Friday, March 29, 2013

Playing Catch Up

So as I have mentioned before, I am doing the Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Designer Block of the Month. This is my first Block of the Month and I love it!!!

Today between transporting kids, taking my car to the shop and picking up dinner (yes, takeout saved the night), I managed to catch up on some of my blocks. This is what I have complete so far....

These are the 3 that I put together today. To be fair.. I had them all cut out already. Saves so much time!!

And tonight I will be finishing the 10th block below.. She's all cut and waiting for me. My youngest son has a friend sleeping over.. so hopefully they won't want anything to do with me.

I will definitely be joining the next Mystery Designer Block of the Month which begins in June! I love the fabrics for next year too!! The fabrics will be from the Avalon collection by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda Fabrics. This next one is described by the Fat Quarter Shop as a spectacular row quilt filled with basket blocks, star blocks, house blocks and flower blocks.

I'm not huge on Applique.. but then I kept reading and it says "Each block finishes at 12" and will be an easy to intermediate pieced block (no templates, applique or paper piecing).".. SOLD!!!!

Click picture to go to Fat Quarter Shop!!

How about you? Are you sewing tonight? Are you in the Mystery Designer Block of the Month Club?? Talk to me.
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Friday, May 25, 2012

Kids stuff

A friend in Arizona asked me to make a wall hanging for her newest nephew and God Child.. I decided to make a Growth Chart and personalize it.

This is what I came up with...

Those are big giant green buttons sewn on the tree.

I added the parents initials to the tree trunk..

And hand stitched the numbers...

And added baby's name on one cloud. The other has his birthdate and weight. Should have gotten a picture of that.

And I should have cut more of the stabilizer away... didn't notice until it was too late.

She also has 2 other God Children.. Maddie and Micah. I made them pillowcases and added their names to the sleeve.

Then for fun, because Micah and Maddie are both under 6yrs old.. I made them crayon coloring bags.

It's been a long time since I've made these. I forgot what a great gift they are for kids. And so simple to make. You add crayons and a coloring book inside and away they go!!

I have been sewing a lot lately. I worked on these last FNSI.. but never shared. They weren't finished until the other night. And now they are all in a box on their way to Arizona.

I hope everyone loves their gifts!
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Friday, February 24, 2012

Quilts Where You Don't Expect Them

So I'm at the clinic this morning for lab work and a throat culture (my oldest has strep). And while I'm waiting for my name to be called... I was able to study this beauty hanging on the wall.

And it was hand quilted... Which even made me more "in ahh".

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Monday, June 13, 2011

It makes a Quilter sad...

Have you ever been to a garage sale.. or a thrift store and seen handmade clothes or quilts? It seriously makes me sad when I see this. I always think about the person who made it.. and gave it as a gift.. thinking it would be treasured forever. But instead - it makes it's way to the donation/garage sale pile.

I found this quilt at a garage sale recently for $4. Yes.. only $4. It's a good size.. not huge but nice. It's made with all polyester..

even the back.

One thing about 100% polyester quilts.. although durable - they are not warm! I learned this the hard way when I brought this to a recent baseball game for my son. The wind was brutal and cold.. and it came right through this baby.

It reminds me of quilts that my grandma used to make. Her's were full of polyester and corduroy. Although her backings were either flannel or cotton which added the warmth factor.

So next time you go to a garage sale - or thrift store.. do a fellow quilter a favor and scoop up these treasures! Pin It

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May FNSI Results

Another successful FNSI has come and gone!

My night didn't start out well - I'll admit. I had a little clear plastic bag that was filled with some "notions" (ric rac etc) that I had planned to work with. I had come home on Thursday - plopped it on the kitchen counter and then dumped some mail on top of it. WELL - I think my husband tossed it in the trash. Of course - he has no recollection of this. But really - it's the only explanation cuz Lord know the kids don't clean - it's just him (once a month or so) and me. So, after about 30 minutes of searching every possible spot.. I gave up. $6 worth of goodies.. gone! But I picked myself up.. and moved on to project #2.

I had plans to get this section of my quilt top completely together.. but I only got about half way there.

I have the rows together - but my sashing with the mini pinwheels needs some tweeking before I sew it all together. I'm planning to work on that tonight.

I still plan to add another couple borders to the quilt. The first will be all white... then I'm doing a HST (half square triangle) border.. then another white.

So I starting marking all my HST's.

I'm not using the Missouri Quilt Co. easy tutorial I told you are about recently - because I am working with a charm pack and didn't want my HST's to be that small. But to speed up the process, I will be doing some chain piecing. Do you chain piece? I love chain piecing!

I'm hoping to have them all sewn and ready for laying out before the weekend is over. It's been rainy.. so my chances for success are good if it stays like this.

ALSO - I've decided to draw 2 lucky winners this month. So make sure you get your pictures posted today!

The first lucky winner will get this...

and winner # 2 will get this...

The book is from me and Bobbi - and the charm packs are from Barb and Mary of Me & My Sister Designs.

Did you make progress last night? Or did you get derailed?.. it happens to the best of us sometimes! Pin It

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Giveaway Time!!

Well, I finally made it over to the quilt store to pick up my February and March Patch Abilities patterns/kits. I was late getting February since everytime I turned around, someone in my house was sick.

Here is the mini for February..

And here is March..

I'm not a fan of the fabrics that the quilt store put together for either month this time. They just didn't do it for me.

Here are the patterns.. and I will be giving one away to two lucky people. If you have a preference for one month over the other, just let me know in the comments.

Remember - these won't be for sale on their own until 2012.. so this is the only way to get them unless you are in the monthly mini club.

To enter.. just leave a comment.

I will draw the winner Tuesday morning. Good Luck! Pin It

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's put our heads together!

I need some help from all you seasoned quilters!

I'm working on this T-Shirt quilt for a dear friend's daughter. I am almost done with the top - just need to even out the bottom and add my borders (which I plan on doing today). Then I will be ready to baste and quilt it.

That is where you come in. I have been struggling with how to quilt this baby.

Here are the options I have come up with so far. Keep in mind that I always feel "free motion challenged" but I refuse to give up.

1. Put on the walking foot and do straight line quilting.
       Pros: Easy
       Cons: with the black and white contrast of the blocks - what color thread would I use? If I use black,    
       would it be distracting across the white blocks? If I use white thread, would it be distracting across the
       black blocks and sashing?
2. I could do an all over stipple using varigated black/grey/white thread and avoid the "wording" on the tshirts so it stands out more?

OR - I'm open to any other suggestions that you all might have. So jump in.. give me your 2 cents. Pin It

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hugs.. Mugs.. and Rugs..

Well, I'm finally ready to hop on the "mug-rug" wave. I've seen so many of you crafty people out there making them and just couldn't hold back anymore.

I belong to the "Label Crew" offered by Sweetwater. And our January packet included these super cute labels and a pattern to make the Mug Mat's.

I decided to make them for Valentines Day Teacher gifts. As you may already know - I am big into showing my kids teachers how much we appreciate them every year. I have two very "active" boys who nearly drive me to the edge of insanity on a daily basis... ok, maybe not daily, but often enough. And I can't imagine how hard it is for a teacher when she's surrounded by 20 or more kids for 6 hours a day.

Anyway - here is a great idea for a teacher in your kids life. Or maybe someone special.. like a neighbor who watches your house when you are away.. or a fellow Mom who drives carpool.. or a coworker.. so many ideas.

I made the mug mats - bought a coffee mug and some Kisses.

Took some scrapbook paper and a "Tag Punch" to make gift tags.

Wrapped it all up for the teacher.

Another idea is to just take the Mug Mat - roll it and tie it up like this.

I made these for 2 helpers in my youngest son's class. One of them is a teachers aide who helps in class every day. And the other is a classmates Mom who volunteers to help in the class ALL THE TIME! Everytime I am there to help with reading - she is there helping too!  

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Snowman Frenzy!

We have had freezing rain the past few days. And since we didn't dare venture out on the icy roads.. we decided to make Snowmen! Wet snow is the only way to do this.

My oldest made one on his own...

Then our youngest made one with his Dad's help..

And after a quick snowball fight.. I retreated inside to make a Snowman of my own too!

My LQS (local quilt store) is offering the "Patch Abilities" monthly mini's kits this coming year. And, in a moment of weakness, I signed myself up.

They are super fun to make and quick!! And then once a month I can have a new one to hang on the table.

They also have the "Button packs" for each month because they typically have special buttons.. like this carrot nose. The kit includes the button pack, but you can also buy them separately.

I'm thinking about giving the patterns away when I'm done each month. But here is where I need your help.. should I give them away each month after I make them? Or wait until the end of 2011 and giveaway the whole set? Pin It

Monday, December 27, 2010

Quilt for her Dollys...

I had a great Christmas with my family! It has been a few years since we have all been together and it was so nice.

Now, when it comes to grandchildren in our family - the boys out number the girls 6 to 2. One of the girls is 17 and the other just turned 3... and neither one belongs to me *sigh*.

So it's always a treat for me when I can make something girly. My husband and I decided to give our youngest niece a homemade doll cradle for Christmas this year. And I knew I needed to make a sweet little quilt for her dollys to go with it.

I created my quilt sandwich with backing, batting and a large white rectangle. Then I placed charm squares all around and pinned them in place. Then I sewed them on with rough edges, quilting as I went. The entire quilt was ready for binding in about an hour. That's probably why some of the squares are not totally spaced correctly.  

I wish I had taken more/better pictures of it - but with the Christmas frenzy I was lucky to just get these!  

Every one says she looks so much like me. And if she ever comes up "missing" - I think my Sister-in-law knows the first place she should look is my house! Maybe that's because I'm always talking about stealing her away for myself! The way I see it - since she looks just like me.. she would blend right it!
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Tree Skirt.. revisited

I have a confession..

Decorating for Christmas is one of my favorite things to do! But wait.. that's not my confession.

Last year I made a tree skirt for our tree... I have a thing for pinwheels. Also.. not my confession.

So this year.. as the husband lugged in all the Christmas bins... I stood there, all giddy.. like a kid waiting to open presents. I couldn't wait to pull out my tree skirt from last year. It was the first thing I went for.

No.. It wasn't the Santa (above) that my Mom made in ceramics (circa 1976) that has been under our Christmas Tree since I was a kid... and it wasn't the handmade ornaments from my kids.. or the wall hanging my little guy made me last year with his handprints.. Nope.. now I feel really guilty!! There - that's my confession..

Look at our doggie..  The site of the tree skirt made her happy too! She could finally rest after seeing it under the tree.

So let me just say.. if you are a quilter and you haven't made a Christmas Tree skirt for your tree.. WHAT on earth are you waiting for??!! It really makes the tree.  And if you have made one.. I'd love to see a picture of it! Either email me.. or leave a link in the comments so everyone can come have a look. Pin It

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas complete...

Wouldn't that be nice if I actually could say "Christmas complete".. as in all the shopping done? Wishful thinking on my part.. I've barely begun.

But I did finished the Christmas Wall hanging and wanted to share some of the completed pictures.

I quilted this one by hand and couldn’t be happier with the results.

I also added buttons as the holly berries to give it dimension.

The fabrics for the main body are from the "12 days of Christmas" group by Henry Glass. The binding is from the line “Fruitcake” by Basic Grey for Moda.

I wasn’t sure about my binding choice – I had initially planned on going with a green binding. But I’m glad I went with what I did.

Next – I plan on making a Mantle Quilt that coordinates with this wall hanging. Let’s hope it looks as good on the mantle as it does on paper!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We have been in our new house for 2 months now. I am still decorating.. and unpacking. There.. I admit it. I still have quite a few boxes that need to be opened.  

I wanted to hang some of my favorite pictures of my kids in our dining room. But it felt like something was missing. The wall needed “texture”. I contemplated a shelf, but couldn’t find anything that I liked without buying all new frames. And let’s be honest, that wasn’t in the budget.

So on my way home yesterday – it hit me! Well, it didn't really "hit" me.. but the idea came to me for a small quilt!!

When I walked in the door – I went straight to my sewing room and got to work. I used 100% scraps (which is always a plus) from my recent table topper project. The fabric is “Gobble Gobble” by Deb Strain for Moda.

And here is another admission – I’m not a fan of the hand sewing portion of binding a quilt. I know.. I know.. a lot of you say this is your favorite part. But I think you are crazy. I don’t dislike it as much as I did when I first started quilting.. but it’s still not my favorite.

So when I saw this idea for a scrappy binding in Camille’s Book “Simplify” which I told you about a few posts ago – I was determined to give it a try. You use a 1 ½ inch strip of fabric and I love it! It was quick.. and after I washed it to give it that scrappy look - I was hooked.

I can’t stop looking at my new ‘wall’.. I love how it looks. Now I need to dig deep for some self control so I don’t have mini quilts hanging on every wall of the house. It was so fun to make.

I guess sometimes we all need those projects that offer quick results to spark our creativity and keep us sewing! I think I need a mini quilt in the bathroom.. maybe in the laundry room.. the kitchen... somebody stop me!!
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Twisted Table Topper

Ok.. remember recently when I showed you the Twister Tool? If not.. you can read about it here.

I finished this small table topper using the Mini Twister and some Charm squares.

I love how it turned out and it was super quick to make. I've actually had it done for a few weeks but never got around to showing you until now.

I'm thinking this little tool would make a great Friday Night Sew-in prize in the future! Maybe December.. I'll have to see what I can come up with. Pin It

Monday, November 15, 2010

I was featured!! Check it out!

I received an email recently from Heather over at Quilt Story. She asked if they could feature one of my quilts on their blog. Naturally, I couldn't say no.

I decided to let Heather choose which quilt she wanted to feature and she picked a good one that I made for one of my Arizona friends. 

Click here to read all about it.. but be prepared to stay awhile.. it's hard to stop reading all the great Quilt Stories! Pin It