This is my home studio (the embarrassingly messy one). I don't work at that big table too much, only when I need to. (Especially it's always freezing cold in the winter since it's right next to the patio door... very drafty, I just doodle on my couch or in bed instead.) Behind that table is my computer desk; that's when I blog and do my digital works.
The second group of photos are my space at work, my full time job. I am here 80% of the time and I do lots of works (which I can't post on my blog). I really love my office; it's warm, it has great lighting, plus there are people around me all the time that I can chat and joke with while I work. I try really hard to keep this little space neat and clean.
Here are some stuff I display in my office...
Now I'm usually hesitant when it comes to tag other people since everybody's so busy, but it's so fun and inspiring to look at another artist's workspace, so I am gonna tag three people; hopefully they will want to play along. I tag: Bob, Maura and Kelly. Guys, it's up to you if you want to play along and if you want to tag other people! : )
I've also been tagged by Zari (who created this beautiful image and message) and Aspa on this Love and Peace meme. But instead of tagging other people, I would just ask all of you who's reading this to take some time to think about love and peace, pray for countries that are facing troubles and for those people you love and those you don’t. We are all in this world together, as one big family.