Did you happen to see the National Weather earlier this week? There was a hurricane in the upper Midwest. Ok, it wasn't a true hurricane - but it sure looked like one of the radar. When we went to bed Tuesday night, the weather man said "Wind Advisory" for our area. But he didn't say "HOLY SNOW"
We woke up Wednesday morning to our first snowfall. And when I say "We" woke up.. I actually mean the kids since me and the husband were up half the night because our power went out at around 1:30am. (and didn't come on until this morning.. some 30 hours later!!)
School was cancelled - the kids were thrilled (me, not so much). Since we have been desert dwellers for the past 13 years.. our kids couldn't wait to get out and play and enjoy their first ever "Snowday" home from school.
They played.. and they played....
Now, one would think that a snowstorm would be the perfect time to get some sewing in. But - without electricity there wasn't much I could do. Made me think that someone needs to invent a battery powered sewing machine!!
So, with my husband at work and the kids forgetting I existed, I decided to shovel the limited amount of concrete that we have. But man was that snow HEAVY... I guess that's why it took the power lines down too. So I just shoveled a path and decided to let my husband finish when he got home (thanks honey).
And at some point while shoveling.. I think I overheard our dog say "FINALLY, after 12 years, this family realizes that I was meant to live in the snow. Don't they know I'm called an American Eskimo for a reason?!!"
She was so funny! It was the first time in her life that she had ever seen snow and she loved it. She was like a puppy again.
Behind the house we have a deer feeder. We fill it daily for the deer and it's been fun for all of us.
But since I'm the one that goes down their every day to fill it - I told my husband I want to move it closer to the house for winter. Unless I get a pair of snow shoes.. which isn't likely.
We have even started to name the deer - we have 4 regulars. This one in the picture below is "Mark".
WHY MARK? I'll tell you why! When we were discussing names, my husband said "We should use their markings to help us remember." So our 6 yr old says "Let's call him Mark cuz of his white mark". So here is a picture of Mark..
Here's to electricity!!! Stay warm out there!
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