My sweet Stalkers

Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2016

Best Way of Using Dry Shampoo

Hello my beautiful people today, hope you all are very well!
Today i came across an conversation with a friend regarding dry shampoos. A friend of mine asks me why my hair looks clean without been washing it for a few days. I told her the very secret of mine was.....dry shampoo, but she told me she could not achieve the same results as i did. Therefore, i decide to share my tips and tricks with you all. Hope you all find it helpful.

No girls and guys should be ashamed in using dry shampoo just because it is advertised for people who does not wash their hair which it might meant to everyone that we are some lazy people. We as in many girls and guys out there that are busy with college or work that we don't have the time to spare to wash our hair for the next day or water has stopped that there's no way of showering. Regardless of the reason, the invention of dry shampoo is one the best things had happened in the last few years, at least for me. Well, let's stop the rambling and start with how i think it's the best way to use dry shampoo.

Hair Type:
I have super thick, dry and oily hair (combination hair type). My hair would become oily within half a day after washing so now you have a fair idea of my hair type.

How I Would Use Dry Shampoo:
I know many people would only use dry shampoo when they needed to example: in the morning, but after using it for years i realized that dry shampoo works the best when you slept in with it overnight, so here's how i do it:

Before i would go to sleep and prepare my hair to be in an acceptable non-oily look for the next day, i would spray a ton and i do mean a ton of dry shampoo all over my hair especially onto the roots and massage it for a minute or two. This would help to absorb all of my oils that is currently in my hair and also prevent it from getting oily. Then i would jump into bed for the night with the dry shampoo in my hair and DO NOT brush your hair after putting dry shampoo on.
After a good night sleep, i would spray some (just enough) on my hair and some on my roots and massage it.This is all done before you wash yourself. After teeth brushing and face washing, you can then brush the dry shampoo flakes off your hair. VIOLA! Your hair would be nice and matte and fluffy which prepares you in for styling your hair if you needed to.

Dry Shampoo Brand:
I believe any brand works the same so this method can be used with any brand of dry shampoo. However, i love using the Baptiste original formula dry shampoo. Since i had tried many brands range from low end to high end and different scents from Baptiste, i still find that the original Baptiste works the best with my hair.

Friendly Reminder:
I do not recommend to use this product often since it will clog our pores which may lead to complications in the future. At the end of the day, they are still chemical products which may be harmful to us if we 'consume' it often. So please use it when you feel you really need to or else, spare 5 minutes of your time out to wash your hair which would keep yourself away from harmful chemicals.

Till next time!

Hope everyone likes it and enjoys it.

Have a nice day everyone


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Beauty Tip- Baby Powder Tricks

Hello everyone!
Don't you ever have experienced that you paid a fortune for a product and it doesn't work?!
Like thicken your eyelashes products?

Here's a list of things that Baby Powder can do for you better than any other products out there:

1. Thicken up your eyelashes by dusting with baby powder before you apply mascara. The powder will act as a primer, giving you fuller lashes without the falsies.

2. Out of your favorite dry shampoo? Sprinkle some baby powder underneath the top layer of hair at your roots to absorb excess oil. If you have dark hair, mix the baby powder with cocoa powder. For red hair, mix in some cinnamon. Finger through your hair to evenly distribute throughout and you’ll be good to go.

3. Before you go running — or before you step outside on a hot summer day — put some baby powder in between your thighs to prevent chafing.

4. When you’re finished shaving your legs or underarms, shake some powder onto your skin. The cooling, drying effect works as an amazing aftershave, leaving you feeling fresh.

5. During a hot summer night, put some baby powder on your back before heading to sleep and you’ll be cool and dry all night long!

6. Using a large powder brushset your makeup with baby powder once you’re finished. Make sure to only apply a small amount to keep it as translucent as possible. The powder will also work to absorb any excess oil, keeping you from looking too dewy.

7. Are you a DIY waxer? Apply baby powder to the area of skin you’ll be waxing before you begin. The wax will be better able to grab your hairs, and your skin will be soothed by the cooling effect of the powder.

8. Use baby powder under your arms as a deodorant. It’ll absorb perspiration happening, plus leave you with a fresh scent.

9. Before you’re going to wear sneakers or other closed toed shoes without socks, sprinkle some baby powder into them. The powder will take care of any sweat (and therefore odor) that may happen. You can also sprinkle the powder into them post-wear to keep the fresh smell for the next time you pull them out of the closet.
10. Use baby powder on face before threading, this can diminish the pain of getting your facial hair/ eyebrow threaded and also reduce skin irritation, Baby Powder will cool and calm the skin down.

Hope you guys find this useful!

Hope everyone likes and enjoys it.

Have a nice day everyone


Monday, October 6, 2014

Beauty Tip #3-Foundation Episode

Heya guys!
Today i am back with a beauty tip.
Today i will be sharing with you of the type of foundation should be used on a specific skin types which works the best.

Types of Foundation                 Suitable Skin Types
Liquid Foundation                                   - Suitable for all skin types.
                                                                      -Good for natural looking look,
                                                                       Also, brightens up the face
Cream Foundation                                    - Suitable for dry skin types
                                                                     -Very moisturizing
                                                                     - Better coverage
Stick Foundation                                - Suitable for all skin types except on
                                                                         extreme dry skin
                                                           - Suitable for people who seek for high                                                                                                   coverage
Pressed Powder Foundation                         -Suitable for oily skin types
                                                                        -Texture is more on the dry side
                                                                (to absorb the sebum), but very easy for                                                                                           reapplication

    Liquid Foundation:       


 Cream Foundation:

                                                                Stick Foundation:                                                                

Compressed Powder Foundation:

Hope everyone likes the beauty i shared with you all! ^^

Hope everyone likes it and enjoys it.

Have a nice day everyone


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Beauty Tip #2-Eyeshadow Episode

Heya everyone
How are you all doing today?
Today im back with a beauty tip that i want to share with all of my lovely girlfriends! As alot of people may want to purchase a particular eyeliner color but cannot be found anywhere. How about doing some DIY and save some cash?!

Here are the steps:

1. Choose an eye shadow of your choice

2. Have a clean angle brush of any brand

3.Scrape some eye shadow out into a clean container
Divide the eye shadow in half with an imaginary line; one side for wetting the eye shadow and the other side keep dry. I dont have a clean container available at the moment so im going to use the imaginary line.

4.Wet the brush with water 

5. Glide the wet brush over the eyeshadow or pigment.

6. And TADA!! Its a clean and money friendly eyeliner.

If you want your eyeliner to be waterproof; do step 1-3 like normal, but in step 4 instead of using water, you would need to purchase a clear waterproof mascara of any brand and do step 5 and 6. Now the eye shadow has turned into an eyeliner and even waterproof.

Hope everyone likes it and enjoys it.

Have a nice day everyone


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Suitable primer for suitable skin tone..............:D

Hi, Everyone!!
Now, I'm going to help people how to pick out a suitable face primer for themselves.

      Colour tone                                                   Primer corrects skin tone

    * Very Pale white                                     White and skin colour (Beige) Primer
    * Yellow and dull                                               White and Purple
    * Dark skin                                                     Skin colour (Beige) Primer
    * Skin tone not even                            Skin colour (Beige) primer and purple
    * Redish skin, pimples and tiny scars               White and Green
    * Many Freckles                                   White, skin colour (Beige) and blue
    * Dark and many freckles                  Blue and skin Colour (Beige) Primer

NOTICE: If you are following any one of them please follow the procedure how i typed it.

e.g for very pale white skin tone. use a white primer then a skin colour primer on top.

Hope this helps!!

