Showing posts with label tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tree. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

There's a monkey in our tree... & it's ok!

We literally had to fence our tree in last year,
all worried our monkey-man would be one naughty lil monkey.
This year we have a three year old, big boy!
I was still a bit worried I would find a stash of hidden ornaments
 in random places throughout the house,
or a monkey named Jax actually climbing our tree.

Silly mommy.

This boy was the best little tree decorator,  ever!
Trying to take down every pretty shiny ornament, must just be soooo last year dude!

If we did put any presents under the tree yet though,
you can bet they'd all be open in under 2 seconds.
There's no way he could not NOT open presents.
So our poor tree will be all lonely w/ out any gifts, until Christmas morning.
Hey, at least it's not guarded with a child safety gate! Lol)

(Sorry these are all very noisy and grainy. My little camera does not do well w/darker shots.
I like a bit of grain sometimes though, so I had fun w/ editing & added a bit more!)

So sweet how gentle & delicate he was.
Not gonna lie, I was a bit in shock.
Happy Shock!

Finding the perfect spot to put his very 1st ornament up...

Almost hung up...

Yay, that's my boy!
LOVE those hands.

But of course we have an Autobots ornament.

(Insert happy clap)

We had the BEST night with you, our sweet boy!

Linking up with Sweet Shot Tuesday,