Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Citrus Delight Recipe

Since starting this quest to get more fruits and vegetables into my diet the healthy way.  I have decided to juice.  I will be sharing my findings with my readers and the recipes I try.

This is the first recipe I tried.

Citrus Delight

1 orange
1/4 grapefruit
1/4 lemon

Chop all ingredients and put into blender, be sure to remove the rind.  Blend on high.  I found the best blender to use is Ninja blender and food processor.  Of course a real juice will work great but are really expensive and why waste the pulp, its all good for you.

This was really tasty but not enough.  I personally don't really juice but puree and then add water so its more drinkable.  This first recipe just drank it as it was juice, pulp and all.  I didn't add water but will next time.


Happy Juicing!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Review

My daughter is in college and taking a biology course which requires her to write a report, so for this report I believe she is writing about nutrition. One of the documentaries she watched for the report was called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. She told me its was informative and I need to watch it.  So me who is into health and nutrition decided to watch it.

This was a very inspiring movie about foods we eat and how the foods affect out health. Joe Cross is to sick that he's practically dead and decides to find a way to get better. His solution is juicing using fresh fruits and vegetables. He eats nothing for 10 days but drinks these green juice drinks for 10 days and looses weight and gets better and healthier than ever before.

This is so inspiring that all my children choose to juice for better health. Now my son already juices and eats healthier. My daughters and I don't juice but now have decided to start juicing too.

I like how in my immediate family we are all try to exercise more and eat healthier that is all accept for my husband and son-in-law, who never ate much at all any fruits or vegetables growing up.  I think the key here is to get our children to eat healthier when they are young so they will continue this pattern in adulthood.  It is very hard to get grown men or even women to change their eating habits as adults.

I don't know why many men are stuck on their junk food diets that they refuse to eat healthy.  I even know male medical doctors who have this issue too.  The wives will take the plunge and try to eat better but many men will not.

I hope you will watch this documentary and learn some valuable information and make better choices in life! This is available to watch on Netflix and maybe even at your local video store.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is Anger Healthy?

Well let's think about this.  Some one wrongs you, you get angry.  Someone pushes all you buttons, you get angry.  Is there a time a place for anger?  How long can you be angry?

It depends on the individual how long you could and should be angry.  But what I do know  is that there is righteous anger for unjustice and being wronged.  But in anger there is stress which can cause one to become sick. I have recently had some justifable anger because family members where being hurt and being wronged so I was angry.  I feel I have a right to be concerned for their well being especially when it involves my children and grandchildren.  The problem for me came when it began to make me sick.  Old illness began it arise again.  I had been healed of acid reflex and IBS but it has started coming back this week.  I knew then I needed to let go of this anger and give it to God.  I can't  do anything other than pray and by me being angry I am only hurting myself.

So I gave it all to God and I know he wants the best for my family and I have to trust him to help them.  I will do what I can in the natural to help but I just can't continue to carry this anger around because it just makes me sick.  I do feel so much better after giving it all to God. He's so helpful.  I love how God is the author and finisher of peace.  Amen!

Here are some steps the help you deal with anger and get well:

1. Anger Can Be Good
    Good anger is motivated by unselfishness and is directed against the abuse of what is right -- justice, compassion, love.

2. Timely Anger
     God gives us the "fight or flight" instinct to produce the adrenaline we need in crisis situations.
3. Focused Anger
    Focused anger finds ways to correct wrong for the good of ourselves and others..
4. Making Tea
    While you can´t control another´s actions, you do have a choice in your emotional reactions. Be better prepared by imagining generic situations involving anger and decide beforehand how you will react to them.
5. Anger Multiplies Itself
    An angry person doesn´t think objectively. Work toward staying calm when another is venting his anger until he has cooled off. Then, if possible, deal with the real problem.
6. Roots of Bitterness
    Whoever angers you controls you. When you don´t deal with anger in a timely manner, it turns into other negative emotions like resentment, bitterness, hate. Take action to stop the cycle before the roots are so deep they are almost impossible to destroy.

7. Anger Can Make You Sick
    While you don´t want to lose control and "fly off the handle," keeping anger inside can be done only so long before it affects even your health. It has to be dealt with, and hopefully, before it explodes. You may need to confront the person you are angry with.

8. Anger Causes Suffering
   Some people became violently angry and in the midst of it had a heart attack or stroke.  Seek counseling or whatever you have to do to take care of your anger before it ignites into a raging fire that can´t be stopped.

9. Anger May Kill You
    Anger can cause serious physical problems, in addition to the damage it does psychologically. When in a rage, a person´s blood pressure goes up; his neck veins swell. Anger affects respiration, the heart, nervous system and muscles. Anger can kill! Learn to to control anger. It´s not only an emotional and health issue, it´s also a spiritual issue.

10. Modulate Your Voice
Research has proven that when a person is shouted at, he usually shouts back. With a little forethought, patience and practice, you can calm an angry person with your tone of voice.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Chili Peppers Fountain of Youth?

The other day I was admiring a friends photo and noticed how youthful she looked in her 50's.  I asked her for her beauty secrets and she stated that it was from eating chili peppers.  So I set out to see if there was any truth to this.  Below is what I found.

Seven reasons to turn up the heat in your next meal with chili peppers.

1. Fight Cancer
2. Provide Pain Relief
3. Prevent Sinusitis and Relieve Congestion
4. Fight Inflammation
5. Soothe Intestinal Diseases
6. Burn Fat and Lose Weight
7. Protect Your Heart


So with these information I'm going to make sure I eat lots of chili peppers.  ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Important is Protein?

Protein is crucial for tissue repair, building and preserving muscle, and making important enzymes and hormones.

Your body needs protein to sustain you.  Never skimp on protein, have it 6 times a day.  Instead of eating 3 big meals a day you should eat 6 small ones.  You could look at it like this: 3 meals and 3 snacks.  Snacks should be healthy and include a protein and a fruit. 

Types of protein:
1. eggs
2. milk
3. cheese
4. beef
5. chicken
6. pork
7. fish
8. nuts & seeds
9. beans & legumes

Protein is a part of every cell in your body, and no other nutrient plays as many different roles in keeping you alive and healthy. The importance of protein for the growth and repair of your muscles, bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, hair, eyes and other tissues is proven since a very long time. Without it, you would lack the enzymes and hormones you need for metabolism, digestion and other important processes.

When you have an infection, you should eat more protein because it helps create the antibodies your immune system needs to fight disease. If you are injured, you may need more, as well, to help your blood clot and make repairs.

Your body can use protein for energy, if necessary, but it’s best to eat plenty of carbohydrates for that purpose and save your protein for the important jobs other nutrients cannot do.

Pick Your Protein Carefully
Your body needs many different proteins for various purposes. It makes them from about 20 'building blocks' called amino acids. Nine of these are essential amino acid, which means you must get them from food. The others are nonessential. This does not mean you do not need them. You just do not have to eat them because your body can produce them.

It is easiest to get protein from meat, chicken, turkey, fish and dairy foods. Cooked meat is about 15 to 40 percent protein. Foods from animal sources provide complete protein, which means they contain all the essential amino acids.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ice Water Tip!

Drink 8 glasses of ice water every day. Cold water speeds up your metabolism while keeping you hydrated. New weight loss tips!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our Governement Health Care Bill

Due to the holidays we have all been out on holiday including congress and myself. I just received this video and thought I'd share it with all my readers.

It's just really frustrating to see what our government plans to do with our seniors who have worked all their life and now will be getting the riff.