Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Change in Plans

Well here is a bit of a blog afterall, and it's personal.

Last night at this time I thought I would be a "Poppa" for the second time by now (Monday night). My second Grandchild was supposed to be born this morning. But the Lord has His ways and His will and we can only follow Him and trust Him.

After Jenifer was sent home today because Barrett decided to change positions drastically, I went to the office and watched as the Lord opened some doors of ministry opportunity. He knew I would be needed and would be pulled if my grandson had been born today. The Lord is so good. He even cared that I would be conflicted if a tiny baby was born today.

Barrett will be here in the morning around 7:30 a.m., the Lord willing. But we are trusting His way and His will and the Lord never does wrong.

Gripped by Grace,

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year

I got started early this morning because I needed to be at Children's Hosp. early. After that I paid another visit to a hospital then ran some errands for the office, among other things. Up to that point all is well and I am glad to have been used of the Lord to touch some lives.

However,when I have a number of important and necessary things on my to-do list I tend to get my head going ahead of myself and can get frustrated at myself when, by my timing, I fall behind.

Coming into Calera at 11:00 a.m. I decided to take an early lunch and get back to the office to get some things done there before a 2:30 p.m. appointment I have with someone.

I was sitting eating lunch with DeeDee and Aubrey which is a great treat and as I helped clean up a little I noticed I was off my schedule. I put it in high gear and rushed around the house then took off down the stairs to the car. I got in the garage with my calendar, my Calvin's Institutes book and a big bag of garbage and realized I forgot my cell phone, arrgh. So I put the garbage in the can, my calendar and book on the back of the car and ran upstairs to get my phone. I got the phone ran back downstairs and grabbed my calendar and book jumped in my car and backed out. Then I realized I forgot my laptop aarrggh!! again.

I backed into the driveway ran in the house, hollered up at DeeDee, "I forgot my silly laptop!" I was not happy with myself. Then I heard the voice of a two year old from upstairs for no reason say, "Happy New Year, Poppa".

Ouch!! I am preaching the blessedness, (happiness) of the believer from the Beatitudes, yet I am all out of sorts over being behind a little bit, and it's my fault.

Maybe it only spoke to me but I needed to share this with somebody and since I don't blog, DeeDee says I should (arrggh), this was the best place to share this. *** sidenote - DeeDee has posted this on the blog***

Are you in a "snit" over something? Take it from me, it doesn't help matters. Instead listen to a two year old, "Happy New Year". If we live for the Lord even when we fall behind or our money gets short, personally and in business, or any other thing happens, we need to look at the Beatitudes and make sure our life matches up and then we can say, "Happy New Year".

Well, that is what it said to me, anyway.

Happy New Year,