And if you don't think you have any.. look again - there they are! Darn wrinkles!! If I had the cure - I wouldn't be sitting in front of the computer.. I'd be on a plane heading to some fantastic destination!
But here I am - and this is my last post about my home projects (I promise). My front door faces west - so it has taken a beating from the Arizona Sun since it was built nearly 20 years ago. And I've watched enough HGTV to know that my tired front door would not make a good impression when people start lining up to buy it. (lol.. that's my positive attitude coming through)
Here is the before...
And after....
Big improvement!!
Now before you think I'm never going to post another handmade item - don't fret! I'm sewing tonight!!
I'm just waiting for the mailman - he's going to deliver a sweet little box from my Sewing Buddy - Bobbi. I was in search of some "Woodland Bloom" by Lila Tueller from last year - and Bobbi saved me. I even offered to make a trade but she wouldn't have it. So I'm going to have to think of something nice to do for her in return. (especially since she has a milestone b'day coming up the end of May.. but don't tell her I told you)
UPDATE - Shortly after I posted - the mailman arrived. I'm a lucky girl today!! Here are all the fabrics she put in the mail to me..
Look at all these goodies - charm pack.. jelly roll scraps and a huge pile of fat quarters. I think I almost pee'd my pants fainted when I opened the box!
And she made me this adorable little booklet for my needles.
So tonight I will be locked in my sewing room - relaxing with my music on.. sewing my heart out! I can't wait!!!
Happy Friday!!!!
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