Thank GOODNESS I can laugh...
looking back at my very adorable, but very orange baby. Orange baby, you ask...? Yes. Jaxy was seriously orange for a couple months, right before he turned a year old. Was he trying out to be cast on the Jersey Shore? Hahaaa... that would be hilarious, but nope Did mama accidentally use self tanner, instead of Johnson's baby lotion? Nadda. This lil orange munchkin just loved his sweet potatoes, squash, & carrot baby food. Pretty much only light, or oranged colored food. It was a very gradual process, but one I woke up to an orange baby! Talk about a complete "freak the heck out" moment! Long story.... Dr. determined, though pretty rare, it was caused from the orange baby food. Thank goodness. It's very funny looking back on it now, & my jaxy is even freakishly cute orange!
This is my GORGEOUS Sissy in law, Jaxy's Auntie K. Jax loves her so SO much. She is just such a beautiful sweet girl, inside & out. She loves to spoil her nephew rotten, plus is a fabulous fashionista = one lucky stylish Jax. Yep, you can thank this gal for the infamous Mr Froggy boots! Where would we be w/out those?!! Any who... we love her bunches, & you can see that Jax does too!
(P/S these don't do justice for how truly orange this boy was)
Now, this is LOVE.
linking up with Jen's Flashback Friday!
xoxo, Melanie