Monday, February 25, 2013

Apple Dumplings (aka Apple Crack)

So occasionally, I make this dessert for my family. We call them Apple Crack because they are addicting!

2 Tart Apples
1 Prepackaged roll of "original" Crescent Rolls
1/2 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream

1. Peel the apples and cut into quarters. You will have 8 pieces.

2. Open Crescent Rolls and wrap dough of one crescent around 1 apple chunk. Some stretching is needed. But they should cover the apple easily.

3. Spray a baking dish with non-stick spray. Place all dough covered apples in dish.

4. Next, melt 1/2 cup Butter and 1/2 Cup Sugar in saucepan. Bring to a boil and heat until sugar is melted.

5. Then remove from heat and stir in 1/2 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream into the Butter/Sugar mixture. Stir until melted. The ice cream is the essential surprise ingredient.  

6. Pour mixture over dumplings and bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately 40 minutes.

7. Dish yourself up before letting anyone else in the house know they are ready.

Serve with s scoop of vanilla ice cream... YUM!!!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blueberry Butter.. YUM

So when we decided to move all the way from Arizona to Minnesota.. I knew what I was getting myself into. I grew up in North Dakota so I know what winter is all about.

But one thing I didn't realize, is that Blueberries are all around us every summer! We used to pick Choke Cherries and Raspberries when I was a kid, but never Blueberries! Who knew!  I love Blueberries.

So, when I came across a recipe recently, I was super excited to give it a try.

You've heard of Apple Butter right? I have a recipe for it on my sidebar. Well, what about Blueberry Butter?!! Eh?? I know!

I have adapted my recipe from THIS ONE. I'm not a fan of things super sweet. So I added a few more Blueberries and cut the sugar in half.

And the best part - you make it in the Crock Pot.

Blueberry Plum Butter

6 Pints of fresh Blueberries
5 Plums
1 Cup White Sugar
Juice of 1 Lemon

Wash Blueberries and remove all the stems. Wash Plums and cut in 1/2 to remove the pit.

Put Blueberries and Plums into food processor and blend until you have a puree. Pour puree into Crock Pot and cook on HIGH for 1 hour.

Reduce to LOW and cook for 6-8 hours or until it has reduced and consistency is thick like Apple Butter. 

When you in the final hour of cooking remove lid and add Sugar and Lemon Juice. Cook for final hour and then spoon into 1/2 pint jars. Recipe makes 5-6 1/2 pints or 3 pints.  

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's that time of year again!

Yep - I've been canning. I'm not a very experienced canner - but I love doing it.

I made pickles for my husband...

And then I've made 1 batch of Apple Butter.

We picked apples from a friends house and some of them were reddish on the inside - so the Apple Butter got a little dark purple color to it. But it still tastes heavenly.

I posted the recipe for the Apple Butter last year. If you haven't made it - it's super easy and I do it in the crockpot. It makes your house smell like fall! The recipe is on my sidebar if you are interested.

Let me know if you make some, I'd love to know what you think. 
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chicken WOW!!

I haven't shared a recipe in a while - and I've been holding on to this one for a few weeks. So I figured it's time to let you in on this wonderful dish!

You will need:
1 whole Chicken
6 oz Cream Cheese
4 cloves Garlic (minced)
Ground Black Pepper
1 Fresh Lemon (cut in 1/2)
Olive Oil
3 Baking Potatoes
3 Sweet Potatoes
Prep time = 30 minutes
Total time from start to table = 2 hours

Step 1: Take 6 oz (3/4 of an 8oz brick), 2 of the minced garlic cloves and 1/2 tsp of black pepper. You can also add some herbs to this. Maybe rosemary or thyme? Get creative if you want.

Step 2: Combine mixture together (I used the mixer)

Step 3: Use your hands or the handle of a wooden spoon to carefully separate skin from meat of breast, thighs and legs. Being careful not to tear the skin.

Step 4: Spoon cream cheese mixture up under the skin. This is the messy part.. get your hands in there and spread it around.

Step 5: Salt and Pepper the outside and place 2 lemon halves inside the cavity of the bird. Place chicken in shallow baking dish and brush with 2 Tbsps of olive oil.

Step 6: Peel and cut the Potatoes. Toss with 3 Tbsps of Olive Oil and remaining 2 cloves of Garlic (minced). 

Step 7:  Place potatoes on a baking sheet.
Step 8: Place Chicken and Potatoes in the 375 degree oven on separate racks. Bake for approx 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours or until Chicken is done (165 degrees) stirring potatoes every 30 minutes.

 Place on serving dish.. and enjoy!!

I can't even begin to tell you how moist this chicken was. It was SO GOOD!!

If you try it.. I'd love to hear what you thought!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Death by Chocolate

Ok.. maybe not "death"... but too much could equal a stomach ache. Not that I would know.

I know some of you might be on that "New Years Diet" - and to you I appologize in advance for what I am about to share. And to the rest of you.. get ready for something easy and heavenly.

My niece on the husbands side of the family is currently home for Christmas break from her first year of college. It was great to see her - especially after she made this pie for the family ME!

You will need:
1 Premade Graham Cracker Crust
1 cup Milk
1 cup Vanilla Ice cream
1 small box instant Vanilla pudding
1 small box instant Chocolate pudding
1/2 tsp Vanilla
1 small Cool Whip
1 Chocolate Bar

 Set the Cool Whip and Chocolate Bar aside for now. You won't need them until the end. Take the other ingredients and put them all into a bowl. Mix them until completely blended.

 Pour into the Graham Cracker Crust.
 Put lid on pie and put in fridge to chill for 2 hours or more.

 When ready to serve - top with Cool Whip
 Then take a chunk of your chocolate bar and "shave" over pie. I used a cheese grater... nothing fancy. I only used 1/4 of the candy bar.

 And finally you will need to employ self control and start with just one piece.. yummmmmm....

- I couldn't get flash to work on the last few pictures - sorry about color. I can't go back and retake them because.. well, the kids ate 1/2 the pie. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

- Excuse the paper plate please. The kitchen was clean and I didn't want to dirty a dish.

- I may or may not have had a piece for breakfast today... just saying! Pin It

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Retzels.. or Polos..??

I don't know what the actual name is of these little treats.. but they are GOOD!!

The ingredients:

Place on a cookie sheet:

Put into a 350 degree oven for approx 5-7 minutes.. until something magical happens

Transfer to a cooling rack. Resist the urge to pop one in your mouth until they have cooled slightly.

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you have 10 minutes???

Yes.. well then you have time to make these Christmas treats.

Seriously - these are the easiest Christmas cookies I have ever made. I love to bake for Christmas each year. I have my list of usuals - you know.. things I make year after year.

But this year - I found something new. And OH MY.. they are GOOD. Bonus is that they are NO bake!!

This is what you need:
1 brick of Vanilla Almond Bark
1 package of Oreo's (control yourself.. I know how tempting these can be. Leave the milk in the fridge!)
Spinkles (red, green and/or a candy cane)

The two eager "Helpers" are totally optional. But let me just say - they had a blast making them. It was the perfect treat to make with kids because they could do all the work and they loved it!

1. Melt your Vanilla Almond Bark
2. Dip your Oreo about 1/2 way into Almond Bark
3. Lay on wax paper
4. Sprinkle with colored sugar or a crushed candy cane (the candy cane is my favorite).
5. Allow to cool.
6. Eat all before going to bed Arrange on a plate and give to the neighbors.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Lefse... it's what's for Dinner!

Lefse! Have you ever had it? Heard of it? Wanted to try it?

It's a Norwegian/Scandinavian thing. Always around during the Holidays.. YUMMY!! It looks a lot like a tortilla - but it's made from potatos.

I have wanted to make it myself for quite a few years now. But getting all the 'equipement' is harder than I thought. Buying it all new is too expensive for my thrifty blood. So I've been on the hunt at garage sales, used stores.. etc. Still no luck!

So I borrowed the griddle from a friend - she shamefully uses it just for pancakes *gasp*!!

The recipe is from my Sister in Law's - Mother in Law (did you follow that?). It is by far the best lefse I've ever tried!!

Some of the other equipment (besides the griddle) needed are as follows:
Grooved Rolling Pin
Pastry cloth and stocking for the Rolling Pin
Long Tapered stick for turning the lefse
brush for cleaning flour off the griddle between baking.

Now the only thing I actually have is the griddle - but like I said it's borrowed (and she needs it back this weekend). The rest.. I just improvised.

Here are the ingredients that you need:
 8 Cups Potatoes (mashed)
2/3 cup Mazola Corn Oil
2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Carnation Milk
3/4 cup Sugar
3 cups Flour

Start by boiling your potatos in water. Then mash them. Measure out 8 cups and place into a bowl.

Then add the Oil, Salt, Milk and Sugar.
 Allow this mixture to cool completely. Or leave in fridge over night.

 When ready to bake - add your 3 cups of flour and work in with your hands.

Then scoop out a ball and roll out on a floured surface. The size of the ball depends on how big you want each piece of lefse to be. Try to roll as thin as possible.

Also - cold dough is easier to work with so keep in the fridge if you need to.

 Next, place on a hot griddle. I found that 350 degrees worked the best for me. The griddle is dry - no oil of any kind on the griddle. Lefse is baked, not fried.

If you see bubbles - gently poke them to let the air out.

 When bottom is slightly browned.. flip

 When both sides are browned - remove and allow to cool.

But if you are like me.. you can't wait and you spread the butter on while it's warm.

Then sprinkle with sugar.. roll...
 I like to cut mine in half...

 And eat.. Ooooohh.. it's so GOOD!!!!

Making lefse is worth all the work involved.. trust me!

Lefse freezes well. In fact, some lefse lovers claim it's best when frozen and thawed.

There are recipes calling for instant potatoes, but lefse purists consider this blasphemy. Some lefse lovers consider eating lefse with brown or white sugar blasphemy, too. There are many ways to eat it - and everyone thinks that the way they eat it is the only way it should be eaten. And I'm one of those people. I firmly believe that it should be eaten with Butter and White Sugar only!!

But if you are even considering going to the trouble of making your own, you already know how you like it! Pin It

Monday, September 20, 2010

Apple Butter - this is what Fall tastes like!

Living in Minnesota - there are Apple trees all around. But did I get my apples off a local tree? No. I wanted to, but the one person we know with a tree - only had little tiny apples.

So - I used Granny Smith Apples from the grocery store. Maybe next year I'll use local apples.

Anyway, you must try this recipe! It is so delicious!!! We all had it on toast this morning for breakfast... YUM!

You will need:
5 lbs Apples - finely chopped
3 cups white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp salt

Add chopped apples to the crockpot. Add remaining ingredients and stir.

Cook on high for 1 hour - then turn to low for approx 6 - 8 hours. Stir occasionally.

Once it looks like it has cooked down enough, remove crockpot lid and cook for another hour until the right consistency.

(sorry about picture quality... I cheated and used my phone)

Scoop into clean jars and refridgerate. Don't forget to eat some on toast while it's still warm. You will melt, trust me. The toast is just the 'vehicle' to get this into your mouth as fast as you can.

You can also give to friends if you are willing to part with it.

Wouldn't one of your neighbors love to find a jar on their doorstep this holiday season? Maybe bring a jar for the host of an upcoming holiday meal?

EDIT: I should also tell you - you can store in the fridge for 3 months or in freezer for 6mths. OR if you want to "can" the jars - you would boil in a canner for 10 minutes. (10min at 15% pressure for a pressure canner)

Seriously.. give it a try. You will be happy you did. Pin It

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sloppy Joe.. slop sloppy joe...

With moving on my horizon - I haven't been sewing as much as I want. But the kids need to eat.. so I can't escape cooking! I thought I would share a simple recipe for a quick and easy meal. And who doesn't like Sloppy Joe's?

You will start with
1 1/2 lbs hamburger
onion (optional) I use dehydrated onion but fresh is fine too.

Brown all that in a pan.

Once complete add the following:
1 cup of Ketchup
1 cup of Coke

Yeah.. that's it. Just Coke and Ketchup! Allow to simmer for 20 minutes or so.. they will cook down and thicken.

Grab a bag of chips, shred some cheddar and whaalaah... dinner done!

If you try this recipe - let me know what you think!
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grandma's Apple Pie

I thought I'd share this recipe in time to add it to your Easter table this Sunday.

When my Grandparents moved into a nursing home many years ago - my Grandma gave me all her recipes. I don't think it was a strategic move since I was far from domestic at the time. When one of us Grandkids would show up to transport her or my Grandpa to a Dr's appt (during this time of transition), she would not let us leave empty handed. I just think I happened to be there the day she was going through her recipes. Just like my cousin Kathy happened to get her sewing machine (I still don't think Kathy sews.. see - not strategic).

Anyway.. back to the recipe. I don't ever remember her making Apple Pie.. or any pie really. She was known for her Banana Bread - truly the BEST Banana Bread I've ever had. But I found this hand written Apple Pie recipe in her collection and gave it a try.. AMAZING!!! So today I'll share it with you.

I make my own crust.. but this is optional if you want, you can cheat and buy the crust. But if you have the time.. make your own.. it's so much better. This crust recipe is actually my Mom's and it's so flaky and wonderful.

1 cup Flour
1/2 cup Crisco shortening
1/4 cup cold water
combine with a fork and roll out on floured surface. This makes one crust - so I double it and roll out 1/2 at a time. You will want to knead a little bit - but not to much.
Place your crust in pie pan

6-8 Granny Smith Apple (peeled and sliced)
1/4 c Sugar
1 Tbsp flour
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
dash of salt
Coat your sliced apples with above ingredients.

And place in prepared crust

Topping with remaining ingredients below:
1/4 cup Butter softened
2/3 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Flour
Blend until crumbly and spread over top of apples.

Roll out your second crust and slice into strips to create lattice top.

Trim all your edges - pinch edges of crust. Next brush top with milk (or half and half) and sprinkle lattice top with sugar.

I use Vanilla Sugar from Penzey's. If you have never heard of Penzey's.. I'm so sorry. It is a spice store and they are You would think that a spice store would be expensive.. but they are not. Even if you never plan to buy spices from them.. get on their mailing list.. because their catalogs have amazing recipes in them. And you can order online also. I also like to sprinkle the Vanilla Sugar on Strawberries for shortcake. (I could do an entire post on their spices..yum)

Anyway.. back to the pie. Bake in a 350 degree oven for approx 45 - 60 minutes.

Homemade pies are so pretty...

And delicious!

If you make this, I'd like to hear what you think. Pin It