About 4 years ago.. my now 6yr old got this little dolly and fell in love. He named her Shirley. Him and Shirley had alot of adventures.. I even found her in the freezer once. When I asked "Why is Shirley in the freezer?" His reply was "Because she likes it." Well, after living in the desert, I can't really argue with that. I've wanted to crawl in the freezer a few times myself.
Here is a picture of him and Shirley in happier times...
Cute dress she has on too - not sure where that dress went, but it's long been gone.
Now - before you think I let my 6yr old son carry a 'doll' around.. let me just say that she spends most her time in a toy box. But occasionally she gets pampered, wrapped in a blanky and rocked... like any good Daddy would do.
Fast forward to about a week ago.. He informed me "Mom, I don't like Shirley anymore - can you put her in the donation box?"
I quickly responded "NOOOO... we can't give Shirley away.. she's a part of the family."
He walked away and I assumed that him and Shirley would "make up" and things would be back to normal. Boy was I WRONG!!!!
I was driving home the other day and spotted something in the road on the side of our house (we live on a corner lot) and there was Shirley... laying in the road.
I quickly scooped her up and realized that my son had tossed her over the backyard fence.
But this was after he played tug-o-war with her, tossed her in the dirt and took all her stuffing out of her middle. Poor poor Shirley!! She looked horrible.. breakups can do that to a girl!
So, I cleaned her up.. restuffed her.. and stitched her closed.
Doesn't she look sweet and happy again?
Here she is after I told her that she's going in my closet - into a keepsake box - and probably won't see the light of day again until his Groom's Dinner in about 20 yrs. Sorry Shirley... but it's for your own good!
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3 days ago
Too adorable! For sure keep her...both for sentimental reasons and as future embarrassment/blackmail material lol
That is a funny story. Poor Shirley!
What a delightful story. I am pleased you found Shirley and have tucked her away for safe keeping.
Maybe you might like a laugh too, check out my post.
Great story for my morning chuckle!!!! I have visions of that dinner. ;)
Thats a super cute story. My mom took me and my brothers "shirleys" and put them in shadow boxes with a picture of us with them. Even if he doesn't like her anymore- his future wife and children may love to see that.
Oh, you are the best mom, for having rescued Shirley from the life on the street... I believe you have saved a treasure beyond measure. Good Mom! Good mom!
Aww, how lovely. I'd love to see his face when she reappears
What a great story! I am glad you rescued her, too.
What a great story that is!!! I love that you patched her up. What a mom.
I so enjoyed the story, and I agree with everyone that you are a great mom!
Lovely story sure glad you found Shirley some day he'll appreciate it.
That is such a cute story. One day when he has children he will appreciate that you saved her.
what a great story!!
You were lucky to find poor Shirley and rescue her before some wild animal made off with her :)
Your son will appreciate it someday!
My 6 1/2 yr son has a baby. She has been around since he was about 2. He still loves her and sleeps with her every night, although sometimes he goes weeks without her and then has a panic because he can't find her. I can't see there being a breakup in our house for a good while yet. And when there is, she too will be kept for a later appearance
I'll admite I haven't had to test this, but when nannying I have had no problem letting a boy play with dolls and tea party, my brother had a cabage patch doll eNamed Austin and loved...until the day he realised if he jumped off the top bunk in our bedroom (so prior to my realising boys are yuckie and demanding my own room when he was 4 and I was almost 10) and landed on Austin, Austin made a silly squeek sound! Austin did not last much longer, but was enjoyed until the end
Oh my, I love that story. We started a "21" box when our kids were small - to give them on their 21st birthday. Our son will be 21 this year is already shaking in his boots about what "treasures" are going to see the light of day!!!
So glad you rescued Shirley!
Regards, Sue
How funny is that. He really was ready to be rid of Shirley. She sure cleaned up good. I love that picture with her hands on her mouth.
Poor Shirley
So lucky you found her
i about pee'd my pants reading this story. i know shirley...she was pretty hot in her day. it was nice of you to give her surgery and make her all purdy again. cant wait to see her brought to life at that wedding!
Great Story!! He will be happy to see Shirley many years from now! and don't call me Shirley!!
Oh break my heart! Why do they have to grow up so fast?
Definitely my "chuckle of the day". Thanks!
You'd better get Shirley some flannel sheets for that box -- it gets might cold in Duluth !!!
What a cute story. Would love to be there in 20 years time.
I'm so glad Shirley was saved.
Poor Shirley!
So glad that you found Shirley and saved her- she will become a treasure again someday.
There is a lovely story called " William's Doll that you may enjoy reading.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Huh, well now, I guess that was a pretty clear message on your son's part. I'm glad you saved Miss Shirley for another day.
Great Story! - Definitely a keeper! Great job breathing some life back into Shirley!
Lovely story,he will love you for keeping her..I have just watched my toddler grand daughter wander around the house carrying her fathers toy rabbit he use to carry with him everywhere..it really could of been him with his rabbit again...brings a tear to the eye..thank you for bringing a smile to my face.
Cheers Michelle
What a wondersful story. Shirley is a keeper for sure. Happy Quilting!
The photos really help tell the story. I hope you print out a copy of the post to keep with the doll so he'll have it to read one day too. He's lucky to have such a loving, thoughtful mom!
You should pack a copy of your sweet story along with poor Shirley for the future. I'm sure by your son's wedding rehersal dinner, you might forget what you said here. LOL (I loved the story...especially since I remember "Wally", my son's Cabbage patch doll. Which, incidentally, he still has.)
What a cute story. Shirley looks pretty dejected laying on the road. I'm glad to see that you were able to repair her. He'll laugh about this story someday.
Thanks for sharing such a cute story. Your son will eventually treasure this childhood memory someday.
That is such a funny story! I have 2 boys so can imagine it all very clearly! I sell those 'groovy girl' dolls in my shop here in Edinburgh. They would be so shocked and upset to see those photos! Well done for saving her!
Too funny!! Poor kids future girlfriends are shaking in their boots!!
What a great story!
Here I am, reading your darling Shirley break up story nearly a year after you wrote it. I hope you save Shirley until your son is a daddy himself. It would be much too embarrassing at his Groom's dinner and he might find it difficult to forgive you for the humiliation it would cause him. The few laughs would never be worth the pain it would cause.
My son still has the little doll my mother made for him. She made them long ago for all her grandchildren. My son is in his 30's. "Overalls" had his face loved off and replaced a few times. I haven't seen him in years but I do know he's cared for.
I've got a photo of my son as a two year old, "breast feeding" his doll because it was what he saw me doing with his baby sister. I would never show that to others, never ever! When he's a daddy, I will give it to him.
What a cute story!
I like the idea of printing the story out and keeping it with her.
Your son will really like to read it one day. :)
I love this story! I am glad to see her safe and loved... if only we could be there for the day she is reunited with your son!
Great story! THanks for sharing.
Sylvia's Stitches
Great story and it will be a Great gift to his future wife and baby.
Jeannette in Sunny Saint Augustine, Florida
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