 12 January 2009

My Birthday Present...

Today is my Birthday.
I'd like you to meet my Birthday Present, Birchwood Viscount, AC2358S. Isn't he Handsome. I'm totally thrilled to bits with him. He is a fully registered Multi Champion Stallion. To see his full pedigree please click on this link: Horse/Pony Pedigree.
His Sire was Little Jo Of Green Meadows 003301 and his
Dam is Birchwood Biscuit 015689.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Its been beautiful here today. Took some pictures of the "Boys", filling their faces in the bottom field. Can't believe how quickly their winter coats are coming. They also look extremely fat. Warrior is beginning to resemble a Teddy Bear!..

Friday, 3 October 2008

Show Tomorrow...

Was supposed to be taking Warrior, to a show tomorrow. It is The South & South West Wales group, which I am a member of. But its like the Artic here, freezing cold and windy. So there was no way, I was going to bath my boy today, don't want him catching a cold. So instead we are going to watch. My friend Karen has entered but looks like her Lorry is off the road again. Told her we are going and if she wants we will pick her, Lisa, and the pony up and take them to the show. Just waiting for her to ring and let me know what she wants to do. Already hitched the trailer up to the Jeep...

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Llandeilo Show Cancelled....

Had a phone call this morning from the organiser of the the Llandeilo Show, saying that they've had to cancel the show for this year. Apparently, with all the rain we've been having over the last few days, the field now resembles a bog. The Show was being held this Saturday and I'd entered Warrior, in three classes, Shetlands, Coloured & Spotted & The Mountain & Moorland. Such a shame that it's been cancelled, really feel for them, can you imagine all the organisation to run a show and then to have to cancel, right at the last minute.
These pictures were taken at Nevern Show, while Mick's Parents were staying with us. Big Mick was holding Warrior for me, while I was changing the number on my Waistcoat.

Saturday, 2 August 2008


Been playing about with the cropping function on my pictures... Here's one I tried with Warriors picture from yesterday.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Fairytail Shamrock

This is Fairytail Shamrock, who is Fairytail Chi-Chi's Sire. Photographs kindly supplied by Janette & Selwyn Cheadle at the Fairytail Stud.
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