1st trip to the library...
uh... to the...oh. uh...OH! (as in oh-no)
Here comes the little monkey man!
Here comes the little monkey man!
Since last week on Flashback Friday was Jaxy's traumatic 1st haircut, I though it be fun to to another firsty. Sooo... hello 1st trip to our lil town library. It really is the cutest thing ya ever did see! I wish I would have taken better pics of the actual library. It was built in 1902 & was our towns very 1st building. It's white w/ a red door, & surrounded by a white picked fence (aww... right?!). We went right before Christmas, the fence even had big red velvet bows tied all along it. The library sits on Main St. That's the only street in our town that's not a residential st. Again SMALL town. We don't even have pizza delivery! Oh how i miss pizza magically arriving at the door. I'm going off track here. Jax, aka Jaxy, bubbalou luv-bug, monster-man, Boo-boo head(don't ask. I have no idea what, where, or why. lol) I could go on & onnnn. My fav, right now though, is monkey-man. Poor guy, I know. Fortunately he's to little to tell mama to stop!
Back to the monkey man (jax) vrs the library. It's kinda funny how in all these shots, monkey looks so sweet... he is. BUT I wish I had the shots of him running down the easels, tearing 200 books down in 3.7 seconds before I could stop him. This kid is fast, let me tell ya! You should have seen me trying to put everything back on the shelve, where it belonged. Thank goodness Da (daddy) was there, or that would have been a super good distraction move on monkey man's part. We did have a grand time. We played w/ the cutest tiny play kitchen, & enjoyed pretend coca-cola & cheese burgers. At the end we checked out 3 "hard" books. 2 Elmo & a Cookie Monster. It was a good Good day!
Out of the hundreds of books on the shelve...
you somehow ran right up & grabbed a Toy Story Book.
The only one they had.
(He's crazzy about T 1,2,& 3)
That's my boy!
As you can see, it was a very rainy day...
HAha... Daddy the jokster! VHS? What is this big ole thing?
Introducing the 3 handed Jax-O-Monster!
final score:
monkey man- 117/ library- 2/ mama- zero.