Friday, April 23, 2010

Sun Damage - the cure!

I really wish this post was me telling you that I found the cure for those wrinkles around our eyes.

And if you don't think you have any.. look again - there they are! Darn wrinkles!! If I had the cure - I wouldn't be sitting in front of the computer.. I'd be on a plane heading to some fantastic destination!

But here I am - and this is my last post about my home projects (I promise). My front door faces west - so it has taken a beating from the Arizona Sun since it was built nearly 20 years ago. And I've watched enough HGTV to know that my tired front door would not make a good impression when people start lining up to buy it. (lol.. that's my positive attitude coming through)

Here is the before...

And after....

Big improvement!!

Now before you think I'm never going to post another handmade item - don't fret! I'm sewing tonight!!

I'm just waiting for the mailman - he's going to deliver a sweet little box from my Sewing Buddy - Bobbi. I was in search of some "Woodland Bloom" by Lila Tueller from last year - and Bobbi saved me. I even offered to make a trade but she wouldn't have it. So I'm going to have to think of something nice to do for her in return. (especially since she has a milestone b'day coming up the end of May.. but don't tell her I told you)

UPDATE - Shortly after I posted - the mailman arrived. I'm a lucky girl today!! Here are all the fabrics she put in the mail to me..

Look at all these goodies - charm pack.. jelly roll scraps and a huge pile of fat quarters. I think I almost pee'd my pants fainted when I opened the box!

And she made me this adorable little booklet for my needles.

So tonight I will be locked in my sewing room - relaxing with my music on.. sewing my heart out! I can't wait!!!

Happy Friday!!!!
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Monday, April 19, 2010

One Good Reason!

If you've been a follower of my blog for a while you have probably noticed that I haven't posted quite as many sewing projects as I once was. I'm trying.. I promise.

I have a good reason for that though - really, I do. I have been working (and hard) on some home improvement projects. And I'm up against a deadline.. only 3 weeks left to finish it all. (I'll tell you why very soon)

Today I will share my Master Bathroom redo - even though I still need to decorate it.. and call the "Handy Ma'am" to come install new faucets. And yes, you read that right.. I said "Handy Ma'am"... her name is Julia and she is awesome. More on her later..

But first.. pictures..
Before.. yuck! I've hated that light fixture since before we even moved it. And.. now.. 5 years later

Can you beleive it's the same spot? Amazing I tell you.

We painted the walls. Sanded and stained the cabinet. Replaced the light fixture and mirrors. All for around $200, 1 arguement.. and some elbow grease. Not bad huh?

Of course, I would have much rather purchased new cabinets and countertop - but it just wasn't in the budget.

Now I just need the Handy Ma'am to come and replace the faucet on the right. Funny kid story - the first time we ever met Julia - the Handy Ma'am - my then 4 yr old was taken back by her manly sounding voice. He says "Mom, that's not a lady".. thank goodness she didn't hear him.

My husband isn't the 'handy-est" when it comes to home improvements projects. He comes from a family that hired contractors for everything. Unlike me - my Dad is a jack of all trades. He can do it all. About 10 yrs ago he even built his own 4 car garage with heated floors.

I always want to tackle the big projects.. while my husband won't budge. And since my Dad lives 1,800 miles away.. they usually don't get done.

So ladies - if you are married to a man who can do all those things, go give him a hug!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Small window into room redo's

Well, the boys bedrooms are pretty much complete. Still have a few things to do - but I'm moving on to other projects for now.

I didn't just move furniture this time - I went deep into the closets.. cleaned them totally out and started over. I donated 2 loads of toys to Goodwill.. I have 2 bags of clothes and a giant box of books in the back of my car waiting to go to Goodwill as well.

Here are a couple pictures from my oldests bedroom...
 I found this nightstand at Walmart on clearance for $65. Perfect for a kids bedroom.
Here is a picture of his license plate collection - he only has 5 states and one Canadian Province (Ontario) so far. So if you have an old license plate sitting around.. we'll take it off your hands.

And here is a snapshot of the little guys room. I found these bins at Target.. they come in 2 cube sections for $19. I'd show you more of the room, but it's pretty bare. I realized that the last time he had his own room he was a baby - so I don't have anything to hang on his walls and the room is so big it looks empty.

I should have taken before pictures - but I couldn't bring myself to show you. You would have said "Whoa".

But I promise.. I'm doing my closet and our laundry room next.. and I will keep it real and show you the befores and afters.

I have been sewing too - but it's for a baby gift  so I can't show you yet.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Get organized already!!

Some of you who know me outside of blogland already know that I was recently laid off my job. don't feel bad for me. I'm pretty happy about it. Blessings sometimes come in strange ways. I wasn't working for a very nice person. Even though it's a big hit to our finances - I know another MUCH BETTER job is on the horizon for me.

So for now - I'm home.. 100% Mom.. and I have an urge to get organized. I'm hoping to cross some bigs tasks off the to-do list. Some simple.. others - not so much. I'm going deep into the depths of dark corners and closets.. and I promise to share pictures of my progress and some organizational inspiration along the way.

Today I want to share a simple one.. I am lucky to have a sewing room to spread out my mess. And I wanted a simple way to keep all my in-progress projects organized (say that 5 times).

I found these containers at Target for only 3.99.
Ignore the mess on bottom of picture - that's a basket of scrapbooking stuff. Need to work on that too.

Anyway - the plan is to keep all things related to ongoing projects in their own bin. Hopefully this will work as smoothly as it sounds.

And now for a prettier picture...

These are my Pinwheel Sampler blocks that I finished this morning. I'm using "Natures Notebook" from Moda for this quilt.

Now I'm off to re-arrange some bedrooms. Our boys currently share a room and I am going to move them into their own rooms. They've been asking for awhile and have said they are ready to give up their playroom to make it happen.

Oh.. and if you know of any good Systems Analyst jobs.. let me know. lol.
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