Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Science.... zzzzzzzzz

I have a 13 year old who LOVES Science. I often find myself the victim of his endless science facts and long explanations. And usually, these conversations end about 1/2 way through when my eyes gloss over and I start to snore.
But there are times when I am intrigued... Like this last week. He had an assignment to make a Cell. But the Teacher said it had to be edible.
So, he made a list of things he needed and off to the store we went.
His Cell is a 1/2 a Grape, inside 1/2 a peach.. inside 1/2 a Honeydew Melon.
Then we used various candy for the other parts.

His teacher told him she had never seen one made from fruit in all her years. Kids typically use a giant cookie, or a cake.

He was surprised that he was the first to use fruit. He told her "Really? Because fruit was the first thing that came to my mind." And she told him she was impressed with his "out of the box" thinking and gave him extra credit!
He didn't even wait to tell me he had an "A+".. he called me from the bus.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day of School

Yep.. that First Day of School 2011 has come and gone! My boys started another school year here in Minnesota. Only this year didn't start with quite as much drama as last year. 

Mostly because we moved last Fall and I now have to drive them every day because the Big Yellow Bandit School Bus doesn't come to our house out here in the boon docks.

I can't believe how much they have grown this past year! They were excited to get back to work.. that only lasted about 3 days though.

My oldest is struggling with adjusting to full blown middle school. You know, changing classes all day long. And navagating it all alone. It's times like this that makes parenting hard because you see your kids 'suffering' and you can't do anything about it. Except tell them that it really does get easier.. and that all their friends are going through it too.

And my youngest is once again making his teacher earn every penny in her paycheck. He is a little turkey who loves to make others laugh.. aka Class Clown. Which may sound cute and funny - but it's really not. Even though it's hard not to laugh sometimes when the teacher tells us some of the things he has said. I usually kringe.. while my husband chuckles. And yes, only 8 days into the new year - we already received our first phone call from the teacher.

I'd better start planning her teacher gifts now! She deserves em!

Aaaah.. the joys of parenting.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wa wa.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sledding.. makes me feel like I'm 10 years old all over again.

And yes.. before you say anything.. I know there is a tree right in the middle of the sledding path. The kids actually made this sled run before we knew what they were up to. My husband brought home hay bales yesterday to cover it. We also had to put hay bales at the end since it stops at the tree line into the woods.

We also made a few more runs using the snowblower.. the kids are having a blast.

Come over.. let's go sledding!! I'll make you hot cocoa when we are done.. with marshmallows. Pin It

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Whirlwind of a Week!!

Did you happen to see the National Weather earlier this week? There was a hurricane in the upper Midwest. Ok, it wasn't a true hurricane - but it sure looked like one of the radar. When we went to bed Tuesday night, the weather man said "Wind Advisory" for our area. But he didn't say "HOLY SNOW"

 We woke up Wednesday morning to our first snowfall. And when I say "We" woke up.. I actually mean the kids since me and the husband were up half the night because our power went out at around 1:30am. (and didn't come on until this morning.. some 30 hours later!!)

School was cancelled - the kids were thrilled (me, not so much). Since we have been desert dwellers for the past 13 years.. our kids couldn't wait to get out and play and enjoy their first ever "Snowday" home from school.

 They played.. and they played....

Now, one would think that a snowstorm would be the perfect time to get some sewing in. But - without electricity there wasn't much I could do. Made me think that someone needs to invent a battery powered sewing machine!!

So, with my husband at work and the kids forgetting I existed, I decided to shovel the limited amount of concrete that we have. But man was that snow HEAVY... I guess that's why it took the power lines down too. So I just shoveled a path and decided to let my husband finish when he got home (thanks honey).

 And at some point while shoveling.. I think I overheard our dog say "FINALLY, after 12 years, this family realizes that I was meant to live in the snow. Don't they know I'm called an American Eskimo for a reason?!!"

She was so funny! It was the first time in her life that she had ever seen snow and she loved it. She was like a puppy again.

 Behind the house we have a deer feeder. We fill it daily for the deer and it's been fun for all of us.

But since I'm the one that goes down their every day to fill it - I told my husband I want to move it closer to the house for winter. Unless I get a pair of snow shoes.. which isn't likely.

We have even started to name the deer - we have 4 regulars. This one in the picture below is "Mark".
WHY MARK? I'll tell you why! When we were discussing names, my husband said "We should use their markings to help us remember." So our 6 yr old says "Let's call him Mark cuz of his white mark". So here is a picture of Mark..

Here's to electricity!!! Stay warm out there!
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nothing "Lady" about it!

I had no idea how many different animals migrate through this part of the country. Seriously.. I'm shocked.

Apparently the Lady Bug is one of them. At some point they have gone from being "cute and harmless" to "ENOUGH ALREADY"!!!!

I have them everywhere..

in my Kitchen..

on my ceilings..

in my cupboards..

on every door and window..


Hard to see them in this picture - but there is like 10 in one corner of the back entry.

And I don't even want to know what these two were doing! For crying out loud - there are children in the house!

"Mommy - why do those two keep flapping their wings?"

"They must be fighting."... that's my story.. and I'm sticking to it. Pin It

Sunday, May 30, 2010

All wet.. and happy!

Need I say more?

My husband and I decided that since we are about to move our family to the middle of America.. far away from the ocean.. the kids needed to see the Pacific for one last time. So, me, the brave and fearless mother that I am.. brought them for a 4 day weekend.. by myself.

Yesterday we went to Sea World.. it was only my youngest son's first time and boy did we have a blast. The best part of course was Shamu! We sat in the "Soak Zone" and did we get soaked!!!!

I didn't use my zoom on any of these photos.. it was so awesome to be this close.

One funny "ah ha" kid comment though that I need to share. My kids have both seen the ocean more than once in their lives.. but this was the first time we drove along the Pacific Coast Highway for any length of time. We had an hour long trip down to Sea World.. and you could pretty much see the Pacific the entire way. So after about 20 minutes - my youngest says to his older brother "Dude! Did you know the ocean was THIS big??!!"

It had never dawned on me that he didn't grasp the enormity of it all this time... and he still doesn't. lol

Today we are hitting the beach and also - one quilt store. I can't travel all the way here and not go to atleast one quilt store. It wasn't easy finding one that was open on a Sunday and easy for me to get to. I'll be sure to let you know what kind of stash I find at the quilt store!
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Friday, April 30, 2010

A Bad Breakup!!

About 4 years ago.. my now 6yr old got this little dolly and fell in love. He named her Shirley. Him and Shirley had alot of adventures.. I even found her in the freezer once. When I asked "Why is Shirley in the freezer?" His reply was "Because she likes it."  Well, after living in the desert, I can't really argue with that. I've wanted to crawl in the freezer a few times myself.

Here is a picture of him and Shirley in happier times...

Cute dress she has on too - not sure where that dress went, but it's long been gone.

Now - before you think I let my 6yr old son carry a 'doll' around.. let me just say that she spends most her time in a toy box. But occasionally she gets pampered, wrapped in a blanky and rocked... like any good Daddy would do.

Fast forward to about a week ago.. He informed me "Mom, I don't like Shirley anymore - can you put her in the donation box?"

I quickly responded "NOOOO... we can't give Shirley away.. she's a part of the family."

He walked away and I assumed that him and Shirley would "make up" and things would be back to normal. Boy was I WRONG!!!!

I was driving home the other day and spotted something in the road on the side of our house (we live on a corner lot) and there was Shirley... laying in the road.

I quickly scooped her up and realized that my son had tossed her over the backyard fence.

But this was after he played tug-o-war with her, tossed her in the dirt and took all her stuffing out of her middle. Poor poor Shirley!! She looked horrible.. breakups can do that to a girl!

So, I cleaned her up.. restuffed her.. and stitched her closed.

Doesn't she look sweet and happy again?

Here she is after I told her that she's going in my closet - into a keepsake box - and probably won't see the light of day again until his Groom's Dinner in about 20 yrs. Sorry Shirley... but it's for your own good! Pin It

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Calm.. Cool.. and Collected.. not really!

So I was in my sewing room.. music on.. window open.. birds singing.. dog at my feet.. totally relaxed.
All of a sudden.. DING DONG...

It was the Mailman.. special delivery..

We ordered these weeks ago.. the kids have been waiting patiently.. and today they arrived.

Now - if you know me at all, you know I'm horrible in emergency situations. So the message on the box made me panic a little.. ok a lot.

I thought to myself "OMG.. I need to let them out.. but the boys are at school and they really wanted to do this.. but OMG.. it says OPEN IMMEDIATELY.. can they breath in there" I looked at the dog and actually said out loud "Biscuit, what do I do?" She looked anxious too.. I mean, the Mailman knew the importance too. Otherwise he would have left them in the mailbox instead of bringing them to the door.

But then I took a deep breath and my rational side woke up and I realized they had made it this far - they can wait a few more hours until school is out. 

Trust me - if there is an emergency - you'll find me in the corner sucking my thumb. I have no idea why I'm like this!  

Anyway - I'm sure some of you have done the butterfly garden before and loved it. This is our first time and I will keep you updated on their progress. Can't wait to see what they look like.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Snakes, Bats and Flowers

Bobbi has gotten me into stitchery lately.. just what I needed, another hobby. Well, my boys have become interested as well. They started last night with these simple snakes.. so cute.
Pretty good since he was doing it with his left hand!
We turned Michael's into a pillow. Joe still hasn't decided what he wants to do with his. He might frame it. Michael sew'd the pillow (with mom's help). But he did the snake all by himself.. he even colored the inside with colored pencil.

Then I made a 'Goofy' bat. It's mini - that's what he wanted. His brother wants a big one - like the Goofy Doll size - I'll be sewing that tonight.
Did I mention it's Spring Break right now? So my days are filled with activities to keep these monkey's busy. We also planted all our flower pots.. front and back.
We planted Strawberries....
And also planted Garlic - but no picture since it looks like a pot of dirt right now.

And here is a snapshot of how my afternoon ended...
I really need some "Me" time and it's only Wednesday... maybe I'll sneak out for a walk ALONE after dinner!
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Friday, March 12, 2010

The ole Football injury...

So after school yesterday - my 5th grader asks if he can meet his friends at the park for a game of football. Naturally I say "Yes, just be home in time for dinner".

About 45 minutes later.. there is a bang bang on the front door. I go to open it and it's my son. The minute he see's me, he starts to cry. "Mom, I hurt my arm.. Alex landed on it when he tackled me."

It was starting to swell - so his Dad put ice on it.

Fast Forward 2 hours... The conversation goes something like this:
Mom: I think I should take him in

Dad: No.. it's not broke, he can move his fingers and wrist.. he's fine

Mom: Just because he can move fingers doesn't mean it's not broke

Dad: Trust me.. I've seen these kinds of things.. It's not broke

Mom: I think it's broke

Dad: It's not broke

Mom: I'm going to error on the side of caution. I'm taking him in.

Fast Foward an hour - We have a confirmed broken Radius in the forearm. His Right arm.. and he's Right handed.

This is just the splint - he will be getting his cast Monday morning.

In the eyes of a boy.. that's one awesome Trophy!!

Lesson Learned: Never ignore a Mother's Instinct!!!!
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

You may think I'm crazy..

About 8am this morning, we loaded up the car... left our 60 degree day and started up through the mountains

Drove up and down steep mountain passes.. (do you like my noodle necklace hanging from mirror? lol)

Until we saw this...

Just so we could do this...

A lot of laughs.. a lot of smiles! And tomorrow.. a lot of sore muscles on Mommy.
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