Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday~ clouds & happy kisses

Just a simple afternoon made amazing.
Backyard. Sunny day. Clouds. Kisses.

Note: Sorry for the crazy angles... I snapped these w/ my other free hand, no timer or tripod)
The love this little boy gives me feeds my soul.

Small Things with Love

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Scavenger Hunt~ {week #32}

<<Travel, Silly, Black & White, Spots, & Paper>>
1. Travel
How Mr Jax has been traveling around lately.
This classic ride is a chick magnet. hehee.)
2. Silly
Someone thinks it's super funny to constantly make silly faces,
 while mama is constantly trying to take pictures!
3. B&W
Black & white photos have totally had my heart lately. 
I love how they can just make the little details pop!
4. Spots
See those "spots" on my nose. OH how I used to hate them, trying covering them up at all cost. Well... not anymore. I'm not saying I'm crazy for them, but I (kind of) like them... just a little.
Thanks to my honey for helping me see the beauty w/out all the make-up.
5. Paper
Our favorite form of paper, books. LOVE that he loves them so much.
Especially anything Lightning McQueen or Mater related is the bees knees to Jaxy.
The Paper Mama Photo ChallengeHappily Mother After
the salad days

Friday, May 25, 2012

Catch Your Self~ {in slobbery kisses & a garage sale sweater}

I've been getting a lot of sweet "just because" kisses & hugs lately.... daddy too.
They really are just the best kind of X's & O's.
Last night Jax EVEN said, "I love YOU, MOMEEEEE !!!
(without me asking begging him to)
He did it about 20 times, & every time he said "YOU...." he's pointed at me with dramatic excitement!!
Flippn cutest thing EVER.
 Each time my heart spilled over w/ happy!
THEN there was today...
Instead of sweet Jaxy kisses... 
He decided that licking my nose was just SO much funnier...
I have to agree.
but dude... yah... even though you're my precious little boy..
It's still kinda GROSS man!

On a fun non-gross note: GUESS what find this mama scored at a neighborhood garage sale?
 (LOVE me some good garage sales) 
I scored an adorable grey Ralph Lauren CASHMERE sweater for...
.25 cents. Yah... buddy!
It's sometime the silly little things that make me a girl happy!
Good thing we've had some depressing rainy weather here in the pacific northwest,
but now that I got to wear my sweater... bring on the sunshine!

the salad days

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Scavenger Hunt~ {week 28}

<<Sidewalk, Inspiring, Time, Close up, & With Mirror>>

1. Sidewalk
My sweet little boy watching kids play up the street.
I find myself feeling sad that he doesn't always have a little friend to play with.
He ALWAYS has mommy though.

2. Inspiring
Inspired by the love Jaxy shares w/ his grandparents.
They LOVE him SO, & are always sending him fun little surprises!
I also want to wish them a very HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY this week.
That right there is truly inspiration!

3. Time
Sunshiny toe time =
Monkey sitting on the counter, sunshine shinen' on those little toes, 
while we decide... what for breakfast?
(we would have chocolate chip muffins EVERY single morning if Shorty decided) 

4. Close Up
My blue eyed muffin man!

5. With Mirror
Sorry guys. 
I know I posted the b&w version of this a couple days ago. 
Honestly, this weeks been crazy...
 & I admit I got a little stumped & out of time. So there. Lol)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey Girl~ {i heart faces photo challenge}

This photo challenge alone...
 is reason #4879... why I need a baby girl.
(Living in a house of beautiful crazy boys, I'm the only girl to photograph.)
I sure do LOVE my beautiful crazy boys, though!

Happy early Mother's Day to all you mommy's out there!
Photo Challenge Submission

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday~ Potty talk

What cha doin...?
Oh, just trying to convince Jax that big boys go potty in a froggy potty,
 & wear Yo Gabba Gabba undies.

My adorable shirtless maniac had quite the argument for why he disagreed.

We had a very "serious" debate.

Mama won that battle though.
Monkey was pretty proud of his accomplishment after all!

LOVE you my sweet, wild , crazy, genius, handsome as all get out...
all most potty trained Happy Jax boy!!


 then, she {snapped}
Black and White Wednesday

Friday, March 9, 2012

Eleven & me... tag you're it!

The lovely Ashley Sisk from Rambling's & Photos tagged little ole me.
 I thought I should get off my bum, & finally play along.

The Rules: 
  1. Post these rules.
  2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random facts about you.
  3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger's post.
  4. Create 11 new questions and tag new people to answer them.
  5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they've been tagged.


11 RANDOM facts about me:
1. I grew up on farm, & showed registered Polled Hereford in 4H & FFA. I have a lot of Blinged out belt buckles to show for it! It taught me responsibility & that hard work really does pay off.
2. I met my the love of my life at 16 when I walked into a tanning salon he worked at. LOVE at first sight. I just didn't let him know that, at the time. I'm still crazy about him!
3. I love my coffee in the morning, but my tea at night.
4. Four is my lucky number.
5. Growing up I had a little baby lamb named Tinker Bell. I was crazzy for Cabbage Patch dolls, then came New Kids on the Block. NKOTB yo! What was I thinking?! Lol)
6. I DREAM of one day taking pictures professionally. After a LOT more learning, & experience.
7. I adore country music, Greg despises it. Jax digs it though! Greg would disagree w/ the last.
8. I hope that Jax will be a big brother one day.
9. I often wonder if I am really be the best person, mommy, partner, friend I can be.
10. I heart wine. Riesling is my go to. Really any wine is good wine though! Lol)

Here's Ashley's Questions:
  1. What is your naturalair color? Be honest!- Nothing exciting on this one... brown. What cha see, is what cha get. I have always wondered what it would be like to be a blond, though I know I would look ridiculous! If ever asked about my blond ambition again, I'll never admit it! 
  2. Are you doing what you thought you'd be doing 10 years ago?- I am. I'm where I always wished & hoped I'd be. Let's just add another munchkin to the mix, & I'll be good!
  3. What is one thing you can't live without?- Hmmm... I would say my camera, but I'm going to go w/ my beloved coffee! If this mama hasn't had her two five cups of Jo in the morning, there is no use for any picture taking! Zombies don't take good photos.)
  4. What is one of your guilty pleasures?- Ugggg...How much time do ya'll have! Haha. Well my number one would be that dang Reality TV. Oh how it sucks me right in! Darn you Bachelor! My super secret guilty pleasure though is... ALL the reality supernatural shows... Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures... I could go on, but am starting to get embarrassed! I guess I'm a wanna-be closet ghost hunter? It all intrigues me, & scares the craption out of me at the same time. Then I get conflicted w/ my Christian beliefs. Guess that's why it's my guilty pleasure!
  5. What was the best movie you've seen in the past year?- This is a tough question...? We are movie nuts at our house. I really enjoyed The Help, & also just watched Once. The music was amazing!
  6. What is your favorite song and/or musician/band?- One word. Adele. She just gets me. Lol)
  7. What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2012?- LEARN how to get the most out of my slr (aka learn how to actually shoot great photos w/ it!) Ceecee (my Canon) has only been w/ me for a couple months, & I feel okay about the shots I've been able to get w/ her. Yes, of course I named her! By the end of 2012, I'd love to be shooting primarily in manual. We'll see!
  8. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?- We'll if you follow me ya know.... photography + my Happy Jax boy! Then add blogging on to that, & here we are!
  9. If you had unlimited money for one week (and it had to be spent), how would you spend it?- I would give every person in the world one billion dollars, including myself, & finally by a camera bag & that lens I've wanted. No way that could backfire at all, right?!
  10. Who is your biggest influence now?- Honestly, my better half. I know it sounds all cheesy, but it couldn't be more true. Greg is just the best person I've ever met. Before him, I feel like I wasn't completely me... if that makes any sense? He has helped me grow into such a better person, just by being around him. The way he loves his family & always puts us first, is pretty darn amazing. I genuinely adore my fella, plus he is super hot! LOVE you babe)
  11. What is the most beautiful place you've ever seen?-  I was maybe 6 years old, & my grandpa took just me to the beach for the day. I remember it being the most hazy, gorgeous, sunny day.We walked hand in hand through all the quaint beach shops, & he bought me the coolest kite ever! We spent the whole day on the beach flying that red kite. I can still remember holding his big strong hand, looking out at the ocean. I can picture the view in my mind, just like it was yesterday. It was such a simply beautiful special day. Sometimes a simple but beautiful place can turn into the most beautiful place you've ever seen, simply because of the person you're there with.
Tag ladies, your it! 
If you gals don't want to or have time, I completely understand. No worries. (I might think you love me a little less though. Just sayn.) 

Here are the 11 questions for the ladies I tagged:

1.  Best childhood memory?
2. Your favorite/go to movie. The one you could watch a million times?
3. If you were driving right now, what music/song would you be singing along too?
4. Best photography tip/tutorial, you've ran past lately?
5. Favorite saying or inspirational quote?
6. Who do you look up to the most?
7. Favorite tv show?
8. Which store would you choose to max your credit card out at?
9. Coffee or tea?
10. If you could go anywhere in the world, with anyone in the world... where & who?
11. The last sweet/funny/crazy/cute thing your kiddo/grand-babe said or did?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

This or That Thursday~ {our week in photos}

Proof we did get SOME white stuff!
It just didn't hang around long enough, came & went all w/in a day.

LOVE having a Christmas tree farm in our back yard!

Saturday morning.
 Daddy & Jax watchn the original Transformer's cartoon!

family walk

Meet my handsome lil quarterback

Sunday morning.
Playing cars on the kitchen floor, while mama makes waffles.

Mama got some new glasses.
They only make me look smarter, but no more headaches!
Plus being able to see is a huge plus! Lol)

My adorable lil monkey & his adorable lil monkey feet.
Basically my 3yr old has his own ipod, I never get to play w/ it anymore.
It's insane how smart my guy is.

Oh Gosh.
This bouncey horse + my crazzzy boy =
Scares the crap daylights out of me!
He has so much fun on it, though, & no owies yet.
So... ride em' cowboy!

Linking up with