Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Paul Groves. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Paul Groves. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

Passing By: Songs By Jake Heggie

Passing By: Songs By Jake Heggie
Isabel Bayrakdarian - soprano
Zheng Cao - mezzosoprano
Joyce DiDonato - mezzosoprano
Susan Graham - mezzosoprano
Paul Groves - tenor
Keith Phares - barítono
Frederica von Stade - mezzosoprano
Dawn Harms - violin
CarlaMaria Rodrigues - viola
Emil Miland - cello
Jake Heggie - Piano
Avie Records, 2010


1. A Lucky Child, from At the Statue of Venus (McNally)
Susan Graham

Some Times of Day (Carver)
three songs for mezzo-soprano and piano trio
2. The Minuet
3. Simple
4. The Best Time of the Day
Zheng Cao

Facing Forward/Looking Back
duets for two women and piano
5. Motherwit (Baldridge)
6. Grounded (Zukerman)
7. Mother in the Mirror (Maupin)
8. Facing Forward (Heggie)
Frederica von Stade, Susan Graham y Joyce DiDonato

Here and Gone
songs and duets for tenor, baritone and piano quartet
9. The Farms of Home (Housman)
10. In Praise of Songs That Die (Lindsay)
11. Stars (Housman)
12. The Factory Window Song (Lindsay)
13. In the Morning (Housman)
14. Because I Liked You Better (Housman)
15. The Half-Moon Westers Low (Housman)
Paul Groves y Keith Phares

16. To Say Before Going to Sleep (Rilke, trans. by A.E. Flemming)
Joyce DiDonato

Songs and Sonnets to Ophelia
17. Ophelia’s Song (Heggie)
18. Women Have Loved Before (Millay)
19. Not in a Silver Casket (Millay)
20. Spring (Millay)
Isabel Bayrakdarian

21. Final Monologue from Master Class (McNally)
Joyce DiDonato

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